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1914 Maxa V15, commercial letter with Franz Joseph 10h with perfin "VK" f. Wenceslas Kadlec, Prague, stains in marginU:A5
1899 Maxa Var.7 , commercial PC with Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer with perfin f. Wenceslas Mašek, Turnov, short tear in upper marginU:A5
1900 money dispatch-note to Switzerland with multicolor franking stamp. Mi.56, 72, 80, with perfin "R.&B. ", f. RIEDEL & BEUTEL , Wien, CDS WIEN 16.5.00, nice seal, customs stamp, decorativeU:A5
1900 postcard with multicolor franking 2+½ ; stamps, perfin "A", firm Adolf Jakob , Reichenberg by/on/at. Ratschendorf (Liberec), lined postmark RADCHENDORF 27.3.00, arrival REICHENBERG, philatelic entireU:A5
1898-1915 comp. 3 pcs of identification entires with stamps with perfins Maxa J18, J112, A12, very good conditionU:A5
selection of 58 pcs of stamps, part Austria-Hungary, all with various perfinsU:A5
1929 REVENUE STAMPS Maxa J17, whole invoice Joseph Bartoň and sons from Náchod with revenue 40h with perfin "J.B.S. ", date 27.6.1929, multicolor additional printing, fold, good condition, decorative!U:A4
1924-33 Maxa A12, A15 , comp. 2 pcs of entires, commercial PC with Nitra 50h with perfin "A. D." f. Co-operation Manager, Milotice n. B., commercial PC with issue Chainbreaker 50h with perfin "AEG " f. Elektrotechnická s.r.o., Brno, 1x filling holesU:A5
1935-38 Maxa A20 , A38 , comp. 2 pcs of identification entires, with perfin "A.F.N ." f. Anthony Fleissiga nástupce , Prague, "A.K." f. Agroferra , Kunčice n./O., interesting frankings, rusty stainsU:A4
1905-22 Maxa A36, comp. 3 pcs of commercial PC with perfin "A.K." f. A. Kalla, Šmídeberk (Kovářská ), very light stainsU:A5
1933 Maxa A67 , commercial PC with Masaryk 50h with perfin "A.S ." f. Adolf Schönbek , Smržovka, CDS SMRŽOVKA 5.IV.33, filling holesU:A5
1921-31 Maxa B26 , B67, B81 , comp. 3 pcs of entires with perfins, "BDB " Directory bath in/at Bílina, "B.P." bros. Perutz, Prague, "B.T ." bros. Tauber, Prague, short tear in marginU:A5
1920-26 Maxa B26 , B81 , D9, comp. 3 pcs of entires with perfins, "BDB " Directory bath in/at Bílina, "B.T ." bros. Tauber, Prague, "D.F.C ." David Fanto & Co., Pardubice, light stains, filling holesU:A5
1928-37 Maxa B33, B69 , B88 , comp. 3 pcs of entires with perfins, "B.E ." bros. Ettlové , Svitavy, "Br." Joseph Brukner and sons, Prague, "B.Z ." bros. Zátkové , České Budějovice, 1x light stainsU:A5
1930 Maxa C2, commercial PC with State Coat of Arms 30h and 20h with perfin "C" f. Calofrig , Inc., Prague, very fineU:A5
1936 Maxa C21 , commercial PC with Beneš 50h with perfin "CHH " f. Chemosan-Hellco , Inc., Brno, filling holes, otherwise very fineU:A5
1927 Maxa D12, commercial PC with Masaryk 50h with perfin "DHL " f. Co-operation agricultural distilleries, Prague, filling holesU:A5
1918-33 Maxa E23, F16 , F21, comp. 3 pcs of commercial letters with perfins, "EJW" E. J. Weinmann , Ústí n. L.., "F.D ." F. Deutsch (German), Olomouc, "F.G." Franz. Gattermann , Prague; tearing in margin, repairedU:A5
1931 Maxa E41, commercial PC with Masaryk 50h with perfin "ES" f. Emil Spiegel & Co., Varnsdorf, decorativeU:A5
