Mail Auction 23 / Philately / Occupations

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88421 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.2, 3, 5, 6-9, 10, 11, 14, 15, comp. 13 pcs
1938 RUMBURG Mi.2, 3, 5, 6-9, 10, 11, 14, 15, comp. 13 pcs of stamp. with overprint Wir sind frei!, unattested, without guarantee
Starting price: CZK
88507 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.49 Doss Alto 50h, 16 pcs of stamps with ove
1938 RUMBURG Mi.49 Doss Alto 50h, 16 pcs of stamps with overprint "Wir sind frei!", 4x str-of-4, all mounted on/for zúčtovacím sheet, interesting price, catalogue value for MNH 640€
Starting price: CZK
83064 - 1938 RUMBURG?  comp. 3 pcs of 100-stamps sheets stamp. Pof.3
1938 RUMBURG? comp. 3 pcs of 100-stamps sheets stamp. Pof.300,302,314 with overprint Wir sind frei!, suitable for study purposes, good condition
Starting price: CZK
86340 - 1938 RUMBURG  PC Mi.P2, originally CDV65 with hand-made over
1938 RUMBURG PC Mi.P2, originally CDV65 with hand-made overprint "Wir sind frei" + swastika, uprated by. Pof.303, provisory straight line postmark Hayda with date-stamp 6.Okt.1938, framed pmk Sudetenland/ kehrt heim ins Reich, Reg and Express hinge / label, on reverse other 5 pcs of Czechosl. stamps with same cancel. Hayda, fake/fabrication, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
82863 - 1939 MÄHRISCH-OSTRAU  letter with Štefánik 60h with overp
1939 MÄHRISCH-OSTRAU letter with Štefánik 60h with overprint Wir sind frei!, CDS Moravská Ostrava 20.3.1939, two cachets, postally unused, good condition
Starting price: CZK
82864 - 1939 MÄHRISCH-OSTRAU  letter with Coat of arms 20h with ove
1939 MÄHRISCH-OSTRAU letter with Coat of arms 20h with overprint Wir sind frei!, CDS Moravská Ostrava 21.3.1939, 2 cachets, postally unused, good condition
Starting price: CZK
86334 - 1938-39 two PC:  1) CDV 70/1 uprated by. German stamp. 1Pf a
1938-39 two PC: 1) CDV 70/1 uprated by. German stamp. 1Pf and 3Pf Hindenburg, 3 various slogan pmk., Der Führer/ in Haida/ 6.Okt.1938, frame Sudetenland/ kehrt heim ins Reich and round Glasstadt Haida; 2) German Mi.P274/03, framed pmk Haida/ 8.JAN.1939 and red additional Haida die Glasstadt/ Tag der Briefmarke; both postally unused
Starting price: CZK
84719 - 1938 2 letters with Mi.519 2x, provisory straight line postm
1938 2 letters with Mi.519 2x, provisory straight line postmark Auscha + date 20.X.1938, resp. straight line postmark Klein-Mohrau, commercial correspondence, both censored, signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
85465 - 1938 ASCH  postcard, Hitler - Reichsparteitag Nürnberg, wit
1938 ASCH postcard, Hitler - Reichsparteitag Nürnberg, with Mi.4a, CDS AŠ/ASCH 30.IX.38, Un, wrinkled corner
Starting price: CZK
86335 - 1938 commercial letter with Pof.314 4x, red double circle pm
1938 commercial letter with Pof.314 4x, red double circle pmk Böhmisch-Kamnitz/ Wir danken (thank) unserem Führer/ Wir sind frei/ swastika/ 3.Okt.1938, good condition
Starting price: CZK
86333 - 1938 commercial PC with stamp. Pof.250 and 252, 4 slogan pmk
1938 commercial PC with stamp. Pof.250 and 252, 4 slogan pmk with hooked křížem: Glasstadt/ Haida, Sudetenland/ kehrt heim ins Reich and Der Führer in Haida -2 various, Un post + special card to election in/at Sudetes franked with. German stamp. Mi.685, provisional postmark Haida/ 4.DEZ.1938 and additional Glasgebiet Haida/ sagt am 4.12.1938/ dem Führer ein "Ja", well preserved
Starting price: CZK
87630 - 1938 propaganda Ppc with mounted stamp. 50h Beneš with red
1938 propaganda Ppc with mounted stamp. 50h Beneš with red overprint "1.20" issued in Aš (Asch), red propagandistic cancel. Wir kehrten heim ins Reich/ Rosbach 21.9.38, good condition, Un
Starting price: CZK
85041 - 1938 propaganda Ppc with swastika sent from Lindenau to Haid
1938 propaganda Ppc with swastika sent from Lindenau to Haidy, straight line postmark Sudetes and negative cancel. parish office, philatelic motivace, stains
