Mail Auction 23 / Other Collector`s Domains / Literature, Magazines

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86581 - 1911 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION  Bradáč: Úprava vazeb knižních
1911 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Bradáč: Úprava vazeb knižních, issued Association Czech bibliophilists, Prague, 92 sides, lot of ukázek, hand-made paper, copy No. 34, incl. protective box, suitable not only for odborníky
Starting price: CZK
86561 - 1923-41 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION  comp. 2 pcs of books, Neruda: K
1923-41 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 2 pcs of books, Neruda: Kam with ním? (issue II.), Neruda: Summer memories (original issue), issued ČGU, Prague, illustration Adolf Kašpar, pocket format, very fine, incl. protective covers
Starting price: CZK
86558 - 1929-32 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION  comp. 2 pcs of books, Špalíč
1929-32 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 2 pcs of books, Špalíček VII and IX, Komenský: Listové to nebe, Chelčický: Two traktáty, illustration Francis Bílek, issued Reichl, Prague, pocket format, leather binding, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
86586 - 1921-30 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION  comp. 4 pcs of books, drama Mas
1921-30 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 4 pcs of books, drama Mastičkář; Wilde: Strašidlo cantervillské, illustration Cyril Bouda; Wilde: Před court; d'Aurevilly: Zapomenuté rytmy; issued in/at edici Hyperion, pocket format
Starting price: CZK
86587 - 1909-44 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION  comp. 13 pcs of books, Azorín:
1909-44 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 13 pcs of books, Azorín: Zavřený house; Balzac: Neznámé arcidílo; Bernard: Vzpomínky on/for Paula Cézanna; Bor: Mary Laudová; Čep: Děravý plášť; Drnák: Spanish rapsodie; Hamsun: Pan; Langer: Andělé between us; Němeček: Life W. A. Mozart; de Saint-Pierre: Paul and Virginie; Samat: Hlídač býků, Tyl: Nebezpečný proslov; Zeyer: Listy Růženě Jesenské; some book/-s with signature of author; superb prints, good condition, very profitable
Starting price: CZK
86556 - 1928 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION  Špalíček III, John Amosa Comeni
1928 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Špalíček III, John Amosa Comenius song, some nábožné, 110 sides, 4 lithography, author Francis Bílek, issued Reichl, Prague, pocket format, leather binding, copy No. 50
Starting price: CZK
86557 - 1930 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION  Špalíček VIII, Husitský zpěvn
1930 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Špalíček VIII, Husitský zpěvník, 268 sides, 4 lithography, author Francis Bílek, issued Reichl, Prague, pocket format, leather binding, superb
Starting price: CZK
86560 - 1915 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION  Vojtíšek: Memory master John Hus
1915 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Vojtíšek: Memory master John Huss, 130 sides, illustration Kysela, issued Borový, Prague, pocket format, very nice
Starting price: CZK
86588 - 1879-1965 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION / POESIE  comp. 9 pcs of books
1879-1965 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION / POESIE comp. 9 pcs of books, Hálek: Večerní song; Kašpar: O three podivných saints; Kolar: Poems; Mácha: Máj; Mácha: Znělky; Neruda: Balady and romance; Nezval: Play in/at kostky; Plicka, Volf: Kytice balad; Sepský: Toman and forest panna, parodie; Sládek: Směska
Starting price: CZK
86589 - 1900-40 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION / PRÓZA comp. 6 pcs of books, a
1900-40 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION / PRÓZA comp. 6 pcs of books, almanac New Year card; Baar: Vzpomínky štědrého evening; Hloucha: Moje Lady Chrysanthema; Mácha: cat; Neruda: How to přišlo; Novák: Spring in Bohemia; nice illustrations
Starting price: CZK
86590 - 1914-37 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION / PRÓZA comp. 7 pcs of books, B
1914-37 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION / PRÓZA comp. 7 pcs of books, Bor: Mary Laudová; Čep: Děravý plášť; Drnák: Spanish rapsodie; Langer: Andělé between us; Němeček: Life W. A. Mozart; Tyl: Nebezpečný proslov; Zeyer: Listy Růženě Jesenské; some book/-s with signature of author
Starting price: CZK
85194 - 1930 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Charles Jaromír Erben: Golden kolo
1930 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Charles Jaromír Erben: Golden kolovrat, author xylographs Hodek, issued Hladký, Hranice, autograph ilustrátora, numbered copy č.60, in/at original protective cover, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
85370 - 1937 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Peter Bezruč: Dombrová, issued Ku
1937 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Peter Bezruč: Dombrová, issued Kučík, Břeclav, lino-cut Zvon, author Dobrovolský, protest against Czech snahám přejmenovávat village in Silesia, good condition
Starting price: CZK
83619 - 1911 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS  Předpis for trafikanty, order k.
