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1934 Mi.259-264, For Children-issue, complete set of, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1937-38 Mi.303-308 + 315-320, Children's Aid 2x, nice quality, c.v.. 22€ + 25€ U:A5
1938 Mi.309-314, Anniv of Death, nice quality, c.v.. 70€ U:A5
1938-39 Mi.309-314, 321-330 Anniv of Death + Anniv of Independence, good postmark, well preserved, c.v.. 26€ + 28€ U:A5
1957 Mi.572-574, Europe, clear postmark, well preserved, c.v.. 40€ U:A5
1931 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with mixed franking Luxembourg Mi.234-237 + France Mi.168, CDS Luxembourg/ Ville/ 10.4.31, lucemburská Reg label and confirmation cancel., arrival Prague-airport/ 11.4.31 in front, on reverse CDS Strasbourg 11.4.31, hints after sticking to collection, good condition U:A5