1945 Pof.388-390, 392, 398, War Heroes, selection of 22 pcs of stamps with perf to margins (values 10h, 20h, 25h, 40h, 2,50CZK), stmp 10h with tiskárenskou mark "B" (pos. 10), in addition Reg letter přefrankovaný about/by 5h, stamps Pof.397 with plate number IB, CDS KOKAVA N. RIMAVICOU/ 20.III.46, nice
1945-51 comp. of points of interest on stmp old currency, 4x block of four, Pofis. 387 (2 stains on/for helmet), Pof.395 (line on/for helmet), Pof.474 (author's name), Pofis. 505 (stain next to čela), Pof.613 2x various color shade, nice
1945-52 comp. of points of interest on stmp old currency, corner pieces, Pof.414 vertical strip of 5 with margin, digression perforation comb R, one stmp *; Pof.625 plate variety 10/1 (circle in year); Pof.697 (thin/light print L corner stamps), nice
1945 philatelically influenced Reg letter with Pof.354, 355, 356, CDS Košice 1/ 24.X.45, provisional framed Reg pmk Košice 1, arrival postmark Prague 1/ 26.X.45 on reverse, well preserved
1945airmail letter to Argentina MC PARDUBICE 5.X.1945, with Pof.374, 402, addressee unknown, on reverse transit and arrival postmark, transfered by probably ship, good condition
1945 sheet from blank form/-s for evidenci registered and money letters, with issue Linden Leaves, CDS HRONOV 19.X.45, have/has stamps postal transport
1945 insufficiently franked letter burdened by postage-due, used Postage due stamps Slovakia 10, 40hal and Košice stmp 2 Koruna with hand-made overprint Postage due, philatelically motivated
1945 comp. 4 pcs of letters with Košice stamp., from that 3 pcs of sent as Registered, CDS Starý Smokovec - provisional line, Nový Smokovec, Tatranská Polianka and Spišská Nová Ves, all addressed to to Prague, still preserved
1945 comp. 8 pcs of letters franked/paid stamp. Bratislava issue, from that 6 pcs of as Registered, mostly smaller post (Bobrovec, Čeklís, VeĺkáMaňa, Kovarce), good condition
1945-48 comp. 5 pcs of letters abroad, 2x as Registered to USA, 2x to Austria with Austrian censorship, 1x card to Germany with censorship postmark Plzeň - town, good condition
1946CDV83, Beneš, sent as Reg, uprated with stamp vertical gutter Košice-issue 2 Koruna, Pof.354Ms(2), 393, CDS BRATISLAVA 27.2.46, certificate of mailing including, good condition
1946 Reg letter from Bytče to Prague 12.1.46, with from certificate of mailing - Košice-issue + stamp. 6 Koruna Pof.356, CDS VELKÁ BYTČA 12.I.46, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 1, philatelic mailing, good condition
1949-53 comp. 10 pcs of entires, old currency, always stamps with coincidental production flaw, 1x currency, 3x as Registered , various quality, it is worth seeing
1973-82 comp. 13 pcs of PB, contains Pof.PL2024 type I., PL2025, PL2054 I, PL2081 plate variety 1/1, PL2164xa, A2215 2x, PL2314 2x, PL2334/5 3x, PL2517 with additional-printing, catalogue ca. 3.000CZK
1975-92 comp. 5 pcs of with various added-print on coupons or margins PB, contains pair Pof.S2060 with additional-printing exhibition "Jeseník ´75", Pof.PL2202 with additional-printing exhibition "Bratislava ´76", Pof.PL2290 with additional-printing "I. town conference ZČSF 1979", Pof.PL2519 with additional-printing "II. town conference ZČSF 1982" and Pof.PL2989 with additional-printing "Philatelic Exhibition Slovakia ´92", sound condition
1971 Pof.NV98 Postage due stmp - flowers, block of four on paper optically cleared, on/for sticky side very light sheet print green color, otherwise nice, c.v.. 640CZK