1919CTÚ1A Pa, Hradčany, complete telegram with confirmation, notebook making with additional-printing Via Commercial, vyjmuto from notebook, incl. L margins, by/on/at strvrzenky in/at several perf otvorech R detached, otherwise very fine, c.v.. 5.500CZK
1919CTÚ1A, Hradčany, complete telegram with confirmation, Czech variety, in perforation unfolded, dusky corner, light signs of age, on reverse dusky vertical margin, after all otherwise good quality, c.v.. 5000CZK
1921CTÚ2A, Liberated Republic, complete telegram with confirmation, Czech variety, in perforation unfolded, oblique fold over the stmp and textovou part, small wrinkled in margin, after all else preserved, it is worth noting, c.v.. 30000CZK
1932stationery CPV12A, part I., 10 lines, perf 5½;, Us with CDS NÁVSÍ 11.VI.32, refused, on reverse label Refusé!, in lower margin repaired tearing, c.v.. 2000CZK
1919-23CPP11, CPP16, comp. 3 pcs of whole dispatch notes for international transport, 2x CPP11 + CPP16 (thick shading), 2x with uprating stamps Hradčany, 1x cash, all attributes, all to Switzerland, 2x bent corner, 1x vertical folded, else preserved, c.v.. ca. 5800CZK, good offer
1924 CPP16, Hradčany, thick shading, whole dispatch note for international transport, CDS JABLONEC N. N. 21.X.24, to Smyrna, postal labels, marks and postmark, c.v.. 2000CZK, decorative!
1919-26 FREE OF POSTAGE comp. 6 pcs of cards, 3x forerunner Austrian blank form/-s, from that 1x as Registered without postage due, 1x with print postal agency pmk BOROTÍN, 1x with surtax, 3x with interesting franking Hradčany-issue, Express and Newspaper stamp.; good condition
1921 Maxa R5, Reg letter with issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, Pof.144, 157 3x, "with perfin "R" + zkříženákladívka" f. S.L. Reimanna sons, on reverse with postmark B. Zelinka, Královské Vinohrady, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 25.IV.21, good condition
1922-1939 comp. 12 pcs of R letters as matter off. without franking, various printed-matters, return receipt etc.. nice documents/attributes postal history, good condition