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1937- selection of 35 pcs of stamps, mostly complete issue, for example. 639-41, 785-89, 822-28, 976, 995, 999-1004, mint never hinged, c.v.. 90€ U:A5
1937-56 selection of 36 pcs of stamps, complete issue, for example. 639-41, 646-48, 649-57, 951, 995, 999-1004, mint never hinged, c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1945 Mi.693 II. - 696 II., stmp Hitler with overprint "Österreich (Austria)" (Graz), value 1RM lower dirty perf, 2RM exp. Sturzeis, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1946 Mi.772-775, selection of miniature sheets Renner, complete printing sheets, c.v.. 2300Mi€, good quality U:A4
1949 Mi.929-932, For Children-issue, complete set of, mint never hinged, c.v.. 65€ U:A5
1950-53 Mi.955-56, 968 and 984-87, Birds, popular airmail stmp., complete set of, c.v.. ca. 200€ U:A5
1945 LOSENSTEIN local overprint issue, overprint black, four-line "Austria always free 5.5.1945", 19 values, overprint on German stmp with Hitler, nice, c.v.. 75€ U:A5
1947 letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.801 + 802 + 811, CDS GRAZ - ANDRITZ/ 13.9.47, open Brit. censorship (stick-on label + postmark), well preserved U:A5