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1911 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Bradáč: Úprava vazeb knižních, issued Association Czech bibliophilists, Prague, 92 sides, lot of ukázek, hand-made paper, copy No. 34, incl. protective box, suitable not only for odborníky U:Z
1923-41 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 2 pcs of books, Neruda: Kam with ním? (issue II.), Neruda: Summer memories (original issue), issued ČGU, Prague, illustration Adolf Kašpar, pocket format, very fine, incl. protective covers U:O5
1929-32 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 2 pcs of books, Špalíček VII and IX, Komenský: Listové to nebe, Chelčický: Two traktáty, illustration Francis Bílek, issued Reichl, Prague, pocket format, leather binding, very good condition U:O5
1921-30 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 4 pcs of books, drama Mastičkář; Wilde: Strašidlo cantervillské, illustration Cyril Bouda; Wilde: Před court; d'Aurevilly: Zapomenuté rytmy; issued in/at edici Hyperion, pocket format U:O5
1909-44 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 13 pcs of books, Azorín: Zavřený house; Balzac: Neznámé arcidílo; Bernard: Vzpomínky on/for Paula Cézanna; Bor: Mary Laudová; Čep: Děravý plášť; Drnák: Spanish rapsodie; Hamsun: Pan; Langer: Andělé between us; Němeček: Life W. A. Mozart; de Saint-Pierre: Paul and Virginie; Samat: Hlídač býků, Tyl: Nebezpečný proslov; Zeyer: Listy Růženě Jesenské; some book/-s with signature of author; superb prints, good condition, very profitable U:K
1928 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Špalíček III, John Amosa Comenius song, some nábožné, 110 sides, 4 lithography, author Francis Bílek, issued Reichl, Prague, pocket format, leather binding, copy No. 50 U:O5
1930 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Špalíček VIII, Husitský zpěvník, 268 sides, 4 lithography, author Francis Bílek, issued Reichl, Prague, pocket format, leather binding, superb U:O5
1915 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Vojtíšek: Memory master John Huss, 130 sides, illustration Kysela, issued Borový, Prague, pocket format, very nice U:O5
1879-1965 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION / POESIE comp. 9 pcs of books, Hálek: Večerní song; Kašpar: O three podivných saints; Kolar: Poems; Mácha: Máj; Mácha: Znělky; Neruda: Balady and romance; Nezval: Play in/at kostky; Plicka, Volf: Kytice balad; Sepský: Toman and forest panna, parodie; Sládek: Směska U:K
1900-40 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION / PRÓZA comp. 6 pcs of books, almanac New Year card; Baar: Vzpomínky štědrého evening; Hloucha: Moje Lady Chrysanthema; Mácha: cat; Neruda: How to přišlo; Novák: Spring in Bohemia; nice illustrations U:O5
1914-37 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION / PRÓZA comp. 7 pcs of books, Bor: Mary Laudová; Čep: Děravý plášť; Drnák: Spanish rapsodie; Langer: Andělé between us; Němeček: Life W. A. Mozart; Tyl: Nebezpečný proslov; Zeyer: Listy Růženě Jesenské; some book/-s with signature of author U:O4
1930 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Charles Jaromír Erben: Golden kolovrat, author xylographs Hodek, issued Hladký, Hranice, autograph ilustrátora, numbered copy č.60, in/at original protective cover, very good condition U:O4
1937 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Peter Bezruč: Dombrová, issued Kučík, Břeclav, lino-cut Zvon, author Dobrovolský, protest against Czech snahám přejmenovávat village in Silesia, good condition U:O4
1911 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS Předpis for trafikanty, order k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal) Ministry of Finance No. 44.236, 58 sides, with signs of usage, interesting U:O5
