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1900 PERNŠTEJN (Pernstein) - 2-views collage, B/W, interior rytířského hall, long address, Un U:A5
1899 BOHEMIAN FOREST - color lithography, 4-view (Černé jezero, railway-station Špičák, penzion Prokop, hotel Rixy), long address, postally used, good condition U:A5
1917 BEROUN - B/W window postcard, 14-záběrová, postally used, well preserved U:A5
1910 BEROUN - combined technology, Zeppelin, postman and brašna with folder, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1902 ADAMOV (Adamstal) - outlook-tower Alexandrovka, B/W, figures, long address, Us U:A5
1902 ADAMOV (Adamstal) - river, villa Schöller, color, long address, Us U:A5
1900 LETOVICE - 2-views, general view, parish church, B/W, Un U:A5
1900 SLOUP - 2-views, bridge, church, krápníky, B/W, Un U:A5
1900 ŠEBETOV - 3-views, green shade, castle, villa, church St. Ann, Un, good condition U:A5
1898 BRNO (Brünn) - Czech street, people, shops, issued Ascher & Redlich, long address, Us, light stains U:A5
1900 BRNO (Brünn) - two-piece panorama, issued Ledermann jr., Wien, long address, Un, very light stains U:A5
1900 BRNO (Brünn) - four-piece panorama, issued Reich, long address, Un, preserved U:A5
1900 BRNO (Brünn) - Lidice street, people, steam tram, long address, Us, fold in corner U:A5
1900 BRNO (Brünn) - atypical view of Špilberk, evidently surroundings street Úvoz, economic buildings, issued E. Schmidt, Dresden-Budapest, long address, Un, excellent quality, very interesting U:A5
1900 BRNO (Brünn) - Tivoligasse (Jirásek's ul.), view of street, people, long address, Un, very light stains, rounded corners U:A5
1902 BRNO (Brünn) - lithography, technical school, long address, Us, rounded corners U:A5
1908 BRNO (Brünn) - Water street, view of Petrov, Us, broken corner U:A5
1909 BRNO (Brünn) - Masaryk's street (Ferdinandstraße), shops, people, tram, nice details, issued Hermann Seibt, Meissen, Un, superb U:A5
1921 BRNO (Brünn) - 3-views, hotel Slavie, 2x interior, Un, on reverse described, good condition U:A5
1900 BRNĚNSKÉ IVANOVICE (Nennowitz) - 2-views, castle, stop, train, B/W, Un U:A5
1903 JEHNICE - general view, brewery, long address, Us, bumped corners, very light stains U:A5
1919-26 MEDLÁNKY - comp. 2 pcs of postcard, 3-views colored (pub, castle, centre village), B/W 4-view (memorial, tobacconist's, 2x village), both postally used, good condition U:A5
1899 PISÁRKY (Schreibwald) - 3-views, restaurant Carl Weingärtner, open-air restaurant, view over river, issued W. Burkart, Brünn, long address, Us, stain in L upper corner U:A5
1900 ŘEČKOVICE - 3-views, restaurant Henry Slámy, general view, interior, open-air restaurant, long address, Us, bumped corners, light stains U:A5
1913 ŽELEŠICE (Žilošice, Schöllschitz) - valley Bobravy, issued B. Sulcer, Us, good condition U:A5
1898 TIŠNOV - 3-views, B/W, Sokol house, square, emblem, long address, Us, in lower margin torn U:A5
1926 TIŠNOV - railway-station, colored, postally used, preserved U:A5
1930? VEVERSKÁ BÍTÝŠKA - 2x B/W view of street town, Un, well preserved U:A5
1900 RAJHRAD (Raigern) - boys by river, in background monastery, long address, Un U:A5
1931 BRUNTÁL (Freudenthal) - promotional Ppc, meeting war veterans, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1910? OSOBLAHA (Hotzenplotz) - part of square, color, Un, nice U:A5
1899 POHOŘELICE (Pohrlitz) - color lithography, collage, 2-view, long address, used, unstuck stamp, good condition U:A5
1909 POŠTORNÁ - closure of Czech school by constabulary, used, well preserved U:A5
1901 VELKÝ GRUNOV (Groß Grünau) - lithography, dairy works, railway-station, factory, school, long address, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1922 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE - comp. 3 pcs of promotional Ppc f. Perner, bells, present for church Vejprty, 1x photo Chalupa, 2x autograph Rudolf Perner, Us, standard quality U:A5
