1945 Skalica issue revolutionary stamp. in red (1,50+3,50Kčs) and blue (2+3Kčs) color, comp. of 10 + 15 pcs, mint never hinged, also with postcard, special postmark Děvín/ Všeslovanský day/ 5.VII.1945, well preserved
1945 BÍLÁ LHOTA comp. 3 pcs of black overprints on postcards CDV16, Geo this type doesn't report, 1x only overprint, 1x with red broken out CDS 9.V.45 (+ address), 1x with broken out black CDS 12.V.45, nice
1945 HLUBOKÁ N. V. comp. 3 pcs of overprints on/for p.stat, red Opt Geo.N390 on/for two PC CDV16 (1x with broken out CDS and filled address), letter-card CZL5 with black overprint CZECH REPUBLIC/ SLOVAKIA (Geo doesn't report), good quality, rare occurrence
1945 KRÁSNO N. B. comp. 5 pcs of p.stat with revolutionary overprints, Geo.N740, black color overprint, 4x postally Un, 1x posted as Registered, uprated stamps with same overprint, certificate of mailing attached, overprint on postcards CDV16 (broken out cancel) + CDV17 (overprint on/for both works) + CDV19 (as Registered) + CDV20 (overprint on/for both works, on/for part I. broken out cancel), letter-card CZL5, 1x spots, otherwise nice, catalogue p.stat doesn't report, rare occurrence
1945 NETOLICE violet overprint Geo.N1010 on letter card CZL5, on reverse brown stains, margins from two sides stuck together, front side good, on reverse viewing of quality recommended, on/for stationery rare overprint, it is worth noting
1945 VALAŠSKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ comp. 3 pcs of p.stat with revolutionary overprints, Geo.L500, PC CDV16 + CDV20 (overprint on/for both works), letter-card CZL5, postally Un, 1x with broken out CDS, catalogue shows only stamps, on/for p.stat rare, good quality
1945 HRANICE comp. 3 pcs of letters with začerněnými Bohemian and Moravian stamp. all from post HRANICE 1, 2x as Registered with nationalized CDS 17.V. and 23.V.45, 1x obyčejnýs CDS 14.V.45, supplemented with additional-printing "Opět free/ Hranice 8.V.1945"; small tearing
1945 PRAGUE philatelically influenced Reg letter with A. Hitler 6 Koruna, 8K, 10K and 20K with overprint POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1945, broken out cancel PRAGUE -9.V.45, incl. certificate of mailing, very fine
1945RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA Reg letter franked with. Hungarian stamps with overprint Czechoslovak Post, cancelled provisional postmark Rimavská Sobota 11.2.1945, provisional R label, arrival postmark Rimavská Kokava on the reverse side, good condition
1945 comp. 5 pcs of Un Bohemian and Moravian p.stat (2x letter-card, 3x PC) with various overprints as Kralovice, Krásno nad Bečvou , Hluboká etc.., good condition
1946 Reg PC Tiso with overprint from Litvínov to Prague 10.1.46, with from certificate of mailing Hlinka with overprint, philatelic mailing (Pešák), good condition
1945German double PC Mi.P130F, volume I, německo-rusko-ukrajinský text, originally identified for lidi from Východu on a mission on/for nucené work, postally used in Czechoslovakia (!), broken-out German CDS with date 07.6.45, address odesílatelky: Český Dub, interesting, both the bottom corners folds, c.v.. 65€
1944 envelope with mounted Hungarian stamp. Mi.705, 709, 746, 756 and 757, red cancel. Republic Czechoslovak/ Post liberated territory/ Khust/ 8.XI.1944 + 2 cards with stamp. Mi.715, resp. 745, same cancel. from 13.XI., resp. 14.XI.1944, postally Un
1945-46 comp. 8 pcs of entires (3x R) with provisory postmarks and Reg label, for example. DOUBICE, DOUBÍ by/on/at K.Varů, KELČANY, HRADEC by/on/at Opava, PORUBA by/on/at Orlová, well preserved
1946 Reg and Express commercial letter with multicolor franking postage stmp with provisory straight line postmark KRÁSNÉ POLE - HORNÍ Chřibská, broken out cancel with date 5.4.46, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 6.IV.45
1945 Pof.353-359, Košice-issue, set of all types (7x 4 pcs of), in addition color shades 3x 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna, other values 2x, total 44 pcs of, nice quality
1945 Pof.386, Moscow-issue, block of four with upper margin sheet, omitted perforation at top, hinged on the bottom stamp and upper sheet margins, both stamp. with omitted perf mint never hinged, overall nice