1825 JUDAICA Sefer Megine Eretz, Joseph ben Ephraim Karo: Shulchan Aruch (prostřený table), the first part, Orach Chayim (path life), issued Moses Menerhoffer, Wien, Hebrew, Jewish laws for feast days and common life, bound, good condition, very rare U:Z
1913 MINIATURE BOOK Bible kralická, anniv. issue, part I., publ. Lorenz, Třebíč, format 52x71mm, 55g, preserved U:O5
1920? DICTIONARIES comp. 2 pcs of slovníků, 1) MINIATURE BOOK Charles H. Meyer: Dictionary French - Czech, 12.000 Slovak, issued Schmidt & Günther, Leipzig, format 33x48mm, 16g, in good condition; 2) The Gem Pocket Pronouncing Dictionary of The English Language, William Collins, Sons & Co., London and Glasgow, pocket výkladový dictionary, very good condition U:O5
1958 MINIATURE BOOK K. H. Mácha: Máj, issued by SNKLHU, Prague, format 53x71mm, 23g, full leather binding, incl. protective cover, as new U:O5
1909 MINIATURE BOOK Stéphane Mallarmé: Herodias, issued Modern revue, Prague, format 72x82mm, 18g, hand-made paper, gilt edge, piece No. 36/83, very good condition U:O5
1900 KUCHAŘKY Rettigová M. D.: Home kuchařka, 21. issue, slightly damaged binding, faded U:Z
1914 MILITARIA militar German - Italian - chorvatský slovníček, 34 sides, booklet A6, with signs of usage, interesting U:A5
??? NÁBOŽENSTVÍ Pollatcheks Homillien, thick book - manuscript, collection nedělních kázání, supplemented with biblickými verse, bound, damaged backbone, interesting U:Z
1940 POLITICAL PROPAGANDA selection of newspapers NSDAP, war event/-s, worse condition, frayed margins U:X
1823-45 PRAGENSIA comp. 2 pcs of books, Tomek: Děje Prague (Czech language); Miniaturgemälde (German), illustrated, interesting siderography, good condition U:O5
1935 PROPAGANDA promotional album Deutsche Kolonien, Cigaretten-Bilderdienst, Dresden, 72 sides, 270 labels, good condition, very nice U:O4
1940-75 SCOUTING comp. 13 pcs of notebook zpěvníků, also with book/-s Bob Hurikán: History trampingu; Šimánek: Scouting and zálesáctví, Plajner: Radosti scout year, various condition U:O4
1902-70 SCOUTING comp. 8 pcs of books, Svojsík-Novák: Základové scouting, Thoreau: Walden; Seton: Monarcha; Seton: Animals hrdinové; Matras-Březina: Zálesácká manual; Růžička: Reporter, manual scout komisionerů; Bursík: Expert trial/expertization scout; Škoda: Zálesácká kitchen, 1x damaged backbone U:Z
1936-47 SCOUTING comp. 8 pcs of bulletins, in English - Evans: More Hobbies and Handicrafts, For Girl Guides; team of authors: First Class Tests and How to Pass Them; MacKenzie: Games for Scouts; team of authors: Camp Cookery for Boy Scouts and Others; Clifton-Shelton: A Few Hints on Sketching; Sparrow: Surveying & Mapping Simplified; Sparrow: Complete Signalling Instructor; French - Hillcourt: Le Manuel du Chef de Patrouille, all pocket format, good condition U:Z
1945-46 SCOUTING selection of oddílových journals, for example. Buď připraven, Brno; Totem, Brno; Robot, Brno; Vatra, Uherský Brod; interesting U:O4
1933-70 SCOUTING collection scout journals, mostly bounded, Skaut-Junák 1933-34, Junák (scout) 1945-46, Činovník 1945-48, Scout functionary 1970, Scouting 1947-48, 1948-49 (in English), Camping Magazine 1948 (in English) U:Z
1936-70 SCOUTING a lot of scout literature - journals and handbooks, for example. Führer, Činovník, Scout zápisník, regulations, games, statute, calendar, all placed in larger cardboard box, total 8kg of material U:K
1947-48 SCOUTING / JUNÁK (scout), weekly paper scout youth, bound volume documenting change company from democracy to totality, bounded, have/has signs of usage U:Z
1927-48 SCOUTING, selection various journals issued junákem, 1x monotematické number Scout to anniv of death A.B.Svojsíka (1939), 1x Scout měsíčník All (1927), 1x Reporter No.2 Scouts Brno district, 1x Strážce č.4/I. issued 76. oddílem Scout Brno, 5 numbers věstníku Country scout council/court OZNAMOVATEL (1946-48), good condition U:O4
