1939-41 FRANKOTYPES / BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of 23 pcs of letters with meter stmp, 11 pcs of forerunner, i.a. NOVINA Prague, Semler Plzeň, Commercial association Prague, National auto club and oths., standard quality
1918CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / MACULATURE collection ca. 290 pcs of bloks of four printers waste issues Hradčany, Newspaper stamps and Postage due stmp, in 12-sheet stockbook, profitable
1918-32 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / PLATE NUMBERS selection 22 plate numbers on stmp postage and newspaper, some same, quality mostly mint never hinged, profitable
1918-38CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps., bloks of four and bands with plate number, prevails issue Falcon in Flight (issue), Newspaper stamps - pigeon, OT and stamps from 30. years, placed in stockbook A4 and unbound on stock-sheets
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 accumulation, contains i.a. Hradčany, Airmail - the first issue., Festival, Congress etc.., in 16-sheet stockbook, c.v.. ca. 20.000CZK, originates from Austria
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection of stamps on album sheets in old album V.K.K.V., contains i.a. better Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 and oths., high catalogue value, it is worth seeing, profitable price!
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection of stamps, much issue jednak mint never hinged, jednak used, contains i.a. Hradčany Pof.1-26, incl. 6N, 9N and 13N - expertized, very interesting color shades (!), variants of perf, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, from No. 140 almost complete, A283, L1-3, L4-6, DL1-66, SO1-23 (SO19 with inverted overprint), SO28-43, PP2A-4A etc.., placed in 2 stockbooks Lindner, cat. over 52.000CZK, it is worth seeing!
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection of stamps, contains i.a. Hradčany, Legionaire, Airmail, SO1920 (overprint) and oths., placed on album sheets Stiburek in screw album and on 3 on stock-sheets, c.v.. just of mint stmp through/over 9000CZK, other excluded from sum
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 specialized collection, 210 pcs of album sheets in 3 spring folder, elaboration according to perf, wmk, types, sort paper, plate flaws and other nahodilostí, contains cancel. Festival, Congress, T. G. Masaryk Pof.190-193 according to wmk, upper coupons Arras, gutter, to examination
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 interesting comp. of stamps, contains i.a. T. G. Masaryk - vertical wmk, special postmark and oths., placed on free album sheets and in spiral stockbook
1918-45 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 incomplete basic collection mainly postmarked stamps, placed in 3 stockbooks, contains i.a. letterpress issues, Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue and oths., also with commemorative postmarks, Austria from y. 1861 - nice postmarks, General Government on free album sheets, interesting selection of
1918-47 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, contains Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Masaryk 1920, Airmail, SO1920 (overprint), small part mint never hinged CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., placed in 9-sheet stockbook, cat. over 30.000CZK, profitable price
1919-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection mainly Hungarian postmarks from Slovak territory, contains also small community, parallel franking, Hradčany and oths., placed in 10-sheet stockbook, high catalogue value
1920 Czechoslovakia / issue Chainbreaker specialized collection of stamps, mainly value 50h blue, varieties, defects, placed in 18-sheet stockbook and 2 on stock-sheets
1920 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / SO1920 (overprint) collection of over 160 pcs of stamps and postmarks, part on cut-squares, in 6-sheet stockbook, very interesting for collectors, sought postmark
1926-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection of stamps, contains i.a. coupons, London MS and several entires, placed on album sheets Stiburek in spring folder, cat. over 3200CZK
1928 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / POSTAGE-DUE - definitive issue, selection of 175 pcs of corner stamps with plate number and 22 pcs of bloks of four with plate number, placed in 10-sheet stockbook A5, cat. min. 3000CZK
1928 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / POSTAGE-DUE - definitive issue, big selection of corner stamps and bloks of four with plate number, ca. 4.000 stamps, all values, placed in 13-sheet stockbook, rare offer
1918-45CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA,, SLOVAKIA estate of collector, contains lot of stamps, blocks, sheets, special postmark, contains also valuable pieces, placed in stockbooks, box and envelopes, all in suitcase, total 9,5kg, suitable for next elaboration and sale
1918-62 CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA remaining comp. of stamps on unbound album pages, also with parcels of stamps and addition special postmark on cut-squares, all in flat box
1919-45 CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, blocks of four, margins, plate number, multiblocks, placed in 10-sheet stockbook
1818-45CZECHOSLOVAKIA very interesting selection of cut-squares and stamps, contains revolutionary overprints 1918 and 1945, Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, SO1920 (overprint), London MS, Kosice MS and oths., placed in overfull 10-sheet stockbook, very interesting item, it is worth seeing
1818-58 CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA interesting comp. of stamps, miniature sheets, blocks, whole sheets, p.stat and special postmark, also with 4 prephilatelic letters, placed on cards, all in/at paper cover, suitable to other elaboration
