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1920 2 pcs of R letters franked with. 4-tuple franking stamp. 20h blue-green, Pof.8 in/at postal rate III; 1x letter franked with. 4 pcs of stamp. 20h with CDS HÁJE 7.VI.20 and forerunner Austrian R label; 1x Reg letter franked with. block of four stamp. 20h, cancelled nationalized CDS PRAGUE 9/ 20/2 20 (on reverse torn flap); both pieces decorative! U:A5
1920 2x parcel dispatch card segment, mixed franking stamps Hradčany with stmp Hussite-issue 80h or 90h, good condition U:A5
1920 2x parcel dispatch card segment, mixed franking stamps Hradčany with stmp Hussite-issue 80h or 90h, good condition U:A5
1920 money letter for 3230K sent in/at printed matter envelope with monogram Czechoslovakia/ 2h, with Pof.6C, 19, on reverse Pof.25, nationalized CDS PRAGUE 5/ 17.IV.20, without seal, evidently posted as open money letter with handwritten remark "přepočteno"; missing part back flap U:A5
1920 letter to Hořovice with Pof.1, 1C (2x), 4, 4C, 6C, NV1, S2, broken-out CDS Brno 2/ 24.VI.20, interesting mixed franking, envelope 1x vertical folded out of stmp., good condition U:A5
1920 letter as printed matter franked with. vertical pair Pof.3 5h blue-green, joined spiral types pos. 22, plate 3, CDS NUSLE 25.X.20, c.v.. 1200CZK U:A5
1920 letter sent 19.6.1920 from Čaty to Kolín, with Pof.12, railway postmark Horná Breznica-Parkáň č.891, light imprint U:A5
1920 letter sent 30.8.20 from Novosedlic to Podmokly with Pof.4A, 6C, 9C, 11F, sought 4-coloured franking, slightly broken corner also over the stmp U:A5
1920 commercial PC sent 28.11.20 from clear in/at Podkrkonoší to Prague, with Pof.13B, 6N, stmp 6N close margins - neprůkazná, after all very interesting U:A5
1920 commercial heavier letter to Austria in/at IV. postal rate with single franking stamp. 200h, Pof.22A, CDS REICHENBERG/ 10.VIII.20; small tearing in upper margin envelope/-s U:A5
1920 commercial printed matter to France in/at II. postal rate, franked by stmp Hradčany 1h + 3h and Spěšnými stamp. used as postage 2h + 5h, Pof.1, 2, S1, S2, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 5.III.20, arrival postmark PARIS 10.III.20 on face-side; good condition U:A5
1920 postcard sent as Reg to Poland, with Hradčany 75h (Pof.18), CDS PRAGUE 8/ ?.I.20, arrival postmark. thimple postmark Wr.1/1, single franking, good condition U:A5
1920 usage Hradcany-issue stamp. as postage-due, larger part of parcel card with Pof.20 3x with CDS BRATISLAVA 9.VIII.20, at the delivery place burdened with postage-due - paid multicolor franking Hradcany-issue stamp. Pof.4D, 7B, 8 2x, 14, without overprint and mark, cancelled by postmark VELKÉ BOŠANY 11.VIII.20; several stamp. zastřižených to picture, interesting document of postal traffic U:A5
1920 Reg letter with provisional zapsanou R "label", Hungarian CDS NAGYRÓCZE 920 Mar.12. (Revúca), with 75h, Pof.18; good condition U:A5
1920 Reg letter sent in/at postal rate II franked with. 20 pcs of (!) stamp. 3h, Pof.2 and 1 pcs of Pofis. 7 on front and back side envelope/-s, CDS KAŠPERSKÉ HORY 24.I.20; good condition, sought multicolor franking! U:A5
1920 Reg letter to USA with Pof.20, Hradčany 100h brown, CDS ZAHRÁDKA, on reverse arrival CHICAGO JUL/16/20, torn in upper margin, frayed in L margin U:A5
1920 Reg letter with Pof.12 and 16, both stamp. with private perf + 5h and 120h Hradčany on/for grey maculature paper, CDS žižkov 2/ 11.IV.20, Reg label, incl. certificate of mailing, worse quality, We recommend it examination U:A5
