Mail Auction 23 / Philately / Europe / Germany / German field post

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86954 - 1943 Mi.5, Tunis - Palm, good condition
1943 Mi.5, Tunis - Palm, good condition
Starting price: CZK
88627 - 1941 FP card Spottkarte with caricature Chamberlain, Un, dol
1941 FP card Spottkarte with caricature Chamberlain, Un, dolepené 4 stamp. with special postmark BERLIN 31.12.41; slightly wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
83124 - 1901 CHINA  postcard as PC for abroad, transfered by German
1901 CHINA postcard as PC for abroad, transfered by German FP in/at Beijing, CDS K.D.FELDPOSTSTATION No.2/ 25.5., military unit postmark illegible, arrival postmark. CHARLOTTENBURG/ 8.7.01, good condition
Starting price: CZK
83597 - 1938 C.C. DACHAU  answer part PC 6Pf Hindenburg, sent by mem
1938 C.C. DACHAU answer part PC 6Pf Hindenburg, sent by member of guard unit SS to Austria, interesting předválečný document/attribut, vert. fold
Starting price: CZK
88073 - 1938 SUDETENLAND  letter with 12Pf Hindenburg, MC Hamburg 1/
1938 SUDETENLAND letter with 12Pf Hindenburg, MC Hamburg 1/ 7.10.38, sent to address German field post No. 20 in/at Sudetes (Übungs. KL.KW. Kol.3/20, Leitstelle Chemnitz 4, FP 20), 20. infantry division, sought, rare offer, good condition, c.v.. Michel Feldpost (Field-Post) 90€
Starting price: CZK
87798 - 1939 Deutsche Dienstpost Osten/ SANOK, violet straight line
1939 Deutsche Dienstpost Osten/ SANOK, violet straight line postmark on Ppc sent as FP, supplemented with date stamp 28.Dez.1939; good condition, nice postal imprints
Starting price: CZK
85945 - 1939 C.C. DACHAU  photo postcard, recipient Hildegard Kotzia
1939 C.C. DACHAU photo postcard, recipient Hildegard Kotzian, Kauthen bei Ratibor (now Kravaře-Kouty, Hlučín Region), military unit postmark SS-Totenkopfstandarte Oberbayern, CDS DACHAU 14.10.39, exceptional
Starting price: CZK
85510 - 1939 OCCUPATION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA  postcard Jihlava sent by
1939 OCCUPATION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA postcard Jihlava sent by FP to Vienna, CDS JIHLAVA 2/ 17.III.39, nice imprint, good condition
Starting price: CZK
88920 - 1939 OCCUPATION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA  comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, Brno
1939 OCCUPATION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, Brno with CDS FP 29.3.39 and Klatovy with CDS FP/c 25.3.39; good condition
Starting price: CZK
88921 - 1939 OCCUPATION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA  safe area in Slovakia, po
1939 OCCUPATION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA safe area in Slovakia, postcard Trenčín, CDS FP/b 7.4.39; good condition
Starting price: CZK
83025 - 1939 postcard sent member guard unit SS in/at Dachau, dumb p
1939 postcard sent member guard unit SS in/at Dachau, dumb postmark with date 21.10.39, sent to unit SS to Mikulov, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
83024 - 1939 postcard sent from Krakow by FP, CDS CRACOW 1/ 23.11.39
1939 postcard sent from Krakow by FP, CDS CRACOW 1/ 23.11.39, military unit postmark SS - Totenkopfstandarte , postmark partially overlapped, but nice print, to Mikulov to unit SS, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
77856 - 1940 letter with frame dumb CDS  from 9.7., sent member unit
1940 letter with frame dumb CDS from 9.7., sent member unit propaganda FP No. 04266 supplemented with service FP cachet cancel., incl. content, good condition
Starting price: CZK
80432 - 1942 SS Feldpost (Field-Post), letter without franking, CDS
1942 SS Feldpost (Field-Post), letter without franking, CDS from 5.12.42 - domicile illegible, blue straight line postmark Feldpost (Field-Post) + military unit postmarks "1. Sturm/ 74. SS-Standarte/ Swinemünde", addressed to to SS lazaretu in Prague, good condition
