1919 Hungarian international parcel card with revenue 10f in blue color on yellow paper, cat. Kořínek U-CPP2., larger part, with Hradčany 25h blue 8x and 20h green-blue 2x, CDS POZSONY 1/ 919.Maj.11.; good condition
1918 postcard franked Austrian postage-due stmp Mi.P48 as postage stmp (10h), by hand added "post paid", nevylámané CDS PARDUBICE 2/ 18.XII.18, first day of issue Czechosl. stamps - the first day souběžností, smaller hints after sticking in/at text part/-s, in picture side color view of Královskoutřídu in Pardubice, two-sided interesting
1918-19 comp. of 3 entires franked Austrian stamps, as forerunner or parallel, 1x letter in the place, franking 15 + 5h, CDS PRAGUE/ ?, from content letter 21.XI.18, 1x postcard with single franking 10h, MC PRAGUE 1/ 23.XII.18, 1x letter sent as Registered, franking on reverse (3x postage stmp + 1x newspaper (!)), CDS KRUMLOV/ 27.II.19, good condition
1918-19 comp. 5 pcs of larger parts postal orders, issue 1918, small format, 3x uprated by. Hungarian stamps as parallel, 2x as liberated from postage; well preserved, budget-priced, interesting!
1918-19 comp. 7 pcs of entires, from that 3x PC, with various franking Austrian stamps, PC uprated with stamp Mi.220A, 220B, p.stat exp. by Karasek., 1x broken corner
19192 pcs of většich parts p.stat money dispatch-notes small and big format, uprated by. parallel Hungarian stamp. 10f Charles, Mi.213 and 5f Reaper Mi.192, CDS MIAVA 919.Jan.27. and SELMECZBÁNYA; punch cancelled, superb print
1919comp. 3 pcs of commercial letters addressed to Austria and franked/paid cash, from that 2x as Registered, CDS ŠLAPANICE MOR. 3.I.19 + OLOMOUC 1/ 3.I.19 and ordinary letter with CDS OLOMOUC 3/ 3/1 19 (on reverse torn flap)
1919větši part Hungarian p.stat money dispatch-note small format, uprated by. parallel Hungarian stamp. 80f Parliament Mi.202 on reverse and Hradcany-issue stamp. 20h 2x, CDS NAGY TAPOLCSÁNY919.Feb.27., addressed to to Olomouc.; good condition, very nice print Hungarian postmark
RV138 FP (mint never hinged mint never hinged), RV140 FP, RV146, Žilina issue, Šrobár's inverted overprint on 3 values, Reaper 3 and 5f, Charles 10f, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 900CZK
1918letter franked with Austrian stmp Mi.187, 189 and 190 with overprint "Czechoslovak/ Republic", so-called. Prague overprint III. (Levec), CDS Prague 1/ 28.XII.18, envelope in the middle 1x vertical folded, rare occurrence, good condition
1918 Reg letter with RV85-99, Budějovice issue (Horner's overprint), CDS Budějovice 4/ 15.XI.18, addressed to to Vienna, authenticity stamp. expertized handwriting přípisem J. Mrňáka on reverse from y 1953 + expert's mark, format 23,5x15cm, in the middle 1x vert. fold, wrinkled margins
Pof.7, 15h bricky red, zdánlivě inverted gutter, 1 stamp. print on gummed side, 1 stamp. almost full sheet offset, light folded, on reverse double impression from plate 5, exp. by Skaloud., very interesting!
Pof.7STk, 15h bricky red, corner Pr with lower margin and control-numbers, combination joined spiral and bar type, pos. 91-92, plate 1, exp. by Karasek., Ma
Pof.3, 8, 22, production flaw significant wrinkle paper + 3h significant color stains in the picture, 2x block of four value 3h and 20h blue-green, value 200h hinged
Pof.11, 25h violet, incomplete comp. of stamps with spiral type I and bar type II., plate 1 and 2, interesting study selection of, total 38 pcs of stamps