1920 Reg letter sent 30.10. 20 from Prostějov to Fiume, with Pof.6C, 17B block of four, interesting, good condition U:A5
1920 printed matter sent 29.3.20 from Prague to Nová Říše, with Pof.4F, holes after/around perforator out of stmp U:A5
1920 printed matter to USA (!) in/at III. postal rate, with Pof.2, 1C 2x, 4B, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 8.V.20; small tearing in margins envelope/-s U:A5
1920 off. preprinted letter Postal office check in Prague addressed to to Austria, with 50h violet Pof.15 with CDS POST OFFICE ŠEKOVÝ/ PRAGUE 20.III.20; good condition U:A5
1920 off. R mailing osvobozena partially from postage, paid stamp. 50h filová only Reg Surtax, Pof.15, CDS JIČÍN 15.III.20 - First Day postal rate III (!), pre-printed envelope District contributory treasury in Jičín, good condition, decorative U:A5
1920 cut parcel dispatch-note, with Pof.23, and bisected stmp 26, dispatch-note underglued U:A5
1920 cut C.O.D. dispatch-note with Pof.6, 14, CDS KOŠICE 2/20.7.1920, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1920 parcel dispatch card segment i.a. franked by stmp 500h, Pof.25 IIr, frame type, CDS AŠ 13.IX.20, exp. by Sablatura., cat. Merkur-Revue only stamp. 750CZK U:A5
1920 parcel dispatch card segment franked with. i.a. pair stamp. 500h Pof.25 with spiral type II., CDS BRATISLAVA 9.XI.20, stamp. Krebs U:A5
1920 parcel dispatch card segment with Pof.7 pair, spiral types combination, CDS NÁDAŠ 29.4.20, good condition U:A5
1920 parcel dispatch card segment with Pof.8, 6 exp. by Karasek., CDS Rimavská Sobota 1.7.1920, close margin on one side U:A5
1920 cut cheque order with message owner invoice with 20h blue-green, Pof.8, nationalized CDS KŘETÍN 14.IV.20; in margin fold and hole from letter file/-s U:A5
1920 larger part of parcel card franked with. str-of-3 stamp. 500h, Pof.25, CDS DEJVICE 25.IX.20; yellowy lower margin dispatch-note U:A5
1920 Sample without value, 2 pcs of letters to same addressee with commercial added-print and note. by hand "Sample without value" with 30h Pof.13B with CDS PLZEŇ 25.VI.20, on reverse decorative commercial stick-on label S.V.Neumann - Plzeň; 1x envelope with postmark Sample without value with Pof.4A, 11 with MC PRAGUE 14.IV.20 (incomplete print); good condition U:A5
1920-21 2 entires with simple franking stamp. 50h blue, Pof.16, 1x R service letter postage free with paid Reg fee/charge 50h in/at postal rate II, nationalized CDS KAMBERK 21/1 20 + 1x postcard to Switzerland returned back with label "Parti", MC KRÁL. VINOHRADY 21.IV.21; good condition U:A5
1920-21 comp. 11 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with 500h, Pof.25 in various mixed frankings, from that 1x spiral type II., 2x uprated with stamp 1000h, Pof.26; good condition U:A5
1920-22 comp. 3 pcs of entires with Pof.17 (2 letters) and Liberated Republic Pof.158, 2x advertising added print ZORA, 1x Express letter, CDS OLOMOUC, light stains U:A5
1921 Reg letter to Switzerland, on reverse with Pof.15 5x, CDS Prague 9/ 9.IV.21, Reg label, well preserved U:A5
1921 težký commercial letter i.a. franked by stmp 300h and 100h with lower margin and control-numbers, Pof.23, 20, 16, 146, 151, railway pmk č.961/ SMOLNICKÁ HUTA - MARGECANY 8.IX.29 (badly set up statement date of printing ), pre-printed envelope format A4 on/for Grófa Csáky László; signs of usage U:A4
1921 parcel dispatch card segment i.a. franked by stmp 500h, Pof.25 IIr, frame type, CDS OPAVA 1.II.21, exp. by Karasek., cat. Merkur-Revue only stamp. 750CZK U:A5