1855letter sent from Firenze to Naples, with Mi.7, on the reverse side postmark Transito per la statoPontifico, expertized U. Picchi/ Firenze, very good quality
1861 comp. of stamps the first issue, Mi.1a, 1b, 2, 4, 6, 7, Victor Emanuel II., various quality, rest of hinge, also viewing of quality recommended, examination žádoucí, cheaply offered, c.v.. 827€
1942 comp. 2 pcs of PC 30c (1x response), uprated with stamp 20c, 20c and 25c, Italian and German censorship marks and marks, to BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, CDS TRIESTE, very decorative
1943-44 comp. 2 pcs of letters, 1x commercial air-mail letter addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia with Italian also German censorship CDS BOLOGNA 5.6.53 supplemented with green cancel. Por Avion, 1x Reg letter addressed to to Austria with mailing CDS BRANOALLOSTELVIC BOLZANO 10.3.44 supplemented with several transit pmk; good condition
1922 double PC Mi.P54, addressed to to Czechoslovakia, burdened by postage-due, mounted stamp. Pof.DL8 and DL24, CDS Smíchov 1/ 6.III.22, both part/-s undetached, only single PC c.v.. 100€
1918 philatelically motivated R entire, Hungarian PC with over splice complete sets for Croatia, Mi.51-54, Hungarian CDS ZAGREB 918 Dec.1.; on reverse hinged
1931 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with mixed franking Luxembourg Mi.234-237 + France Mi.168, CDS Luxembourg/ Ville/ 10.4.31, lucemburská Reg label and confirmation cancel., arrival Prague-airport/ 11.4.31 in front, on reverse CDS Strasbourg 11.4.31, hints after sticking to collection, good condition
1889 front side sheet "Fliegende Blätter", mounted newspaper stmp 1 Kr Mi.V. (big K), badly readable oval pmk, as entire to examination, stmp in good quality
1918 comp. of 7 pieces dispatch notes (3x C.O.D.), all with imprinted stamp, bilingual, franked stamps Reaper or Parliament, mailing to Silesia, mostly good condition, good selection of
1940Hungarian occupation Romanian territory, postcard sent from SZÁSZREGEN to Uzhhorod, franked Hungarian stmp, special záborové postmark and CDS 11.9.40, good condition
1955? PLATE PROOF plate proof, joined printing stamp. Mi.506 in/at corner block of four with margin, value 0,40Fr, stamp paper with gum, printing marks in margin
1900 letter-card Mi.K11, uprated with stamp Mi.11 and 12, CDS Monte-Carlo/ Principaute de Monaco/ 26.4.00, with margin, L slightly ribbed paper, otherwise nice
1850-1880 selection of 16 pcs of stamps, it contains e.g. Prussia Mi.21, Brunswiek Mi.8, Baden Mi.21 - mint never hinged, Baden Postage due stmp 1, 3 and other, c.v.. ca. 1600€, various quality