1966 CHP2 really forwarded by pigeon, with all appropriate postmarks and hint after/around insert to box + special envelope in which/what was/were pingeoegram sent post odběrateli as Reg letter, Reg label Brno-province, well preserved
1949 stationery CPV17, printed pin hole, grey-beige carton, every side printed other color (in front fialověšedá, on reverse light carmine), catalogue doesn't report, unfolded, nice quality, cat. min. 690CZK
1949CPV20b, grey carton, in front printed perforation and on reverse pin hole (catalogue doesn't report), in/at pin hole light folded, good quality, cat. min. 690CZK
1950CPV21, rose carton, in front printed perforation and on reverse pin hole (catalogue doesn't report), in/at pin hole light folded, good quality, cat. min. 690CZK
1967 stationery CPV32f (IV-1967) 2 pcs, 1x pin hole in the back side forward (unfolded), 1x from the front backward (folded), nice quality, c.v.. 930CZK
1968PNS2a, black print, rose paper, in/at address PNS Central expedition print - export, in/at pin hole folded, rose spot in margin, otherwise well preserved, sought order card, c.v.. 1000CZK
1946 CDV76 with red additional-printing to National stamp exhibition Brno 1946, special postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) ditto, without address, nice quality