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1960 atypical letter with multicolor franking, CDS 1960.3.10, interesting U:A5
1947 letter to USA with Mi.678 3x + Mi.680 2x, CDS Shanghai 2.4.47, additional Chinese framed pmk., well preserved U:A5
1941 letter to Germany, with Mi.261 with CDS SHANGHAI 31.3.41, supplemented with cancel. Zurück (Return) and růční notice on reverse with label Parti, passed through German censorship U:A5
1957 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia with multicolor franking, CDS TA-HSIAN 57.10.9, sender Propaganda Dept., light stains U:A5
1947 airmail letter to USA, multicolor franking air-mail and postage stmp (9 pcs of), CDS Shanghai 3.9.47, sound condition U:A5
1968 Mi.1019, Mao Zedong, marginal piece with lower margin, c.v.. 140€ U:A5
1963 Mi.741-743 A+B, Monkeys, set perf and imperforated stmp, c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1950 Mi.77-81I, 1. Anniv, I. printing, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1965 Mi.858-860, Anniv, c.v.. 90€ U:A5
1929 postcard "Chinese wall", to Czechoslovakia, franked with. pair Mi.215 + Mi.216, CDS PEPING/ 14.5.29, good condition U:A5
1970 postcard to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.1019 (Mao), Mi.846 + 1029, CDS with date 1970.5.10, good condition U:A5
1934 Reg letter big format sent from Dairen (Porth Arthur), Japanese occupation Manchuria, franked with. block of four stamp. 10Sn, 4Sn, to Germany, various censorship marks, very interesting, good condition U:A4
1956-58 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with multicolor franking, to Czechoslovakia, CDS KUNMING 56.4.26, nice U:A5
1901-47 comp. 3 pcs of entires, 2x postcard with CDS TIENTSIN and BEIJING, 1x airmail letter with CDS SHANGHAI (franking on reverse), good condition U:A5
1929 CHINA - Japanese occupation, postcard to Prague Via Siberia, franked with. Japanese stamp. Mi.152 + 177, violet CDS MOUKDEN/ ?.7.29 (today Shenyang), good condition U:A5