Starting price: CZK
86886 - 1938 Reg letter sent from occupied Liberec to Czechoslovakia
1938 Reg letter sent from occupied Liberec to Czechoslovakia on/for Headquarters Compensatory batt./guidon FP No.21 in/at Čáslav, franked with. German stamp. 50Pf Hindenburg, nationalized CDS REICHENBERG 15.XI.38, Us German customs control; folds
Starting price: CZK
86019 - 1938 official card without franking for choice postage-due,
1938 official card without franking for choice postage-due, framed pmk Königsberg/ (Ostsudetenland) 1 + date-stamp 13.XII.38, slogan pmk Das befreite (liberated) Königsberg/ swastika/ Ostsudetenland (2x), red line Surcharge + blue by pencil "4", on reverse printed table postal fees after/behind postage mailing, interesting document, nice condition
Starting price: CZK
82866 - 1939 comp. 2 pcs of entires with postmarks Wir sind frei! Fr
1939 comp. 2 pcs of entires with postmarks Wir sind frei! Friedek and swastika, philatelic mailing , good condition
Starting price: CZK
85600 - 1939 comp. 3 pcs of newspaper wrappers sent to Prague, cash
1939 comp. 3 pcs of newspaper wrappers sent to Prague, cash paid, CDS ASCH/ PAID, very fine
Starting price: CZK
83065 - 1939 service letter Czechoslovak State Railways, without fra
1939 service letter Czechoslovak State Railways, without franking, CDS FRÝDEK 2/29.3.1939, propaganda overprint Wir sind frei ! Friedek, vert. fold, larger format envelope/-s
Starting price: CZK
84337 - 1919 reply form, German - Polish variety, sent to ISTEBNA, o
1919 reply form, German - Polish variety, sent to ISTEBNA, on reverse CDS JABLUNKAU + postal agency pmk KONIAKAU (JABl..SCHL)./ KONIAKÓW (JABL.SZL.), light in the middle folded, otherwise well preserved
Starting price: CZK
80917 - 1938 letter to Netherlands, franked with. mixed Czechosl. -
1938 letter to Netherlands, franked with. mixed Czechosl. - Polish franking (50h + 60gr), CDS JABLONKOV/ 4.X.38, well preserved, post. transport nezaručená
Starting price: CZK
86884 - 1938 philatelic entire with multicolor franking Polish stamp
1938 philatelic entire with multicolor franking Polish stamp., without addressee with Polish CDS JAWORZYNA SPISKA 9.XII.38 and red cachet Szlak turystyczny Jaworzyna wrócit to Polski; good condition
Starting price: CZK
88624 - 1938-39 comp. 4 pcs of Hungarian pictorial post cards 10f -
1938-39 comp. 4 pcs of Hungarian pictorial post cards 10f - 16f, any other one, CDS KASSA, KOMÁROM, UNGVÁR, NAGYKÁLNA, good condition
Starting price: CZK
88620 - 1939-41 comp. 4 pcs of Hungarian pictorial post cards 16f, a
1939-41 comp. 4 pcs of Hungarian pictorial post cards 16f, any other one, CDS KASSA (2x), KOMÁROM, UNGVÁR, 2x censorship, good condition
Starting price: CZK
88716 - 1939-43 comp. 7 pcs of Hungarian PC 6 - 18f, 3x uprated, CDS
1939-43 comp. 7 pcs of Hungarian PC 6 - 18f, 3x uprated, CDS KASSA, UNGVÁR, KOMÁROM, ERSEKUJVÁR, HUSZT, LÉVA, NAGYIDA, good condition, placed in covers, good offer
Starting price: CZK
88738 - 1938 letter with mixed franking of czechosl. stamp. Pof.344
1938 letter with mixed franking of czechosl. stamp. Pof.344 and Hungarian stamp. 32f, Hungarian CDS GALANTÁ 38 XI.15., addressed to to Bratislava, philatelically motivated
Starting price: CZK
82755 - 1938 letter franked with. mixed Hungary - Czechosl. franking
1938 letter franked with. mixed Hungary - Czechosl. franking, postmark Visszatert Kassa and CDS KASSA 21.11.1938, to Prague, slightly faded
Starting price: CZK
85463 - 1938 philatelic letter to Prague, recipient Zdeněk Kvasnič
1938 philatelic letter to Prague, recipient Zdeněk Kvasnička, mixed maďarsko-čsl. franking Mi.553 and Pof.249, 303, 314, special postmark BODROGSZERDAHELY (Streda above Bodrogom) 38.XI.26, exp. by Kvasnicka., on reverse hints after sticking in album
Starting price: CZK
85596 - 1938-39 comp. 3 pcs of entires, 2x mixed franking Czechosl.
