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1758 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE letter (small envelope incl. content) addressed to to Germany, hand-made "De Prag", postmaster note. chalk in front also on reverse, broken seal, inside dated Skworetz bei Prag, 16.April 1758, well preserved U:A5
1790-94 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE comp. 10 pcs of letters from various places Slovakia, for example. Rimavská Sobota, Levoča, Okoličná, Lučivna, Raho (Rachovo), rare offer, well preserved U:A5
18?? folded cover of letter, smaller format, line CDS R.4. SALZBURG/ 27.AUG.1???, good condition U:A5
1818? envelope, line CDS PODERSAM (Podbořany), Vot.č.1819/2, marked "de Maschau", sent to count Leopold de Thun, sealed, slightly wrinkled, after all good condition U:A5
1827 envelope, oval CDS C.P.WARDEIN, redirected, sealed, signs of age, examination recommended U:A5
1827 folded letter (release), incomplete postmark PRAG FRANCO, addressed to to Hungary, sealed, good condition U:A5
1831 Reg letter, folded, off., red straight line postmark V.WIEN: REGISTERED, small format, good condition U:A5
1831-48 comp. 4 pcs of letters with interesting postmarks, GRADISCH, BRÜNN, M. NEUSTADTL, SAAR, NIKOLSBURG, nice imprints U:A4
1834 letter to Potštátu, straight line postmark NEUTITSCHEIN, on reverse seal, longitudinal fold over the postmark U:A5
1834 folded letter Ex offo, oval CDS DEBRECZIN, small seal rozlomena, good condition U:A5
1837 folded letter, double-circle decorative CDS TRIESTE/ 29.JUL.1837, good condition U:A5
1837-47 comp. 2 pcs of letters, to Potštátu and to Kojetín, 1x straight line postmark BRÜNN (blue and brown), on reverse arrival KOJETEIN, good condition U:A5
1840 folded letter, worse CDS WIEN + line "Franco tutto" , good condition U:A5
1840-70 comp. 4 pcs of folded letters with postmarks BRÜNN, 2x line (type A.1f - blue, A.8), 2x single-circle (E.1, E.70), interesting U:A5
1841 pre-philatelic folded letter POHRLITZ - EISGRUB, postmark frame POHRLITZ REKOMANDIERT transit postmark LUNDENBURG line, nice print U:A5
1842 comp. 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters, postmark NIKOLSBURG - EISGRUB, LUNDENBURG, nice U:A3v–
1843 folded letter (invoice), frame black-blue postmark PATERNION + 22.JUL., on reverse arrival postmark. SAN VITO/ 25.LUG., good condition U:A5
1843 folded letter to Brno with straight line postmark WIEN, on reverse green framed pmk BRÜNN, exp. by Ferchenbauer U:A5
1847-69 comp. 4 pcs of folded letters, various postmark PRAG, good quality U:A5
1848 folded letter Ex offo, decorative postmark MAR. ZELL + date 19.AUG., on reverse arrival postmark. WIEN, good condition U:A5
1848 folded letter, straight line postmark POYSDORF/ 9.JAN., on reverse small seal rozlomeny, good condition U:A5
1849 folded letter, black-blue CDS FELDKIRCHEN/ 5.SEP., on reverse arrival postmark. SAN VITO/ 7.SEP. smaller format, good condition U:A5
1849 folded letter, smaller format, straight line postmark KLAGENFURT/ 9.JUL. + red line FRANCO, on reverse incomplete arrival postmark. SAN VITO, good condition U:A5
1849 folded letter, blue straight line postmark POHRLITZ/ 28.APR., good condition U:A5
1850 comp. 3 pcs of folded letters with straight line pmk OBER-BOBRAU, on reverse nice seal, FELDSBERG, POSORITZ on reverse arrival INGROWITZ, transit pmk STATION BRÜNN and STATION ZWITTAU, nice imprints U:A5
1850 comp. 4 pcs of folded letters with straight line pmk FELDSBERG, INGROWITZ, on reverse M.NEUSTADTL, OBER-BOBRAU, Ex offo letter UNG. BROD, on reverse arrival WSETIN, nice imprints U:A5
1850 folded letter, smaller format, red straight line postmark MÜRZHOFEN/ 17.APR., on reverse blue arrival postmark. GRATZ/ 18.APR., good condition U:A5
1850-1857 comp. 3 pcs of folded letters with postmarks LUNDENBURG, AUSPITZ and FELDSBERG, nice imprints, interesting U:A5
1848 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE Dresden, Dačice, baroness Dalberg, postmaster's note - high surtax U:A5