1920? DICTIONARIES The Gem Pocket Pronouncing Dictionary of The English Language, William Collins, Sons & Co., London and Glasgow, pocket výkladový dictionary, very good condition U:O5
1926 SOKOL Monument osmého festival Sokol in Prague, issued Czechoslovak. Sokol Community, Prague, interesting text and photo, good condition U:Z
1931 SPORT Brno sports calendar, through/over 100 sides, outside calendar much sporting information about/by klubech, sportech, photo sportsmen, advertising, book arrangement, bound, format A5, well preserved U:O5
1919 RAILWAYS Příruční slovníček German - Czech for Czechosl. zřízence tracks, 68 sides, notebook A5, good condition U:A5
1971 Branald, Adolf: From tatranského falcon to benátskému ovocnáři, Stamp Production of Cyril Bouda, illustrated 5 designes for stamps, supplemented with signature of author also of Cyril Bouda, printing 100 pcs of U:O4
1825 Čelakovský, Chmela: Dennice or New Year card for y. 1825, issued John Pospíšil, Hradec Králové, 186 sides, pocket format věnováno slečně Antonii, countess Kolowrat-Krakowské, interesting U:O5
1819-99 Hanka V.: selection of, Rukopis královédvorský, věrný original text, transcription to modern češtiny and German conversion, 2 volumes, issued Haz and Kraus, Prague, pocket format incl. protective box, part light stains; Prusík: 2. issue, issued Šimáček, Prague, pocket format, interesting U:Z
1943 Josten, Bělský: To Anne In America, Lincoln-Prager Publishers, Ltd., London, promotional publication, Czechosl. army in England, 30 sides, photo, correspondence, from the soldier's life, very good condition, převazba U:O4
1914 Kalva: Aviatika, issued J. R. Vilímek, Prague, 32 sides, very good condition, převazba U:O5
1940 team of authors: In Kampf against die Seuche (in fight against moru), 122 sides, German text, facsimile maps, historical documents and graphic artist, on/for page. 85 used 5 pcs of stamps German East Africa, Schülke & Mayr's, values 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c and 1$ (c.v.. 750€), without paper envelope/-s, very good condition U:Z
2004 composite SÚA: Museli pracovat for Empire (nucené labour mission Czech population), 110 sides A4, fakta, photo, pictures documents/attributes, documents etc.., new U:O4
1946 Kuprijanov, Krylov, Sokolov: Hitler in/at Soviet karikatuře, 2. issue, Prague, unbound, complete, good condition U:O4
1924 Mácha K. H.: Poems, issued Hyperion, Prague, 288 sides, illustration Cyril Bouda, superb leather binding, gold edge, pocket format, luxury quality, citace from imprint: "Rukopis this book/-s stál 2000 working hours vydavatelů; kdyby was/were honorovány according to rate přidavače cihel, was/were by book more than twice more expensive" U:O5
1925 Mácha K. H.: Gipsies, issued Hyperion, Prague, 264 sides, illustration Cyril Bouda, superb leather binding, gold edge, pocket format, luxury quality U:O5
1939 SPORT Novotný: Ročenka SK Slavia Prague 1938, within self-publishing, Prague, 104 sides, paper bound, lot of photos, tables and advertisings, light damaged backbone U:O5
1915-31 selection of 17 pcs of newspapers and journals, Volná myšlenka, Jedinstvo, Švanda bagpiper, Streffleurovy military sheets, Lada, Světozor, Forest theatre in/at Krči, The Voice of national defence, standard quality U:O4
1818-1905 comp. 3 pcs of books, Rozmanitosti, issued Hýbl, Prague, 1818, Duch John Huss, issued Kober, Prague, 1870; modlitební book St. Anthony, issued by Catholic publ., Litoměřice, 1905 U:O4
1921 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Šteidler and team of authors: Return Czechosl. legions around the world home, issued Monument Off. of Resistance, Prague, 229 photos, world map and big map Russia, good condition U:O4
1930 Václavík: Luhačovické Zálesí, Musejní community Luhačovice, 1040 sides text, 800 picture, map, good condition, sought publication U:Z