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1939 Alb.2-19a+b-22, Overprint issue, complete set of, minor gum fault, exp. Dub, Novotný, mark Kaufmann U:A5
1939 Alb.4pg, Overprint issue, block of four, parchment paper, cat. Zsf 2800SKK U:A5
1940 Alb.48Y, Tatra (small format) 10h brown, wmk P3, 200-stamps counter sheet with margin and plate number A1, missing LL block of four, c.v.. 2.960Sk, folded in perforation U:A3v–
1940 Alb.48Y, Tatra (small format) 10h brown, wmk P4, 200-stamps counter sheet with margin and plate number A1, missing LR block of four, c.v.. 2.960Sk, folded in perforation U:A3v–
1940 Alb.N50, Tatra (small format), imperforated pair, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 1800SKK U:A5
1940 Alb.51D, Tatra (small format) 30h oranžověhnědá, comp. 2 pcs of 200-stamps. counter sheet with margin and plate number A3, wmk P1 and P2, line perforation 10¼;, folded in perforation U:A3v–
1942 Alb.75-80, Scholarship, complete set 8 pcs of 50-stamps. counter sheet, folded in perforation U:A3v–
1939 catalogue Zsf. NV1-9, Newspaper stamps marginal block-of-4 with protective ledge, cat. Zsf 1000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.D1Y, Postage due stmp 5h blue, wmk P1, complete 100-stamps. counter sheet with margin and plate number 1, c.v.. 1420Sk, folded in perforation, in margin partially torn in perforation U:A3v–
1939 Alb.D1Y, Postage due stmp 5h blue, wmk P2, complete 100-stamps. counter sheet with margin and plate number 1, c.v.. 1420Sk, folded in perforation U:A3v–
1942 Alb.ND15, Postage due stmp 40h brown imperforated, with upper margin sheet, light ribbed paper and minor gum fault., exp. by Mahr + mark "M.D.V.P./pošta", interesting U:A5
1942 Alb.ND21, Postage due stmp 1,30 Koruna red imperforated, with upper margin sheet, gum to examination, exp. by Mahr U:A5
1939 comp. 2 pcs of Czechosl. PC CDV65 sent to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x uprated by. mixed franking Czechosl. and Slovak stamp., 1x Slovak stamp., good condition U:A5
1939 CDV3, Hlinka 50h - double, olive green, clear, Un, c.v.. 1500SKK U:A5
1945 CDV13/16, Kremnica 1Ks, to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS ILAVA 19.II.45, marks of censorship, good condition U:A5
1944 CDV13/11, 13, Promotional, comp. 2 pcs of PC to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS HLOHOVEC, chemical censorship, censorship marks, cat. min. 800SKK, bumped corners and margins U:A5
1944 CDV13/13 2x, 14, Promotional, comp. 3 pcs of PC to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS HLOHOVEC, chemical censorship, censorship marks, cat. min. 1200SKK, bumped corners and margins U:A5
1944-45 POSTAL PARCEL BILL comp. 3 pcs of dispatch notes without L cut, from that 2 pcs of with imprinted stamp 50h (1x with additionally mounted revenue 50h, 1x printed doplňovacím revenue 50h) and 1 pcs of printed revenue 1Ks, on reverse Postage due stamp 40h, resp. 40h + 60h / issue 1942, good condition U:A5
1939 letter from Bohemia-Moravia sent 21.12.39 to Slovakia, exchange control, in Bratislava burdened with postage-due stamp. Alb.D8y with Pl 1, good condition U:A5
1939 Reg letter to Hungary with parallel franking Czechosl. and Slovak stamps, Pof.300, Comenius 2x str-of-5 and Alb.29, CDS PREŠOV -6.VII.39, on reverse arrival M. KIR. POSTA/ 319, sent back, damaged, tearing in R margin U:A5
1939 Reg letter, C.O.D., with mixed franking of czechosl. airmail stamps Pof.L8 3x and Slovak. stamp. ZSF.9 2x, 23 2x, CDS Beluša 4.7.39, arrival postmark Lazy below M., extraordinary entire, envelope near/in/at opening damaged out of stmp U:A5
1939-43 comp. 6 pcs of entires, contains i.a. 2x Reg and Express letter to Bohemia-Moravia, 2x air-mail letter to Bohemia-Moravia, Reg letter with mixed franking and larger part dispatch-note with Postage due stamps Alb. D2 4x, multicolor frankings Surtax stamp., censorship; 2x blackened recipient U:A5
1939-44 comp. 8 pcs of entires addressed to Bohemia-Moravia BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, it contains e.g. 3x Reg letter, 1x Reg and airmail, 1x as Air-mail., various franking, good condition U:A5
1940 letter on/for Customs off. Žilina, underpaid stamp. Alb.30, CDS PREŠOV 22.VII.40, at the delivery place burdened with postage-due Alb.D7 2x, arrival ŽILINA 25.VII.40, refused, sent back and again burdened with postage-due Alb.D3, 8, arrival PREŠOV 27.VII.40, interesting, crosswise fold out of stmp U:A5
1941 comp. 3 pcs of decorative envelopes telegrams, 2x inserted telegram form, envelope smaller format stains U:A4
1943 special delivery air-mail letter sent 17.6.43 from Bratislava to Brno with Alb.42, L5, transfered by by land, chemical censorship, good condition U:A5