1911 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS Předpis for trafikanty, order k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal) Ministry of Finance No. 44.236, 58 sides, with signs of usage, interesting
Starting price: CZK
85185 - 1825 JUDAICA  Sefer Megine Eretz, Joseph ben Ephraim Karo: S
1825 JUDAICA Sefer Megine Eretz, Joseph ben Ephraim Karo: Shulchan Aruch (prostřený table), the first part, Orach Chayim (path life), issued Moses Menerhoffer, Wien, Hebrew, Jewish laws for feast days and common life, bound, good condition, very rare
Starting price: CZK
86494 - 1913 MINIATURE BOOK  Bible kralická, anniv. issue, part I.,
1913 MINIATURE BOOK Bible kralická, anniv. issue, part I., publ. Lorenz, Třebíč, format 52x71mm, 55g, preserved
Starting price: CZK
86496 - 1920? DICTIONARIES  comp. 2 pcs of slovníků, 1) MINIATURE
1920? DICTIONARIES comp. 2 pcs of slovníků, 1) MINIATURE BOOK Charles H. Meyer: Dictionary French - Czech, 12.000 Slovak, issued Schmidt & Günther, Leipzig, format 33x48mm, 16g, in good condition; 2) The Gem Pocket Pronouncing Dictionary of The English Language, William Collins, Sons & Co., London and Glasgow, pocket výkladový dictionary, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
86497 - 1958 MINIATURE BOOK  K. H. Mácha: Máj, issued by SNKLHU, P
1958 MINIATURE BOOK K. H. Mácha: Máj, issued by SNKLHU, Prague, format 53x71mm, 23g, full leather binding, incl. protective cover, as new
Starting price: CZK
86498 - 1909 MINIATURE BOOK  Stéphane Mallarmé: Herodias, issued M
1909 MINIATURE BOOK Stéphane Mallarmé: Herodias, issued Modern revue, Prague, format 72x82mm, 18g, hand-made paper, gilt edge, piece No. 36/83, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
83148 - 1900 KUCHAŘKY  Rettigová M. D.: Home kuchařka, 21. issue,
1900 KUCHAŘKY Rettigová M. D.: Home kuchařka, 21. issue, slightly damaged binding, faded
Starting price: CZK
84054 - 1914 MILITARIA  militar German - Italian - chorvatský slovn
1914 MILITARIA militar German - Italian - chorvatský slovníček, 34 sides, booklet A6, with signs of usage, interesting
Starting price: CZK
85523 - ??? NÁBOŽENSTVÍ  Pollatcheks Homillien, thick book - manu
??? NÁBOŽENSTVÍ Pollatcheks Homillien, thick book - manuscript, collection nedělních kázání, supplemented with biblickými verse, bound, damaged backbone, interesting
Starting price: CZK
86391 - 1940 POLITICAL PROPAGANDA  selection of newspapers NSDAP, wa
1940 POLITICAL PROPAGANDA selection of newspapers NSDAP, war event/-s, worse condition, frayed margins
Starting price: CZK
86591 - 1823-45 PRAGENSIA  comp. 2 pcs of books, Tomek: Děje Prague
1823-45 PRAGENSIA comp. 2 pcs of books, Tomek: Děje Prague (Czech language); Miniaturgemälde (German), illustrated, interesting siderography, good condition
Starting price: CZK
87571 - 1935 PROPAGANDA  promotional album Deutsche Kolonien, Cigare
1935 PROPAGANDA promotional album Deutsche Kolonien, Cigaretten-Bilderdienst, Dresden, 72 sides, 270 labels, good condition, very nice
Starting price: CZK
85553 - 1940-75 SCOUTING  comp. 13 pcs of notebook zpěvníků, also
1940-75 SCOUTING comp. 13 pcs of notebook zpěvníků, also with book/-s Bob Hurikán: History trampingu; Šimánek: Scouting and zálesáctví, Plajner: Radosti scout year, various condition
Starting price: CZK
85551 - 1902-70 SCOUTING  comp. 8 pcs of books, Svojsík-Novák: Zá
1902-70 SCOUTING comp. 8 pcs of books, Svojsík-Novák: Základové scouting, Thoreau: Walden; Seton: Monarcha; Seton: Animals hrdinové; Matras-Březina: Zálesácká manual; Růžička: Reporter, manual scout komisionerů; Bursík: Expert trial/expertization scout; Škoda: Zálesácká kitchen, 1x damaged backbone
Starting price: CZK
85550 - 1936-47 SCOUTING  comp. 8 pcs of bulletins, in English - Eva
