Mail Auction 25 / Philately / Europe / Italy

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93911 - 1760-71 comp. 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters with int
1760-71 comp. 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters with interesting one-circle postmarks, red BRE/ SCIA, diameter 19mm and red BER/ GAMO, diameter 18mm, beauty print, cancel. on reverse, small format, addressed to to Venice, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
93917 - 1762-96 comp. 3 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters with int
1762-96 comp. 3 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters with interesting cancel., red osmiúhelníkové counter sheet/ DOA (1762), decorative red PADO/ VA (1769) and decorative black PADO/ VA (1796), nice imprints, all cancel. on reverse, addressed to to Venice, small format, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
93913 - 1776-84 comp. 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters with int
1776-84 comp. 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters with interesting postmarks, single-circle BA/ SAN, diameter 15mm and big decorative oval with crown BAS/ SANO, beauty print, small format, addressed to to Venice, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
93915 - 1784-96 comp. 3 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters with big
1784-96 comp. 3 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters with big oval decorative postmarks BEL/ LUNO (1784), CHIO/ ZZA (1796) and PAL/ MA (1793), nice imprints, all cancel. on reverse, addressed to to Venice, small format, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
93918 - 1794-96 comp. 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters with int
1794-96 comp. 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters with interesting decorative cancel., black oval TRE/ VISO (1794) and black oval VICE/ NZA (1796), addressed to to Venice, small format, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
89860 - 1852? folded cover of letter, with Mi.4, one corner stamps c
1852? folded cover of letter, with Mi.4, one corner stamps cut, stabé CDS ROMA/ ?, linear postmark, church postmark with papežským emblem, good condition
Starting price: CZK
91542 - 1854 folded letter sent from Ferare to Milan, with Mi.9, ver
1854 folded letter sent from Ferare to Milan, with Mi.9, very wide margins, dumb postmark in form of St. Andrew's cross + CDS Ferare/ 7.OTT.54 + framed pmk "P/ Stato Portificio", arrival Milan/ 9.10. on reverse, good quality
Starting price: CZK
91543 - 1857 folded letter with Mi.7, very wide margins, dumb TESTER
1857 folded letter with Mi.7, very wide margins, dumb TESTER postmark + CDS Cerragina/ 25.MAR.57, arrival Macerata/ 27.MAR.57 on reverse, very good quality
Starting price: CZK
91545 - 1863 folded letter with Mi.4 - light color shade (!) and wid
1863 folded letter with Mi.4 - light color shade (!) and wide margins, linear cancel. + CDS Roma/ 20.AGO.63, addressed to to Imola, on reverse 4 transit and přichozí cancel., very good quality
Starting price: CZK
91548 - 1866 folded letter with Mi.5 - wide margins, dumb postmark +
1866 folded letter with Mi.5 - wide margins, dumb postmark + CDS Roma/ 24.NOV.66, addressed to to Agnone, on reverse 4 transit and arrival postmark., several small zahnědlých dots, otherwise sound condition
Starting price: CZK
91546 - 1869 folded letter with Mi.22, stmp on R side imperforated,
1869 folded letter with Mi.22, stmp on R side imperforated, dumb postmark + CDS Viterbo/ 24.OTT.69, addressed to to Civita Vecchia, 1x horiz. folded, good quality
Starting price: CZK
94932 - 1853 Mi.7, Coat of arms, 15C red, c.v.. 120€
1853 Mi.7, Coat of arms, 15C red, c.v.. 120€
Starting price: CZK
96473 - 1851-60 selection of 27 pcs of reprints Italian states, main
1851-60 selection of 27 pcs of reprints Italian states, mainly Sardinia, some rarer, for example. Sardinia issue 1851, for specialist interesting
Starting price: CZK
94935 - 1861 Mi.6, Victor Emmanuel II., 10Gr orange, c.v.. 125€, m
1861 Mi.6, Victor Emmanuel II., 10Gr orange, c.v.. 125€, mark
Starting price: CZK
94934 - 1861 Mi.7, Victor Emmanuel II., 20Gr yellow, c.v.. 450€, m
1861 Mi.7, Victor Emmanuel II., 20Gr yellow, c.v.. 450€, mark
Starting price: CZK
94950 - 1879 Mi.37-42, 49, King Umberto I., value 20C hinged, c.v..
1879 Mi.37-42, 49, King Umberto I., value 20C hinged, c.v.. 1300€
Starting price: CZK
94936 - 1879 Mi.41, Umberto I., 30C brown, c.v.. 150€
1879 Mi.41, Umberto I., 30C brown, c.v.. 150€
Starting price: CZK
94954 - 1889 Mi.50-54, King Umberto I., value 45C with repaired gum
1889 Mi.50-54, King Umberto I., value 45C with repaired gum hinged, c.v.. 2000€, short teeth
Starting price: CZK
94951 - 1891 Mi.60, Coat of arms 5C green, c.v.. 500€, off center
1891 Mi.60, Coat of arms 5C green, c.v.. 500€, off center
Starting price: CZK
94938 - 1910 Mi.97-98, 50. anniv of Plebiscite, repaired gum, c.v..
1910 Mi.97-98, 50. anniv of Plebiscite, repaired gum, c.v.. 450€
Starting price: CZK
96416 - 1930 comp. 2 pcs of Reg and Express letters to Czechoslovaki
1930 comp. 2 pcs of Reg and Express letters to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.248, 242, 309, CDS ROMA 11.2.30 and 5.2.30, on reverse transit pmk and arrival, seal, stains after glue, damaged flap
Starting price: CZK
91555 - 1939-44 comp. 4 pcs of letters addressed to Germany, from th
1939-44 comp. 4 pcs of letters addressed to Germany, from that 2x as Air-mail., 1x Reg and Express, 1 pcs of with Mi.646 (Republica Sociale), various censorship, 2x additional printing, as multiple good condition
Starting price: CZK
92935 - 1943 LJUBLJANA  Reg letter to Prague, with Mi.309 2x, CDS LJ
1943 LJUBLJANA Reg letter to Prague, with Mi.309 2x, CDS LJUBLJANA 8.7.43, Italian and German censorship, decorative
Starting price: CZK
94235 - 1944 Reg letter to work camp by/on/at Cheb, period RSI, with
1944 Reg letter to work camp by/on/at Cheb, period RSI, with 3x Mi.655 + Mi.310, CDS MILAN CENTRO/ 9.8.44, censorship OKW, on reverse arrival postmark. EGER 2/ 23.8.44, data odesílatelky and certification according to jejího identifikačního passport, good condition
Starting price: CZK
94928 - 1918 ITALIAN OCCUPATION / VENEZIA GIULIA  Mi.1-15, Austrian
1918 ITALIAN OCCUPATION / VENEZIA GIULIA Mi.1-15, Austrian stamp. with overprint "Regno d¨Italia/ Venezia Giulia/ 3.XI.18", low edition, valuable stamp. with mark, without guarantee, cat. over 400€
Starting price: CZK
94719 - 1905 ERITREA  Italian double PC Mi.P35 with overprint Coloni
1905 ERITREA Italian double PC Mi.P35 with overprint "Colonia Eritrea", uprated by. Italian postage stamp. 1c and 2c with same overprint, CDS AGORDAT/ Eritrea/ 6.MAR.05, addressed to to Egypt, transit pmk Suez in front, arrival Alexandria/ 20.III.05 on reverse, sound condition
Starting price: CZK