1908? MIKULÁŠOVICE (Nixdorf) - 5-views, color collage lithography, long address, postally used, well preserved U:A5
1887 PRAVČICKÁ GATE (Prebischthor) - forerunner Ppc, PC Mi.P43, with picture additional-printing, Un, superb U:A5
1916 POBĚŽOVICE (Ronsperg) - Station Str. + apothecary's, B/W, postally used, railway postmark local railway č.2256 Ronsperg - Stankau, good condition U:A5
1929 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ (Pražské Předměstí) - comp. 4 pcs of Ppc, consequences ničivé vichřice 4.7.1929, Un, good condition, very interesting U:A5
1905 MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ (Marienbad) - funny postcard, heart, issued Zieher, München (Munich), long address, Us in y 1909, bumped corners U:A5
1914 CHEB (Eger) - promotional Ppc Verenigte Wildstein-Neudorfer Tonwerke, colliery on/for křemičitou zeminu, Us, good condition U:A5
1913 CHOMUTOV (Komotau) - color, drawn, collage view of square, figures rytíře order and member German club/association, postally Un, small fold corners, otherwise well preserved U:A5
1897 CHOMUTOV (Komotau) - lithography, issued Ottmar Zieher, München (Munich), long address, Us, broken corner U:A5
1899 CHOMUTOV (Komotau) - lithography, green paper, issued Schwidernoch, Wien, No. 4156, long address, Us, superb U:A5
1899 CHOMUTOV (Komotau) - railway-station, trains, people, long address, Us, very light stains U:A5
1898 KLÁŠTEREC N. O. (Klösterle a.d. Eger) - lithography, mineral spring, castle, issued Philippsohn, Dresden, long address, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1901 VYSOČANY (Wissotschan bei Saaz) - lithography, issued Langer, Komotau, long address, Us, pulled-down stamp U:A5
1906 CHRUDIM - three-piece panorama, issued Joseph Kraus, Us, good condition U:A5
1916 DESNÁ (Tiefenbach) - view of destroyed building after dam failure Bílá Desná 18.9.1916, B/W photo, issued C. G. Springer, k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). court photographer, Liberec, No. 14, Un, good condition U:A5
1916 DESNÁ (Tiefenbach) - view of destroyed building after dam failure Bílá Desná 18.9.1916, B/W photo, issued C. G. Springer, k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). court photographer, Liberec, No. 16, Un, bumped corners U:A5
1916 DESNÁ (Tiefenbach) - view of destroyed building after dam failure Bílá Desná 18.9.1916, B/W photo, issued C. G. Springer, k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). court photographer, Liberec, No. 8, Un, on reverse light stains U:A5
1916 DESNÁ (Tiefenbach) - view of destroyed building after dam failure Bílá Desná 18.9.1916, B/W photo, issued C. G. Springer, k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). court photographer, Liberec, No. 9, Un, on reverse light stains U:A5
1903 JABLONEC N. N. (Gablonz a.N.) - street, tram, people, issued Emil Karásek, long address, Us, superb U:A5
1900 JESENÍK (Freiwaldau) - 3-views collage, wineroom W. Raimann, photo owner, interior, building, issued C. Tomasi Olmütz and Meissen, long address, Un, light bumped corners U:A5
1902 JESENÍK (Freiwaldau) - 5-dílné panorama, issued Blažek, Us, partly detached U:A5
1920? JESENÍK (Freiwaldau) - bath orchestra, B/W, Un, well preserved U:A5
1920 ŽERETICE - 2-views, mill Fr. Pazderníka, photo J. Rezek, Prague, Un, very light stains U:A5
1931 JIHLAVA - batt./guidon Guild řezníků and uzenářů, B/W, postally Un, well preserved U:A5
1900 SLAVONICE (Zlabings) - collage "through torn paper", chapel, issued Joh. C. Sprinzl, long address Un, described, bumped corners U:A5
1898 KARLOVY VARY (Karlsbad) - black - green making, lithography, 5-views, among others. also Jews, long address, postally used, good condition U:A5