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1871 Mi.8-13, Francis Joseph, selection of 26 pcs of stamps, various condition, 2x damaged U:A5
1913-15 Mi.142-44, 176-78, Flood relief + added print, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1917 stamp booklets, surtax stmp for help pozůstalým vdovám and for orphans, total 39 pcs of stamps à; 5F, worse condition U:A5
1824-26 two folded letters addressed to to Brno, 1x from y 1824, hand-made "Nitra Zsambokréth" (Žabokreky), note. chalk + 1x from y 1826 with oval cancel. Pressburg, sound condition U:A5
1860-01 FIUME comp. of 3 entires, 1x folded letter with Austrian stmp Mi.13, CDS FYUME/ 30.3.; 1x PC Mi.P14 with uprating stamp. 3 Kreuzer, CDS FIUME F/ 95.NOV.11.; 1x PC abroad Mi.P27a, to Switzerland, CDS FIUME 1T/ 901-NOV.24, arrival postmark. in front WINTERTHUR, good condition U:A5
1897 Reg letter sent to Moravia, Croatian R label, Hungarian stamp. 15f, CDS BELOVÁR/ 97.OCT.11, on reverse arrival postmark. ZÁBŘEH MĚSTO/ 13.10.97, good condition U:A5
1910-17 comp. 2 pcs of dispatch-notes, uprated, CDS MUNKÁCS and KASSA, arrival TÉCSÖ (Ťačevo), signs of usage U:A5
1915 commercial Reg and express letter to Bohemia, advertising added print, franked on back side stamp. issue Turul 2f, 3f, 10f 6x, framed pmk PÉCS 915.JAN.16, crosswise fold, light stains, after all very decorative U:A5
1927-30 Mi.430-37, 467-70, Airmail, complete set in pairs, c.v.. 156€ U:A5
1947 Mi.999 miniature sheet, Day of Stamp, mint never hinged, c.v.. 70€ U:A5
1947 MI.Bl.10 + Bl.11, Roosevelt, complete set miniature sheets with stamp. Mi.985-992, good condition, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1947 Mi.Bl.10-11, souvenir sheets Roosevelt, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1956 LOCAL ISSUE SOPRON Mi.5-7, 8-9, 13, 15, 17-18, comp. 9 pcs of stamps with overprint "Hazádnak...", on reverse mark, c.v.. 385€ U:A5
1959-65 COSMOS, selection of imperforated stmp with motive of Cosmos, Mi.1626, 2120-21, 1758-61, 1907-18, 1991-98, 2101-09, part marginal pieces, on stmp 1997 is abrasion printing color, otherwise all nice quality, according to supplier c.v.. 112€ U:A4
1919 philatelically influenced Reg and Express letter franked revenues 4 + 14 + 40 + 72 + 72f/ issue 1914 place stamps, blue CDS Daruvar / 919.SEP.18 worse readable, arrival postmark Končanica on reverse, certificate of mailing mounted on reverse to upper lapel, good condition U:A5
1919 Reg letter to Bavaria, with Mi. 2x 183 + 197, Reg label and CDS UJVIDÉK 1/ 10.FEB.17, military censorship NOVI SAD, censor stick-on label damaged and stains, on reverse arrival postmark. SCHALDING/ 27.2.19, vertical folded, still preserved U:A5
1931 selection of, Mi.479, overprint Zeppelin 2P and air-mail card with Mi.430, 478, overprint Zeppelin 1P, CDS BUDAPEST 931.MAR.27, cachet ZEPPELIN, arrival BUDAPEST, decorative U:A5
1932 air postcard with Mi.431, 432 and 491, CDS Székesfehérvár/ 932.SEP.16, green label "Giustizia per l´Ungheria", red and green cachet to this flight, additional cancel. Légipostálval/ Érkezett + Légi post - Par avion/ A Giusttizia per l´Ungheria utján, arrival postmark Matyásföld/ 32.SEP.17 in front, decorative U:A5
1871 comp. 4 pcs of envelopes, Mi.U1 + 3 (2x) + 4, light signs of age, but good condition U:A5
1872-74 comp. of 5 pieces PC 2 Kreuzer Franz Joseph, , Mi.P3a + b, 2x used in Slovakia, c.v.. ca. 36€, good condition U:A5
1873 express telegram and certificate of mailing on/for express telegram, Mi.TLK1 + TA1/II. very fine U:A5
1874-82 comp. of 7 pieces PC, Hungarian, Hungary - Croatian, international traffic, 2 Kreuzer or 5 Kreuzer, 1x additional printing with perforation, good condition, liquidation of collection U:A5
1875 2x whole credit note (Posta-utalvány) Mi.A9, rose and yellow paper, CDS TRSZTENA/ 23.6.75, KOMJÁTH/ 12.5 (this type Monograph 15 doesn't report), vertical folded, condition corresponding age and transport U:A5
1875 postal order without L cut with printed stamp. 5 Kreuzer, CDS Karlovac/ Karlstadt/ 10.5., addressed to to Brno, on reverse arrival postmark Ankunft Brünn/ Postanweiseng/ 12.5.75 + CDS Brünn/ 13.5., cross folded, good condition U:A5
1880-82 2x PC with answer, 1x for abroad Mi.P9, 1x for inland Mi.P17/II., undetached, well preserved, c.v.. 53€ U:A5
1884 official PC, 4-piece, 2 Kreuzer violet, Mi.DP1/II., without address printed form, c.v.. 45€, sought, rare, well preserved U:A5
1886 comp. of 7 pieces letter cards, Hungarian or Hungary - Croatian variety, 1x combined perforation, Mi.K1/I. + K1/II. + K2/I. + K3/I. (2x) + K4/I. + Us K3 to Bohemia, liquidation of collection, profitable U:A5