1936-47 SCOUTING comp. 8 pcs of bulletins, in English - Evans: More Hobbies and Handicrafts, For Girl Guides; team of authors: First Class Tests and How to Pass Them; MacKenzie: Games for Scouts; team of authors: Camp Cookery for Boy Scouts and Others; Clifton-Shelton: A Few Hints on Sketching; Sparrow: Surveying & Mapping Simplified; Sparrow: Complete Signalling Instructor; French - Hillcourt: Le Manuel du Chef de Patrouille, all pocket format, good condition
Starting price: CZK
85555 - 1945-46 SCOUTING  selection of oddílových journals, for ex
1945-46 SCOUTING selection of oddílových journals, for example. Buď připraven, Brno; Totem, Brno; Robot, Brno; Vatra, Uherský Brod; interesting
Starting price: CZK
85552 - 1933-70 SCOUTING  collection scout journals, mostly bounded,
1933-70 SCOUTING collection scout journals, mostly bounded, Skaut-Junák 1933-34, Junák (scout) 1945-46, Činovník 1945-48, Scout functionary 1970, Scouting 1947-48, 1948-49 (in English), Camping Magazine 1948 (in English)
Starting price: CZK
85559 - 1936-70 SCOUTING  a lot of scout literature - journals and h
1936-70 SCOUTING a lot of scout literature - journals and handbooks, for example. Führer, Činovník, Scout zápisník, regulations, games, statute, calendar, all placed in larger cardboard box, total 8kg of material
Starting price: CZK
85187 - 1947-48 SCOUTING / JUNÁK (scout), weekly paper scout youth,
1947-48 SCOUTING / JUNÁK (scout), weekly paper scout youth, bound volume documenting change company from democracy to totality, bounded, have/has signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
83503 - 1927-48 SCOUTING, selection various journals issued junákem
1927-48 SCOUTING, selection various journals issued junákem, 1x monotematické number Scout to anniv of death A.B.Svojsíka (1939), 1x Scout měsíčník All (1927), 1x Reporter No.2 Scouts Brno district, 1x Strážce č.4/I. issued 76. oddílem Scout Brno, 5 numbers věstníku Country scout council/court OZNAMOVATEL (1946-48), good condition
Starting price: CZK
86596 - 1920? DICTIONARIES  The Gem Pocket Pronouncing Dictionary of
1920? DICTIONARIES The Gem Pocket Pronouncing Dictionary of The English Language, William Collins, Sons & Co., London and Glasgow, pocket výkladový dictionary, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
87313 - 1926 SOKOL  Monument osmého festival Sokol in Prague, issue
1926 SOKOL Monument osmého festival Sokol in Prague, issued Czechoslovak. Sokol Community, Prague, interesting text and photo, good condition
Starting price: CZK
84327 - 1931 SPORT  Brno sports calendar, through/over 100 sides, ou
1931 SPORT Brno sports calendar, through/over 100 sides, outside calendar much sporting information about/by klubech, sportech, photo sportsmen, advertising, book arrangement, bound, format A5, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
86301 - 1919 RAILWAYS  Příruční slovníček German - Czech for C
1919 RAILWAYS Příruční slovníček German - Czech for Czechosl. zřízence tracks, 68 sides, notebook A5, good condition
Starting price: CZK
87967 - 1971 Branald, Adolf: From tatranského falcon to benátském
1971 Branald, Adolf: From tatranského falcon to benátskému ovocnáři, Stamp Production of Cyril Bouda, illustrated 5 designes for stamps, supplemented with signature of author also of Cyril Bouda, printing 100 pcs of
Starting price: CZK
86592 - 1825 Čelakovský, Chmela: Dennice or New Year card for y. 1
1825 Čelakovský, Chmela: Dennice or New Year card for y. 1825, issued John Pospíšil, Hradec Králové, 186 sides, pocket format věnováno slečně Antonii, countess Kolowrat-Krakowské, interesting
Starting price: CZK
86559 - 1819-99 Hanka V.: selection of, Rukopis královédvorský, v
