1758 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE letter (small envelope incl. content) addressed to to Germany, hand-made "De Prag", postmaster note. chalk in front also on reverse, broken seal, inside dated Skworetz bei Prag, 16.April 1758, well preserved
1790-94NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE comp. 10 pcs of letters from various places Slovakia, for example. Rimavská Sobota, Levoča, Okoličná, Lučivna, Raho (Rachovo), rare offer, well preserved
1818? envelope, line CDS PODERSAM (Podbořany), Vot.č.1819/2, marked "de Maschau", sent to count Leopold de Thun, sealed, slightly wrinkled, after all good condition
1837-47 comp. 2 pcs of letters, to Potštátu and to Kojetín, 1x straight line postmark BRÜNN (blue and brown), on reverse arrival KOJETEIN, good condition
1849 folded letter, smaller format, straight line postmark KLAGENFURT/ 9.JUL. + red line FRANCO, on reverse incomplete arrival postmark. SAN VITO, good condition
1850comp. 3 pcs of folded letters with straight line pmk OBER-BOBRAU, on reverse nice seal, FELDSBERG, POSORITZ on reverse arrival INGROWITZ, transit pmk STATION BRÜNN and STATION ZWITTAU, nice imprints
1850comp. 4 pcs of folded letters with straight line pmk FELDSBERG, INGROWITZ, on reverse M.NEUSTADTL, OBER-BOBRAU, Ex offo letter UNG. BROD, on reverse arrival WSETIN, nice imprints
1850 Mi.1Y (ANK-catalogue 1M) Coat of arms, MP, T III., clear postmark, light (thin) place, L margin 5mm, R close margin, certificate Babor from year 2004, c.v.. 120€, profitable offer
1850 Mi.2Y (ANK-catalogue 2M) Coat of arms, MP, T III., good margin, postmark WIEN, nice piece, certificate Babor from year 2003, cat. Ferchenbauer 95€
1850 issue I, selection of 20 pcs of stamp. and cut-squares values, 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer with nice pmk from Bohemia as BÖHM. ZWICKAU, LANDSKRON, HOSTAU, NASSABERG, straight line postmark PETSCH etc..
1850 issue I, selection of 20 pcs of stamp. and cut-squares values 2Kr(1x), 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer with nice pmk from Bohemia as GRATZEN, WOTTITZ, BILIN, line CŽASLAU, line KOSMANOS etc..
1850 issue I, selection of 20 pcs of stamp. and cut-squares values 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer with nice pmk from Bohemia, i.a. KONIGGRAZ, line BIELITZ, WANSDORF, KREIBITZ, line DAUBA etc..
1850 issue I, selection of 20 pcs of stamp. and cut-squares values 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer with nice pmk from Moravia as ROMERSTADT, B.H. LUNDENBURG, MAHR. TRUBAU, ZAUCHTL, SEELOWITZ, line GAYA etc..
1850issue I, selection of 22 pcs of stamp. 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer with nice pmk from Bohemia, i.a. straight line postmark LOBOSITZ, blue line GEORGSWALDE, OBER LEITENSDORF, TEPLITZ, ASCH, BÖHM. ZWICKAU etc..
1850 issue I, selection of 22 pcs of stamp. and cut-squares values 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer with nice pmk from Bohemia as BÖHM. KAMNITZ, BŒH. BROD, HOHENELBE etc..
1850 issue I, selection of 23 pcs of stamp. and cut-squares values 2Kr(1x), 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer with nice pmk from Moravia as line ROTHWASSER, BLANSKO, FRAINERSDORF and several postmarks BRUNN
1850 issue I, selection of 20 pcs of stamp. and cut-squares values 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer with nice pmk from Moravia as ZNAIM, line MISTEK, line NAPACEDL, line OLMÜTZ, SEELOWITZ etc..
1850 comp. 9 pcs of cut-squares with stamps the first issue., all with Hungarian postmarks, 1x 6+3Kr, good print, also Slovak territory, well preserved