1918 Austrian postal order with Mi.222, 223 on face-side, CDS BIELITZ 30.XI.18, on reverse Mi.186, P47, P61, arrival HENNERSDORF (Jindřichov in Silesia) 3.XII.18, exp. by Karasek., interesting franking
1918-19comp. 10 pcs of Hungarian money dispatch-notes small format without posting cuts, franked with. various Hungarian stamp. as Mi.195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, CDS EPERJES, SZABADSZÁLLAS, LOSONCZ, RAJECZ, BAZIN, CSECS, BESZTERCZEBÁNYA; good condition
1919 letter with Pof.1, CDS ..?. Ostrava 1/ 22.V.19, addressed to to Těšín, burdened by postage-due, mounted vertical bisected Austrian Postage due stamp 50/42H with overprint PORTO Mi.63, CDS Teschen 1/ Cieszyn 1/ 24.V.19, good condition
1919 commercial PC as printed matter franked with Austrian stmp Mi.185, Crown 3h violet, broken out cancel DOLNÍ KOUNICE 26/2/1919, exp. by Karasek., on reverse light stain
1919 cash paid mourning envelope sent as printed matter in/at postal rate I (3h), CDS MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 10.I.19, violet straight line postmark "Paid in cash paid"; strong vertical fold
1919 Hungarian postal order Crown 2f, larger part without posting cut, with Hungarian republic 20f Karek, Mi.238 with overprint Koztársaság, CDS BESZTERCEBÁNYA919.Jan.20., stmp damaged, good condition
1919 big Hungarian money dispatch-note without posting cut, delivering fee was/were paid Hungarian Postage due stamp 20f, red number, Mi.P43 with CDS LEVA 919 Maj.20., with Hradčany 25h, Pof.10, CDS ÉRSEKÚJVÁR 919 Maj.16; punch cancelled out of stmp + on reverse hints after sticking
1919Express letter with Šrobár's issue RV137, 138, 140, 143 2x, 146 2x, right franking, CDS ZSOLNA 17.apr.1919 (? badly set up postmark?) arrival postmark on the reverse side Prague 1/23.II.19, hints various manipulace, stains
Pof.1, complete sheet with margin and control-numbers, printing plate 1, all 16 plate variety, 2x fold corners, vertical in the middle folded, else preserved, cat. min. 400CZK
Pof.7 joined bar types, 15h bricky red, block of four with joined bar types, pos. 15, plate 1, outside joined bar types small minor gum fault, joined bar types mint never hinged, exp. by Skaloud
Pof.11 joined bar types, 25h violet, vertical pair + horiz. marginal blk-of-10 with pin hole, in both cases with joined bar types, always pos. 68, plate 1, from that 1x printing variety, mint never hinged, exp. by Skaloud
Pof.18 Is, 75h, spiral type I (marked), short bar, wide margins, on reverse small residue/scrap background, blurred CDS, exp. by Karasek + St., c.v.. 400CZK