Starting price: CZK
84644 - 1942-43 AFRIKA-KORPS - TUNISIA  4 pcs of mailing FP, 2x card
1942-43 AFRIKA-KORPS - TUNISIA 4 pcs of mailing FP, 2x card, 1x letter incl. content, 1x postcard without postmark, 3x same recipient also sender, good condition, budget-priced
Starting price: CZK
85952 - 1943 postcard sent member  unit SS in Prague, CDS CHLUM U SE
1943 postcard sent member unit SS in Prague, CDS CHLUM U SEDLČAN 31.III.43, round military unit postmark with eagle Waffen-SS (guard division Prague), to Styria, light imprint
Starting price: CZK
85070 - 1943 Reg letter addressed to to Ústí n.L., CDS Feldpost (F
1943 Reg letter addressed to to Ústí n.L., CDS Feldpost (Field-Post) 296/ 10.6.43, Reg label FP č.296, administrative cancel. Ohlašovacího office in front, arrival postmark Aussig 1/ 16.6.43 on reverse, light wrinkled envelope
Starting price: CZK
77850 - 1943 service letter organization Todt, TESTER envelope with
1943 service letter organization Todt, TESTER envelope with additional-printing central office in Berlin, MC BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG 2/ 9.12.43, sent to firm Akmos to Märisch-Ostrau, good condition
Starting price: CZK
83028 - 1943 Todtova organization, postcard sent from member of unit
1943 Todtova organization, postcard sent from member of unit O.T. to Znojmo, CDS FP/ 02.1.43, postmark with eagle for FP 44879, color postcard "Leninplatz" issued Propaganda-Kompanie, smaller hole from suspending, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
77845 - 1943 franked (!) Reg letter sent to FP 3939, sent back with
1943 franked (!) Reg letter sent to FP 3939, sent back with additional blue straight line postmark, "Zurück (Return) an sender new address abwarten.", folds in margin envelope/-s also over stamps
Starting price: CZK
86761 - 1944 DIENSTPOST (service mail) NETHERLANDS  Reg letter to Bo
1944 DIENSTPOST (service mail) NETHERLANDS Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia, with Mi.A795, violet CDS Apeldoorn/ Deutsche Service Post (Dienstpost) Netherlands/ 25.DEC.1944, provisional registry label with cancel. Dienstpoststelle, recipient V. Indra, smudge ink, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
86759 - 1944 DIENSTPOST (service mail) NETHERLANDS  Reg letter with
1944 DIENSTPOST (service mail) NETHERLANDS Reg letter with Mi.887, special postmark Amterdam/ Deutschland (Germany) wird siegen!/ 20.4.44, provisional registry label with cancel. Luftgaupostamt/ Amsterdam, addressed to to Germany, arrival postmark on reverse illegible, good condition
Starting price: CZK
83590 - 1944 letter sent to FP 55119C, returned sender with remark,
1944 letter sent to FP 55119C, returned sender with remark, that recipient padnul after/behind Velké Germany, good condition
Starting price: CZK
85953 - 1944 postcard sent member  unit SS in Olomouc, CDS OLOMOUC 1
1944 postcard sent member unit SS in Olomouc, CDS OLOMOUC 14.VI.44, round military unit postmark with eagle SS (training unit artillery), to Carinthia, light imprint, light stains
Starting price: CZK
85072 - 1944 Reg letter addressed to to Sudetenland, with Mi.781, 79
1944 Reg letter addressed to to Sudetenland, with Mi.781, 790, 793, CDS also Reg label Ohrdruf/ Übungsplatz/ 28.12.44 and military unit postmark, on reverse arrival postmark Niemes/ 30.12.44, good condition
Starting price: CZK
87797 - 1945 Fliegerhorstkommandtr. A (about/by) 15/ XVII Konigratz,
1945 Fliegerhorstkommandtr. A (about/by) 15/ XVII Konigratz, official round also straight line postmark, on letter FP with CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 1.II.45; nice postal imprints, good condition
Starting price: CZK
88923 - 1945 ústupové fight in Slovakia, letter with content, CDS
1945 ústupové fight in Slovakia, letter with content, CDS FP/f 15.1.45, number FP sender 33109 (Gebirgs Nachr. Abtl.68), 3. mountain division
Starting price: CZK