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1839 AUSTRIA / APPRENTICESHIP DIPLOMA / MIKULOV imprinted stamp 1Zl, issue 1836, seal U:A3s|
1827 migration book bound in/at hard cover, 80 sides, revenue signet 15 Kreuzer from year 1818, data with postmarks places from Moravia, very well preserved U:O5
1853 passport, Austria, two-sheet greater format, parchment paper, issued in Jičín for journey to Ruského Poland, seal, imprinted stamp, on reverse Russian povrzovací postmark, cross fold, the first sheet well in good condition, other protective sheet with hints placing (dirty), extraordinary historical document/attribut U:A3s|
1856 ZNOJMO gun licence, revenue issue 1854, service postmark ZNAIM, torn in margin U:A4
1887 gun licence in the name of Bělohoubek, Šaratice, revenue 1Fl, issue 1885, service postmark k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). district Vyškov, folds, light stains, signs of usage U:A4
1890 hunting licence, revír Horákov, revenue 15 Kreuzer, postmark k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). district commission Brno, in good condition U:A5
1910 APPRENTICESHIP DIPLOMA in the name of Ottomanská Otilie, Jičín, incl. original cover, nice, very fine U:A4
1911? USA certificate of state citizenship, original, filled out, seal, format 24x21,5cm, vertical 2x folded, otherwise well preserved U:A3s|
1913 RAILWAYS passport for discount of fares on/for railway, issued in Budapest, good condition U:A5
1914-18 MILITARIA comp. 14 pcs of various documents one Czech member army Francis Slánského, draft card, ticket/-s, various document, envelope letter addressed to to imprisonment in Russia, pověřenka soldier "National defence" from y 1919 etc..; good condition and interesting! U:A4
1916 MILITARIA document issued for Bohemia zajaté in Russia, No.97, preserved U:A5
1917 passport, Austria-Hungary , issued in Prague, good condition U:A5
1919 passport Czechoslovakia, photo, 2x revenue, service postmark MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ, good condition U:A5
1922, 1951 MILITARIA / Czechoslovakia 2 pcs of military books, 1x issued in/at Turnov in 1922, 1x issued in 1951 in Pardubice; good condition U:A5
1924 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA bilingual stamped blank form "Výtah from register sňatků" with round official cancel. Matriční office HUST; cross fold U:A4
1925-30 statement of research ČVUT, signatures vědců and teachers, i.a. HODÁČ, politician, father Nataši Gollové, BECHYNĚ, builder palace Lantern and Veletržního palace, PURKYNĚ, founder Czech geomorfologie, grandson J. E. Purkyně, KETTNER, geologie, VOJTĚCH, matematika, KADEŘÁVEK, deskriptivní geometrie, AUSOBSKÝ, architecture etc.., damaged - without photo U:A4
1926 passport Czechoslovakia, in the name of Duffek, revenue stamp 8K issue 1919, service postmarks and paste-in blank form with povolením to stay, good condition U:A5
1926 splátková book SINGER - sewing machine, lot of entries, interesting contemporary document U:A5
1926 apprenticeship diploma for strojního zámečníka, issued in/at Nechanicích, revenue 1CZK, postmark Společenstvo various živností Nechanice, larger format ca. 43x32cm, folded into smaller format, good condition U:A3s|
1928 certificate for air-mail mechanika, School for air forces Prostějov, signatures commanders; frayed upper margin, adversely folded U:A4
1933 passport Czechoslovakia issued Police head office in Prague, incl. photo, revenue 8CZK from year 1919, without výjezdních entries, well in good condition U:A5
1935-39 comp. 2 pcs of documents from USA, diploma, povolenka, good condition U:A4
1935-49 RAILWAYS 1x round ticket, two-piece, used, insurance revenue, sepisná stmp, lot of postmarks, 1x passport on/for zlevněné jízdné, two-piece, incl. photos držitelky, fee stmp, prolongační stmp, both good condition, in addition unfilled confirmation to prolongaci railway passports U:A5
1936 deposit book, Moravsko-ostravská bank, saving book for youth with nevybraným zůstatkem 500CZK, bumped margins U:A5
1936 RAILWAYS passport for discount of fares on/for railway, issued in/at Debrecíně, good condition U:A5
1936 RAILWAYS passport on/for discounted ride, photo držitele, revenue 5CZK, fee stmp Czechoslovak State Railways 4CZK, on reverse prolongační stmp for other year, leatherette folder, well preserved U:A5
1938 certificate for Czechoslovak - German border traffic, cyclostyle two-sheet, with photos, Czech - German text, issued State police office, MORAVSKÁ NOVÁ VES, přestup border from Hrušek to Břeclav, issued 2.XI.1938, good condition U:A5
1938 Military Service Book Czechoslovakia, in the name of Charles Nevečeřal, off. data, abrasion on/for the first side U:A5
1938 RAILWAYS document for participant exhibition in/at Náchod, railway postmark Prague - Denis railway-station, Náchod, revenue 50h, surtax stamp 1CZK, light stains, but else preserved U:A5
1939 passport Deutsches Reich, off. data, postmark, issued in Vienna, good condition U:A5
1940 fishing licence BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 3-piece, Bohemian and Moravian revenue 5 Koruna, poplatkový imprinted stamp 15K, only Czech text, valid on/for one month for water Tiché Eagle, issued Adornment association with odborem rybářským in/at Brandýse n./O., signs of usage, still preserved U:A5
1940-44 SUDETENLAND comp. 2 pcs of travel documents/attributes, 1x passport issued in y 1940 in Most, 1x passport for small/rare příhraniční traffic issued in/at Hrabůvce in 1940; good condition U:A5
1941 JUDAICA certificate of non-Jewish origin, issued District office in/at Náchod, Bohemian and Moravian revenue 8K, attached also certificate of payment duty after/behind off. act, print official postmark, folded to envelope/-s, well preserved U:A4
1942 collector's card BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, document for collection hub and lesních plodů, issued office Tábor, revír Ostrov and Hlinice, with signs of usage U:A5
1942 RAILWAYS passport for discount of fares on/for railway, issued in town Miskolc, good condition U:A5
1943 MILITARIA mourning card, small/rare mourning card with photo killed member German army, together saint picture U:A5
1943 SUDETENLAND / VRCHLABÍ blank form German empire post, Request for issue working-class týdenní ticket/-s, on both sides; filed, odsouhlaseno and lot of potvrzovacích postmarks post HOHENELBE, format A4, more folded, lower more torn, examination recommended, after all for collectors acceptable U:A4
1943 Military Service Book issued in Česká Lípa in 1943; preserved U:A5
1943-44 MILITARIA comp. 2 pcs of mourning cards, 1x captain, cards with photo of killed members Wehrmacht, good condition, light stains U:A5
1944 SUDETENLAND / NOVÝ JIČÍN letter of discharge with nárokem on/for jízdenku 3. road/class, přihlášení on/for work office and other, complete two-sided filled, service postmarks with eagle from Breslau and Nový Jičín, format A4, folded into smaller format, signs of usage, after all acceptable condition U:A4
1949 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS off. confirmation War Office about/by participation in Czechosl legiích in years 1918-1920, hodnost lieutenant, used warrant for badge volunteers, unfolded, format A4, well preserved, very interesting contemporary document from communistic éry U:A4
1954 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884–1957), Czechosl. president, obituary daughter Mary Kaisrové, née. Zápotocké, cross fold, torn in folds U:A4