1920 Maxa E54 , envelope with additional-printing firm Vítkovické iron-works, Reg letter to Germany, franked with. Hradcany-issue stamp. Pof.4F 2x, 11A 3x, all with perfin "EW ", CDS VÍTKOVICKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY 16/3 20, on reverse German censor stick-on label and arrival postmark LÜBECK 25.3.20; on face-side hints after sticking and on reverse missing part flapU:A5
1931 Maxa F62 , commercial letter with Masaryk 60h with perfin "F.S." f. Fleischer & Schirger , Košice, very fineU:A5
1920 Maxa F64, Francis Schmidt KRNOV, parcel dispatch card segment with Pof.23, 17, 7 pair perforated, stamps with perfin, decorative, good conditionU:A5
1919 Maxa G18, parcel dispatch card segment uprated with stamp Pof.17, 20 with perfin "GH",DR TROPPAU 11.X.19, on reverse surtax Pof.DL4 CDS TÁTRALOMNITZ 919.X.13, short tear in L marginU:A5
1922-31 Maxa H16, J80, K51, comp. 3 pcs of commercial entires with perfins, "HFS" Henry Francek's Sons, Chomutov, "JO" J. Otto, Prague, "K.&S." Knotek & Co., Jičín; filling holesU:A5
1935-39 Maxa H3, H24, K51, comp. 3 pcs of commercial PC with perfins, "H" Heinika , Přerov, "Hiko " Hirsch & Co., "K.&S." Knotek & Co., Jičín; good conditionU:A5
1928 Maxa J44 , commercial PC with Masaryk 50h with perfin "J.H ." f. Joseph Hübner, Brno; light stainsU:A5
1928-48 Maxa J44 , K50, K51, comp. 3 pcs of commercial PC with perfins, "J.H ." Joseph Hübner, Trutnov, "K&S" ES-KA Cheb, "K.&S." Knotek & Co., Jičín; good conditionU:A5
1921 Maxa J80 2x, L26, comp. 3 pcs of letters with additional-printing f. J. OTTO , Prague, People's newspaper, Brno, good conditionU:A5
1933 Maxa J96, commercial envelope firm Prodejna tickets Joseph Stein, stamp. with perfin JS, machine slogan pmk Prague 25/10.11.33, good conditionU:A5
1924 Maxa K19, commercial PC with issue Chainbreaker 50h with perfin "KBD " f. Wenceslas Souček, Mochov; filling holesU:A5
1924 Maxa K19, commercial PC with issue Chainbreaker 50h with perfin "KBD " f. Wenceslas Souček, Mochov; filling holesU:A5
1936 Maxa K43, commercial PC with additional-printing firm Cosmos Olomouc-Hodolany , perfin K.O.B ., CDS Olomouc 2/19.2.36 U:A5
1937 Maxa K43, commercial PC with Beneš 50h with perfin "K.O.E ." f. COSMOS Olomouc, filling holesU:A5
1937 Maxa K5, commercial letter with Masaryk 1CZK with perfin "K" f. Michael Kann , Bratislava, special postmark Mourning of Czechoslovakia, crosswise fold, light stains, torn off cornerU:A5
1939-42 Maxa K51, comp. 2 pcs of commercial letters with perfin "K.&S." f. Knotek & Co., Jičín, light stains, 1x tearing in margin, repairedU:A5
1925 Maxa K58 , commercial PC with Masaryk 50h with perfin "KUSSI " f. Julius Kussi , Prague; filling holesU:A5
1937 Maxa L14, commercial letter with Purkyně 1CZK with perfin "LG " f. Landis & Gyr , Prague; very fineU:A4
1928-32 Maxa L26, L30, L31, comp. 3 pcs of commercial letters with perfins, "LN" People's newspaper, Brno, "L.P.Č ." Čechoslavia , Prague, "L&P " Lederer & Porges (Královopolská machine-works), Brno; damaged margin, filling holesU:A5