1938-39 comp. 3 pcs of entires, 2x mixed franking Czechosl. and Hungarian stamps, cachets VISSZATÉRT LOSONC and KASSA, 1x Hungarian PC from Khust to Prostějov, CDS M. KIR. POST 39.IV.14/ 310, 2x hints after sticking in album
Starting price: CZK
82622 - 1939 PC Pof.CDV69/234B sent from Štúrova on/for Slovak FP,
1939 PC Pof.CDV69/234B sent from Štúrova on/for Slovak FP, Hungarian CDS Szölgen 9.11.39, Slovak censorship, in the middle vertical fold
Starting price: CZK
82612 - 1939 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter sen
1939 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter sent from Výškova n./T. to Khust, franked Hungarian stmp, CDS MKP 354 4.8.39, arrival postmark on reverse, gently horiz. in the middle folded
Starting price: CZK
82616 - 1939 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter sen
1939 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter sent from Mukachevo to Prague, franked Hungarian stamps, CDS Munkács 16.4.39, good condition
Starting price: CZK
82615 - 1939 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter sen
1939 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter sent from Sevluše to Kroměříž, postmark MKP 234 with emblem, yellowy margins
Starting price: CZK
82617 - 1939 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, Registered
1939 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, Registered and Express letter from Khust to Prague, envelope with additional-printing Jasiňa, Hungarian tricolour, franked Hungarian stamps, CDS MKP 102, arrival postmark and restante fee on the reverse side letter, stains, authenticity unwarranted - Šonka (see special article in/at section Collecting)
Starting price: CZK
82553 - 1939 Reg letter sent from Khust to Prague, franked Hungarian
1939 Reg letter sent from Khust to Prague, franked Hungarian stamps, CDS M.K.P.102, picture of stmp Jasiňa over-mounted Hungarian trikolorou, provisional R label - hand-made inscription, after/around delivery to Prague chosen restante fee 50h on the reverse side letter, slightly wrinkled, faded, authenticity unwarranted - Šonka (see special article in/at section Collecting)
Starting price: CZK
82554 - 1939 occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter to Chrudim, f
1939 occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter to Chrudim, franked Hungarian stamps, CDS M.K.P.310 (KHUST) 17.4.39, good condition
Starting price: CZK
82556 - 1939 occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, Hungarian PC uprated
1939 occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, Hungarian PC uprated, sent as Express to Michalovce, CDS M.K.P.118 (Velykyi Bereznyi) 27.III.39, in the middle folded
Starting price: CZK
82624 - 1939-1944 comp. 3 pcs of entires sent from Hungarian occupat
1939-1944 comp. 3 pcs of entires sent from Hungarian occupation to Bohemia-Moravia and to Slovakia, 1x R, 1x Reg and airmail, 1x uprated p.stat, good condition
Starting price: CZK
82608 - 1940 comp. 6 pcs of Ppc sent from territory Hungarian occupa
1940 comp. 6 pcs of Ppc sent from territory Hungarian occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, franked Hungarian stamps, postmark 2x Uzhhorod, 4x Mukachevo, good condition
Starting price: CZK
82607 - 1941 letter sent 13.1.1941 from Kostriny (Csontos) to Uzhhor
1941 letter sent 13.1.1941 from Kostriny (Csontos) to Uzhhorod, Hungarian stmp also postmark on the reverse side, address partially zaškrtaná, suitable as dokladový material postmarks in/at Hungarian making
Starting price: CZK
82619 - 1942 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter sen
1942 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter sent from Uzhhorod to Michalovce, franked Hungarian stamps, CDS UNGVÁR/ 19.5.42, Slovak censorship, good condition
Starting price: CZK
82613 - 1942 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, Hungarian
1942 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, Hungarian p.stat letter-card 20fill red, sent from Uzhhorod to Rumania, CDS UNGVÁR 26.10.42, good condition
Starting price: CZK
82610 - 1943 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, Hungarian
1943 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, Hungarian p.stat 18fill green sent from Uzhhorod to Velké Berezného 15.12.43, preserved
Starting price: CZK
82614 - 1944 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter sen
1944 Hungarian occupation of Carpathian Ruthenia, letter sent from Mukachevo to Uzhhorod, special postmark to/at 100. Anniv from death Mihály Munkácsyho/ 20.II.1944, good condition
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 23 / Philately / Occupations - Information

V této kategorii zařazujeme položky poštovní historie z období 1938 a dělíme jej na Německý zábor - Sudety, Polský zábor a Maďarský zábor na Slovensku.

Do kategorie Protektorát Čechy a Morava zařazujeme emise poštovních známek z období 1939 - 1945. Mnohé emise poštovních známek vycházely v tomto období v atraktivních tiskových úpravách jako varianty kuponů, desková čísla a značky, tisk na okrajích, meziarší u doplatních poštovních známek, varianty zoubkování, odlišné úpravy zmenšených přepážkových archů atd. V té době byla velmi používaná příležitostná razítka. Generální sbírka obsahuje 182 poštovních známek.