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1943 Mi.5, Tunis - Palm, good condition U:A5
1941 FP card Spottkarte with caricature Chamberlain, Un, dolepené 4 stamp. with special postmark BERLIN 31.12.41; slightly wrinkled corners U:A5
1901 CHINA postcard as PC for abroad, transfered by German FP in/at Beijing, CDS K.D.FELDPOSTSTATION No.2/ 25.5., military unit postmark illegible, arrival postmark. CHARLOTTENBURG/ 8.7.01, good condition U:A5
1938 C.C. DACHAU answer part PC 6Pf Hindenburg, sent by member of guard unit SS to Austria, interesting předválečný document/attribut, vert. fold U:A5
1938 SUDETENLAND letter with 12Pf Hindenburg, MC Hamburg 1/ 7.10.38, sent to address German field post No. 20 in/at Sudetes (Übungs. KL.KW. Kol.3/20, Leitstelle Chemnitz 4, FP 20), 20. infantry division, sought, rare offer, good condition, c.v.. Michel Feldpost (Field-Post) 90€ U:A5
1939 Deutsche Dienstpost Osten/ SANOK, violet straight line postmark on Ppc sent as FP, supplemented with date stamp 28.Dez.1939; good condition, nice postal imprints U:A5
1939 C.C. DACHAU photo postcard, recipient Hildegard Kotzian, Kauthen bei Ratibor (now Kravaře-Kouty, Hlučín Region), military unit postmark SS-Totenkopfstandarte Oberbayern, CDS DACHAU 14.10.39, exceptional U:A5
1939 OCCUPATION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA postcard Jihlava sent by FP to Vienna, CDS JIHLAVA 2/ 17.III.39, nice imprint, good condition U:A5
1939 OCCUPATION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, Brno with CDS FP 29.3.39 and Klatovy with CDS FP/c 25.3.39; good condition U:A5
1939 OCCUPATION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA safe area in Slovakia, postcard Trenčín, CDS FP/b 7.4.39; good condition U:A5
1939 postcard sent member guard unit SS in/at Dachau, dumb postmark with date 21.10.39, sent to unit SS to Mikulov, well preserved U:A5
1939 postcard sent from Krakow by FP, CDS CRACOW 1/ 23.11.39, military unit postmark SS - Totenkopfstandarte , postmark partially overlapped, but nice print, to Mikulov to unit SS, nice quality U:A5
1940 letter with frame dumb CDS from 9.7., sent member unit propaganda FP No. 04266 supplemented with service FP cachet cancel., incl. content, good condition U:A5
1942 SS Feldpost (Field-Post), letter without franking, CDS from 5.12.42 - domicile illegible, blue straight line postmark Feldpost (Field-Post) + military unit postmarks "1. Sturm/ 74. SS-Standarte/ Swinemünde", addressed to to SS lazaretu in Prague, good condition U:A5
1942-43 AFRIKA-KORPS - TUNISIA 4 pcs of mailing FP, 2x card, 1x letter incl. content, 1x postcard without postmark, 3x same recipient also sender, good condition, budget-priced U:A5
1943 postcard sent member unit SS in Prague, CDS CHLUM U SEDLČAN 31.III.43, round military unit postmark with eagle Waffen-SS (guard division Prague), to Styria, light imprint U:A5
1943 Reg letter addressed to to Ústí n.L., CDS Feldpost (Field-Post) 296/ 10.6.43, Reg label FP č.296, administrative cancel. Ohlašovacího office in front, arrival postmark Aussig 1/ 16.6.43 on reverse, light wrinkled envelope U:A5
1943 service letter organization Todt, TESTER envelope with additional-printing central office in Berlin, MC BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG 2/ 9.12.43, sent to firm Akmos to Märisch-Ostrau, good condition U:A5
1943 Todtova organization, postcard sent from member of unit O.T. to Znojmo, CDS FP/ 02.1.43, postmark with eagle for FP 44879, color postcard "Leninplatz" issued Propaganda-Kompanie, smaller hole from suspending, else preserved U:A5
1943 franked (!) Reg letter sent to FP 3939, sent back with additional blue straight line postmark, "Zurück (Return) an sender new address abwarten.", folds in margin envelope/-s also over stamps U:A5
1944 DIENSTPOST (service mail) NETHERLANDS Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia, with Mi.A795, violet CDS Apeldoorn/ Deutsche Service Post (Dienstpost) Netherlands/ 25.DEC.1944, provisional registry label with cancel. Dienstpoststelle, recipient V. Indra, smudge ink, else preserved U:A5
1944 DIENSTPOST (service mail) NETHERLANDS Reg letter with Mi.887, special postmark Amterdam/ Deutschland (Germany) wird siegen!/ 20.4.44, provisional registry label with cancel. Luftgaupostamt/ Amsterdam, addressed to to Germany, arrival postmark on reverse illegible, good condition U:A5
1944 letter sent to FP 55119C, returned sender with remark, that recipient padnul after/behind Velké Germany, good condition U:A5
1944 postcard sent member unit SS in Olomouc, CDS OLOMOUC 14.VI.44, round military unit postmark with eagle SS (training unit artillery), to Carinthia, light imprint, light stains U:A5
1944 Reg letter addressed to to Sudetenland, with Mi.781, 790, 793, CDS also Reg label Ohrdruf/ Übungsplatz/ 28.12.44 and military unit postmark, on reverse arrival postmark Niemes/ 30.12.44, good condition U:A5
1945 Fliegerhorstkommandtr. A (about/by) 15/ XVII Konigratz, official round also straight line postmark, on letter FP with CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 1.II.45; nice postal imprints, good condition U:A5
1945 ústupové fight in Slovakia, letter with content, CDS FP/f 15.1.45, number FP sender 33109 (Gebirgs Nachr. Abtl.68), 3. mountain division U:A5