1819-99 Hanka V.: selection of, Rukopis královédvorský, věrný original text, transcription to modern češtiny and German conversion, 2 volumes, issued Haz and Kraus, Prague, pocket format incl. protective box, part light stains; Prusík: 2. issue, issued Šimáček, Prague, pocket format, interesting
Starting price: CZK
85922 - 1943 Josten, Bělský: To Anne In America, Lincoln-Prager Pu
1943 Josten, Bělský: To Anne In America, Lincoln-Prager Publishers, Ltd., London, promotional publication, Czechosl. army in England, 30 sides, photo, correspondence, from the soldier's life, very good condition, převazba
Starting price: CZK
85923 - 1914 Kalva: Aviatika, issued J. R. Vilímek, Prague, 32 side
1914 Kalva: Aviatika, issued J. R. Vilímek, Prague, 32 sides, very good condition, převazba
Starting price: CZK
79722 - 1940 team of authors: In Kampf against die Seuche (in fight
1940 team of authors: In Kampf against die Seuche (in fight against moru), 122 sides, German text, facsimile maps, historical documents and graphic artist, on/for page. 85 used 5 pcs of stamps German East Africa, Schülke & Mayr's, values 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c and 1$ (c.v.. 750€), without paper envelope/-s, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
84001 - 2004 composite SÚA:  Museli pracovat for Empire (nucené la
2004 composite SÚA: Museli pracovat for Empire (nucené labour mission Czech population), 110 sides A4, fakta, photo, pictures documents/attributes, documents etc.., new
Starting price: CZK
87968 - 1946 Kuprijanov, Krylov, Sokolov: Hitler in/at Soviet karika
1946 Kuprijanov, Krylov, Sokolov: Hitler in/at Soviet karikatuře, 2. issue, Prague, unbound, complete, good condition
Starting price: CZK
86504 - 1924 Mácha K. H.: Poems, issued Hyperion, Prague, 288 sides
1924 Mácha K. H.: Poems, issued Hyperion, Prague, 288 sides, illustration Cyril Bouda, superb leather binding, gold edge, pocket format, luxury quality, citace from imprint: "Rukopis this book/-s stál 2000 working hours vydavatelů; kdyby was/were honorovány according to rate přidavače cihel, was/were by book more than twice more expensive"
Starting price: CZK
86502 - 1925 Mácha K. H.: Gipsies, issued Hyperion, Prague, 264 sid
1925 Mácha K. H.: Gipsies, issued Hyperion, Prague, 264 sides, illustration Cyril Bouda, superb leather binding, gold edge, pocket format, luxury quality
Starting price: CZK
86393 - 1939 SPORT  Novotný: Ročenka SK Slavia Prague 1938, within
1939 SPORT Novotný: Ročenka SK Slavia Prague 1938, within self-publishing, Prague, 104 sides, paper bound, lot of photos, tables and advertisings, light damaged backbone
Starting price: CZK
85877 - 1915-31 selection of 17 pcs of newspapers and journals, Voln
1915-31 selection of 17 pcs of newspapers and journals, Volná myšlenka, Jedinstvo, Švanda bagpiper, Streffleurovy military sheets, Lada, Světozor, Forest theatre in/at Krči, The Voice of national defence, standard quality
Starting price: CZK
86593 - 1818-1905 comp. 3 pcs of books, Rozmanitosti, issued Hýbl,
1818-1905 comp. 3 pcs of books, Rozmanitosti, issued Hýbl, Prague, 1818, Duch John Huss, issued Kober, Prague, 1870; modlitební book St. Anthony, issued by Catholic publ., Litoměřice, 1905
Starting price: CZK
85554 - 1921 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Šteidler and team of authors: Ret
1921 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Šteidler and team of authors: Return Czechosl. legions around the world home, issued Monument Off. of Resistance, Prague, 229 photos, world map and big map Russia, good condition
Starting price: CZK
85186 - 1930 Václavík: Luhačovické Zálesí, Musejní community
1930 Václavík: Luhačovické Zálesí, Musejní community Luhačovice, 1040 sides text, 800 picture, map, good condition, sought publication
Starting price: CZK