1941 comp. 3 pcs of FP cards, CDS Central office FP, distinctive characters a, b, clear FP card with small Slovak emblem, one card vert. fold, else preserved, sought
1941-44 2x Slovak FP card, 1x CDS FP 8a/ 2.XII.41, 1x CDS FP 6b/ 3.VIII.44, both postmark FP original Czech with broken out characters, same sender also recipient, still preserved
1938-40 comp. 3 pcs of commercial correspondence, all with meter stmp, LAMSDORF (A.Zierz), BEUTHEN (Heinitzkohle), KRATZAU (Textilana), 2x window envelope (1x missing upper lapel), clear, without other damage
1945 Reg letter franked with. combinations imprint meter stmp Traditional insurance company Čechoslavia in Prague/ PRAGUE 1/ 17.12.45 with value 3,20CZK and vyplatních postal stamps in value 4,20CZK with MC PRAGUE 1/ 17/ XII 45; good condition, rare!
1962 Reg letter sent 4.2.62 from Prague to Switzerland, 1x frankotype 1Kčs and 1x 3,40Kčs, label, that recipient mailing nevyzvedl, returned, good condition
1936-74 comp. 4 pcs of entires with various meter stmp: Insurance company AssecurareNecesseEst, Prague (1936); LADA Soběslav (1939, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA); WIKOW Prostějov (1946); Czechoslovak marine boating, Prague (1976); good condition
1907 postcard (fairground Brno, i.a. balloon) with 5h Franz Joseph., rare special postmark Brünner (Brno) Messe/ Brno market/ 6.V.07 - light rozmáznuté, but very well readable, addressed to to Vienna, cat. Votocek 120b., well preserved
1938 postcard with 10Pf, red rubber hand stamp DEUTSCH (GERMAN) BRODEK to celebration Führer with date 24.11.1938, date-stamp 30.XII.1938, postmark in lower part slightly double
1939 3 pcs of commemorative sheets with mounted stamps and special postmark, RUŽOMBEROK The first stamps leader Andrej Hlinka, RUŽOMBEROK The first anniv of death leader Andrej Hlinka, RUŽOMBEROK Sitting Slovak congress, 1x light folded, otherwise well preserved
1938 MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) Reg letter to Sweden, right franking 5CZK, posted by/on/at mobile post-office (on a bus) near/in/at World Championship in ice hockey, orange postmark PRAGUE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 18.II.38, distinction "e", on reverse label Sokol, good condition
1936II. Festival winter games MACCABI, blue special postmark Bánská Bystrica 24.II.36, 10 copy-print postmarks on/for slepovacím card RegisterdPresto with dvojbarevným additional-printing to/at games; good condition
1939 airmail letter to Jerusalem, original franking forerunner stamps Pof.L7 (block of 6), 4x PR1b (visit A. Hitler in Prague) with date 18.III.39, uprated stamp. Pof.L8 + cut gutter Pof.306, 3x CDS PRAGUE 1/ 28.III.39, without transit and arrival postmarks, good condition
1939-44 selection of 20 pcs of turnusových advertising postmarks, 13 pcs of on/for Us entires, other as cut-squares, standard quality copy-print, now very sought, profitable offer
1942 Reg letter addressed to to Germany on envelope with color additional-printing to 3. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia, with with overprint to témuž Anniv, Pof.72, 73, 27, black special postmark 86a from 15.III.42, on reverse arrival postmark; missing corner back flap
1942VIKTORIA! / Deutschland (Germany) siegt an all Fronten (fronts) für Europe!, red propagandistic cancel. only with German textem(!), on/for 2 pcs of official envelopes franked with. service stmp., CDS FRÝDEK 1/ 30.I. and 24.II.42; envelope/-s format A5, good condition
1950 HIGH TATRA - TATRANSKÝPOHÁR - MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) comp. 13 pcs of various materials with special postmark, contains 2x round special postmark MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) B, 3x slalom (a+b), 2x běhy (a+b), 2x skoky (b), 1x štafeta (and), 1x štafety (b), 1x congress (and), 1x without text (!!), 5x Us entire (3x as R), good quality, sought print special postmark
1955-59 CYCLING - works OKOLOSLOVENSKA - MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS), 10 pcs of various materials (7x advertising) with postmarks etapových towns, various also same annual volumes, good quality, sought print special postmark
1942Odborný firm fire-fighting A. Stárek, Žilina, advertising added print on face-side envelope/-s Us to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS ŽILINA 28.VIII.42, German censorship; good condition, decorative!
1893 PC Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer, on reverse additional printing firm A. Hradetzky, Bier-Export-Geschäft, pre-printed invoice with revenue 1kr, recipient Mitrowsky, Sokolnice, very good condition, interesting, sought
1926-46 COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA commercial PC with imprinted advertising Komunistické bookshop/ Prague 1, Perštýn 6, with Pof.188, MC Prague 25/ 7.V.26 + 2 letters with added-print Communist Party of Czechoslovakia/ Regional secretariate Praha-Příkopy 33, resp. Communist Party of Czechoslovakia/ District secretariate Dobříš-Pražská 110, corresponding franking, well preserved
1928 commercial PC with imprinted advertising firm MAGISTRÁLA Brno, sent as Express to Přerov, with Pof.214, CDS BRNO 1/ 15.II.28, arrival postmark Přerov 2/ 15.II.28 in front, decorative, good condition
1934 SEED PRODUCTION comp. 2 pcs of large format envelopes with additional-printing, semenářská firm Joseph Vyskočil, Mělník, and T. Rotrekl, Brno, Us, warped paper, 1 piece with small stains
1937-40SCOUTING comp. 10 pcs of cards from scout correspondence, 1x Un card, various scout postmark, part correspondence from Protectorate, good condition
1914 HUNGARY four-piece commercial PC with imprinted color advertising f. S. Bien´s sons, factory on/for margarin, franked with. newspaper stamp. Mi.90, CDS Nové Město n.Mor./ 7.V.14, interesting, sound condition
1938-60 comp. 5 pcs of various post stickers, 2x German : Odmítnuto - trilingual, whole 50 pcs of sheet with printing data, Departed - bilingual, the bottom blk-of-25 with printing data, 1x 88-blok telegraph labels from year 1941, lower printing data, 2x hinge / label from Czechoslovakia II. 1x whole block of 8 about/by post. air-mail transport, lower printing data, 1x block of four paper bulk postage charge Training centre Ministry communications, good quality, for specialist interesting
1962 JUDAICA / GERMANY - WEST memorial two-sheet, Jewish Community in Berlin, memory on/for destructed Jewish synagogue, mounted stamps Mi.340-343 with special postmark, used 10 pcs of various contribution club/federal stamps with vyobrazenýmisynagogami before/(in front of) zničením, cardboard folder, format A4, nice
1990 POLAR RESEARCH two letters on/for geologickouexpedici "SPITSBERGEN '90", 1x sent from GDR and 1x from Czechoslovakia, transit through/over MURMANSK, cachets, nice quality