Pof.4E joined bar types, 5h blue-green, line perforation 11½; : 10¾;, marginal block-of-15 with joined bar types, pos. 37, plate 1, superb, exp. by Skaloud
Pof.7A joined bar types + STk, 15h bricky red, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, marginal block-of-4, joined bar + joined combined types, spiral type I and bar type II on pos. 2, plate 1 + bar subtype on pos. 12, plate 1, mint never hinged, exp. by Skaloud
Pof.7A joined bar types, 15h bricky red, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, marginal block-of-4, 2x bar types combination, pos. 16, 17, plate 1, mint never hinged, exp. by Skaloud
Pof.7A joined spiral types + STk, 15h bricky red, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, marginal block-of-6, 2x joined spiral + joined combined types, spiral type I on pos. 21, 22, 23, plate 1 + bar subtype on pos. 23, on 1 stmp (pos. 31) on reverse small spot from postmark color, otherwise nice, exp. by Skaloud
Pof.7D STk, 15h bricky red, line perforation 11½;, block of four, in the middle vertical double perf, combined combination types, on pos. 23, plate 1, spiral type I + bar subtype, mint never hinged, exp. by Skaloud
Pof.7F joined bar types, 15h bricky red, line perforation 13¾:11½;, block of four, bar types combination, bar type II on pos. 75, plate 2, in the middle block of four light dented paper, otherwise nice, exp. by Skaloud
Pof.11D joined bar types, 25h violet, line perforation 11½;, as blk-of-4 with joined bar types, pos. 86, plate 1, sought, mint never hinged, expert Benes., Karasek, Škaloud
Pof.11E II.p, 25h violet, line perforation 11½; : 10¾;, horizontal pair, both stamp. with T II. bar, pos. 72, 73, plate 1, lightly hinged, exp. by Skaloud + owner's mark and note by pencil
Pof.11E joined bar types, 25h violet, line perforation 11½; : 10¾;, as blk-of-4, 2x bar types combination, pos. 81, 82, plate 1, interesting, exp. by Karasek., Škaloud
Pof.11F II.p, 25h violet, line perforation 13¾; : 11½;, vertical marginal Pr, both stamp. with bar type II., pos. 11,12, plate 2, mint never hinged, exp. Kraus, Škaloud
Pof.11F joined bar types, 25h violet, line perforation 13¾; : 11½;, marginal Pr with joined bar types, bar type II on pos. 40, plate 2, mint never hinged, exp. by Skaloud
Pof.11Fa joined bar types, 25h black-violet with line perforation 13¾; : 11½;, expert Benes., Škaloud + Pof.11 joined bar types, imperforated, exp. by Skaloud., two marginal block-of-4 with joined bar types, in both cases pos. 62, plate 2, mint never hinged
PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / values 10h in red color, imperforated, 2. arrangement other design/sketch according to gravure E. Carl (see Monograph No.1, page. 122 and pic.. 176), lightly yellowish paper
trial print 10h, end arrangement, comp. 3 pcs of bloks of four, 1x in/at black, 1x in violet and 1x in brown color, all on yellowy paper without gum, sound condition
PLATE PROOF comp. 13 pcs of, perforated, ordinary browny paper without gum, contains i.a. 15h line perforation 13¾; spiral type II., 500h spiral type II., 2x 1000h - various color, and oths., rare perforated PLATE PROOF