1890-1990CZECHOSLOVAKIA., WHOLE WORLD big comp. of stamps, choice notebooks, envelope/-s, all in big box, total 9kg of material, suitable for next elaboration
1918-65 Czechoslovakia I.+ II. + SLOVAKIA incomplete collection of stmp and miniature sheets, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 mainly mint never hinged, Kosice MS, Partisan MS and oths., Slovakia used, unattested overprint issue, miniature sheet For Children-issue clear, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 air issue used, Jubilee T. G. Masaryk clear, stamp. from miniature sheet Anthem-issue etc.., placed on album sheets Schaubek in spring folder
1918-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA larger comp. of stamps, contains lot of Hradčany also other issues, positions of watermarks and oths., placed in 2 big stockbooks A4, 2 stockbooks A5, on album sheets, in punched pockets, paper bags and in box, all in medium big box, total over 5kg of material
1918-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, SLOVAKIA comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, special postmark, ministry album PRAGA 1962, contains miniature sheet Praga 1962, all placed in 2 stockbooks, c.v.. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 5000CZK, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 7000CZK, cut-squares BOHEMIA-MORAVIA mobile post office on a bus 500CZK, interesting
1918-89 CZECHOSLOVAKIA big comp. of stamps., duplication, placed in 4 pcs of stockbooks (CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 = 2 stockbooks), 4 paper bags and 3 little-boxes, all in big cardboard box, total 8kg of material, suitable for next elaboration
1918-90 CZECHOSLOVAKIA basic stamp collection., contains much interesting item/-s, i.a. issue Hradčany, Airmail, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 and oths. from that part clear, placed in 2 letter files, total 6kg
1930-78 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / AIRMAIL STAMPS interesting collection airmail stamps from Pof.L7-15 to issue from y 1978, coupons, blocks of four, gutter-pair, also with 2 pigeongrams Brno 1968, in 8-sheet stockbook Schaubek
1937-78 CZECHOSLOVAKIA business supply of M-sheets and printing sheet, blocks of four from end 60. years and start 70. years, Art, Prague castle, Bratislava's motives, etc.., addition p.stat and special commemorative print, i.a. PT1, PT5A+B and oths., placed in 20-sheet stockbook, cat. over 24000CZK
1918-80CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, SLOVAKIA big comp. of stamps, in paper bags and stockbooks, all in larger box, total 5,5kg of material, originates from Austria
1938SUDETENLAND / RUMBURK, MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA small comp. of stamps with overprints Wir sind frei!, 1x plate number, 1x miniature sheet, placed in small 4-sheet stockbook, without guarantee
1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / POSTAGE-DUE selection of 50-stamps. sheets, bnd-of-20 and blocks with plate number, i.a. 20K with plate number 1A-39 and oths., c.v.. 16.000CZK, mainly mint never hinged
1939-43 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA accumulation stamps, complete bands with gutters, corner blocks of four with plate number, stamps with coupons and plate mark, complete printing sheet with plate variety, blocks etc.., placed on 16 pages in big stockbook and 3 punched pockets, high catalogue value
1939-43 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA original collection from y 1943, contains i.a. Overprint issue, coupons, blocks of four, miniatures, plate number, placed in spring folder, high catalogue value
1939-43 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of stamps on album sheets Ju-Pra in screw folder, contains Overprint issue, Landscape, coupons, Postage due stmp - gutter etc..
1939-43 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / NEWSPAPER STAMPS corner stmp, blocks of four and the bottom bnd-of-20 with plate number, in 8-sheet stockbook, c.v.. 12000CZK
1939-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA accumulation mainly mint never hinged stamps, contains several times Overprint issue, coupons at value 5 Koruna and 10K, Landscape and Mozart - coupons, Red Cross, Dvořák etc.., on 7 on stock-sheets, c.v.. 19.000CZK
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA business supply of stamps., blocks of four, plate mark, placed in 4 pcs of stockbooks, also with Slovakia, part postmarked stamps in/at 1 stockbook
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA business supply of stamps in 3 stockbooks, contains blocks of four, coupons, variants of coupons, gutter-pair, Postage due stmp, Official and Newspaper stamps with plate number etc.., very high catalogue value
1939-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA accumulation, mainly coupons, gutter, Landscape, Red Cross, Hitler and oths., in 12-sheet stockbook, suitable not only for businessmen
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of mint stamps, contains Overprint issue (unexamined), corner blocks of four with plate number, plate mark, coupons, variants of coupons, in 12-sheet stockbook, cat. over 5.800CZK
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of stamps., 2x Overprint issue without certification (partially mounted to sheet), placed on album sheets in spring folder, also with blocks of stamps with plate number, horseshoe, gutter-pair etc.. in 2 notebooks
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of stamps., contains Overprint issue, coupons, variants of coupons, plate mark etc.., placed on free album sheets, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA collection of stamps in 8-sheet stockbook, mint never hinged Overprint issue, variants of coupons, gutter, blocks of four with plate number, reprint Terezín, blocks of four with asterisks without gum (1 side), high catalogue value