1924 Maxa M24 , commercial PC with issue Chainbreaker 50h with perfin "MHS " f. M. Herbst sons, Cheb, filling holesU:A5
1924 Maxa M24 , comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfin "MHS " f. M. Herbst sons, Cheb, filling holes, additionally mounted stmpU:A5
1930 Maxa M30 , commercial PC with Masaryk 50h with perfin "MM " f. Moritz Munk, Police n./M., filling holesU:A5
1936 Maxa N20 , commercial letter with Masaryk 1CZK and Tyrš 60h with perfin "NTP " f. Novina , Prague; light stainsU:A5
1931 Maxa N7 , commercial letter with Masaryk 1 Koruna with perfin "N.E ." f. Nathan Eisler, Prague, stain in marginU:A4
1931 Maxa N7 , commercial PC with Masaryk 50h with perfin "N.E ." f. Nathan Eisler, Prague, filling holesU:A5
1930 Maxa N7 , commercial PC with State Coat of Arms 30h with perfin "N.E ." f. Nathan Eisler, Prague, very fineU:A5
1921 Maxa N8, commercial PC with Pigeon-issue 10h with perfin "N.E.K." f. Nathan Eisler, Kolín, good conditionU:A5
1921 Maxa N8, commercial PC with Pigeon-issue 10h with perfin "N.E.K." f. Nathan Eisler, Kolín, very niceU:A5
1923 Maxa N8, commercial PC with Pigeon-issue 20h with perfin "N.E.K." f. Nathan Eisler, Kolín, very niceU:A5
1922 Maxa N8, commercial PC with issue Chainbreaker 50h with perfin "N.E.K." f. Nathan Eisler, Kolín, good conditionU:A5
1924 Maxa N8, commercial PC with issue Chainbreaker 50h with perfin "N.E.K." f. Nathan Eisler, Kolín, broken cornerU:A5
1932 Maxa O21 , commercial PC with additional-printing firm Zbirovia , perfin OT, CDS Prague 25/30.11.32, decorative, good condition U:A5
1934 Maxa P11, commercial PC with Masaryk 1 Koruna with perfin "PG/V " f. Matador , Prague; crosswise fold, torn in L marginU:A4
1925-31 Maxa P33, U2, comp. 2 pcs of entires with perfins, "P. W." PREMIER Cheb, "UB" Czech Union Bank, Prague, stainU:A5
1922 Maxa R13 , commercial letter with issue Chainbreaker 100h with perfin "R.B ." f. Rudolf Bächer , Roudnice, damaged upper marginU:A5
1921 Maxa R5, Reg letter with additional-printing f. B. Zelinka , Královské Vinohrady, stamp. Pof.140, 157, with perfin "R" + zkřížená kladívka , CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 28.XI.21, good conditionU:A5
Maxa S38 , Var.8 , comp. 2 pcs of commercial letters with perfins, "SP" Sekuritas , Prague; DELI Inc., Lovosice1x damaged, very frayed margins, foldU:A4
1922-31 Maxa S50 , S52, V16, W23 , comp. 4 pcs of entires with perfins, "SS" Siemens Bratislava, "S.S." Salomon Schulhof, Prague, "V.O.C ." Vacuum Oil Company, Inc., Prague, "W.OTT " W. Ott , Prague; 2x foldU:A4
1922-47 Maxa S52, W23 , W32 , Ž2 , comp. 4 pcs of entires with perfins, "S.S." Salomon Schulhof, Prague, "W.OTT " W. Ott , Prague, "W.S ." Wolf and Schleim , Prague, "ŽOS ." Železářská commercial community Inc., Prague; 1x filling holesU:A5
1921 Maxa T13, cut square post. dispatch-note i.a. franked by stmp Hradčany 500h with perfin "T.S. ", supplemented with 2 pcs of stamp. Hradčany 500h with perfin "F.S." and "K&L ", Maxa L39 U:A5
1928 Maxa W2 , commercial PC with Masaryk 50h with perfin "W." f. Rudolf Weber's Erben, Šluknov, filling holesU:A5
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