1887 comp. of 11 pieces letter cards, clear (7 pcs of) also postally Us, variety Hungarian or Hungary - Croatian, various color also shades, Mi.K5 (shades), K7a + b, K8b, 4x Us (3x Hungary, 1x Croatia), liquidation of collection, profitable offer U:A5
1888 larger part of parcel card Coat of arms 5 Kreuzer, CDS UNGVÁR 88/JUL/4, short tear in margin U:A5
1890-19 comp. of 8 pieces orders and dispatch-notes, p.stat or blank form/-s, 3x used (larger part), 2x uprated stamps Hradčany, various date issue, good condition or good, interesting selection of, profitable U:A5
1892 2x advertising PC, c.v.. Simády č.17c + 17e, Michel nečísluje, by/on/at č.17e on reverse red notice, otherwise well preserved, sought U:A5
1900-12 3x postal stationery cover 10f, Mi.U16A + U17A (2x), high numeral(s) 3 or 3,5mm, in addition Us U16A to Prague and U14a Us as Sample without value from Košky to Austria, signs of age, but good condition U:A5
1900-16 3x saving card (Postatakaréklap), Mi.SK3 + 5 + 7, No.3 bumped corners and folds, otherwise nice U:A5
1900-16 comp. 4 pcs of PC for abroad, Mi.P26, P27a (2x), P48 (1916), well preserved U:A5
1900-18 comp. of 6 pieces PC, Mi.P27a, P34, P46 (1915), P54, P56 (1916, 1917), 1x fold corner otherwise good quality U:A5
1900-19 comp. of 10 pieces various letter cards, Mi.K9 (2 pcs of), K15, K21, K23, K28, K33b, K34b (2x), K35, well preserved, liquidation of collection, profitable U:A5
1906-13 2x PC Mi.P30, 5f, Hungary - Croatian variety, 1x with straight line postmark DARUVÁR P.U. + CDS train post No.140 PAKRACZ - BARCS/ 903.NOV.27., arrival postmark. JABLUNKAU; 1x with frame CDS SKAKAVAC/ 913.JAN.17 (partially readable), good condition U:A5
1906-15 comp. of 7 pieces larger parts of dispatch-note (inland, international, C.O.D.), all 10f revenue, 5x with uprating, 2x cash, good condition U:A5
1908-10 2x PC with answer for inland, Hungarian variety Mi.P31 (caption 40,5mm), Hungary - Croatian variety Mi.P32, undetached, Us the first part/-s, CDS TRENCSEN TEPLICZ, VARAŽDIN, well preserved, c.v.. 35€ U:A5
1913 comp. 4 pcs of postal stationery covers for registered letter, Mi.EU1 (2x) + EU3a + EU3b, well preserved, c.v.. Hirš 2000CZK, profitable U:A5
1913-18 3x PC with answer for inland, Mi.P37, for Red Cross Mi.P44, P67, undetached, 1x thin/light spot, else preserved, c.v.. ca. 29€ U:A5
1914-15 double PC for Red Cross, 1x Un, undetached, Hungarian variety Mi.P44, 1x filled out and sent II. part, CDS BUDAPEST, fold corner, sought U:A5
1914-16 3x telegraph letter-card, Mi.TKB1 + 5 + 9, No.1 used, inside written text stržen, CDS NAGY KANISA, No.9 slightly damaged gum after/around partial conglutination, otherwise good, cat. min. 50€ U:A5
1915 2x PC with answer with additional-printing war aid, Hungarian variety Mi.P42 with service postmark Banská Bystrica, Un, Hungary - Croatian variety Mi.P43, undetached, well preserved, c.v.. 65€ U:A5
1915 order card (Megbizási lap) Mi.AK1a, complete, without dates of print, folded, good quality, c.v.. 30€ U:A5
1915-18 comp. of 6 pieces PC, mostly Hungarian variety, 2x additional printing - contribution 2 Kreuzer, Mi.P39, P52 (1916), P56 (1916, 1917), P66, P70, 1x hinged, otherwise good quality, c.v.. 50€, U:A5
1918 PC Mi.P68 with uprating stamp. Reaper 2f, used in Slovakia, CDS MARGITFALVA/ 918AUG.13 (Margecany), to Budapest on/for count Czákyho, nice quality, c.v.. ca. 20€ U:A5
1918 comp. 3 pcs of postal stationery covers 15f, Mi.U19/IA + U19/IIA + U19/IIB, good condition, c.v.. Hirš 3000CZK U:A5
1918 comp. of 5 pieces PC, Mi.P65 with additional-printing and uprating, P68, P70, P74, P75, nice, c.v.. 36€ U:A5
1919 confirmation card on/for telegraficky poslané money (Fedezeti lap), franked stamps with overprint Republic, money sent to Vrchlabí, CDS BUDAPEST AD5AD/ 919-FEB 11., on reverse arrival postmark. HOHENELBE/ 16.2.19, vert. fold to vějíře, small tearing, with regard to rarities p.stat it is possible to excuse, Michel doesn't report, declared in catalogue Simády U:A5
1926 PC inflation issue, without mentioned price/-s, c.v.. Simády 64a, issue 1924, Michel nečísluje, light framed pmk, well preserved U:A5
1939 response PC Mi.P113A with uprating, Us Hungary - Netherlands - Protectorate, as PC with answer uprated to Hungarian territory, to Haagu in Holland, answer part returned back, but no on/for Hungarian territory, nýbrž to Bohemia-Moravia BOHEMIA-MORAVIA (!!), MC s´-GRAVENHAGE/ 31.VI.39 (Haag), good condition U:A5
1940-44 2x C.O.D. order (Utánvételi lap) Mi.10 + 11, issue 1940 and 1944, nice, in addition larger part inland parcel dispatch-note, well preserved U:A5