Mail Auction 25 / Philately / Slovakia 1939-1945 / Covers

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95655 - 1939 ESPERANTO  Reg letter with Overprint issue 10h 2x, 1,20
1939 ESPERANTO Reg letter with Overprint issue 10h 2x, 1,20CZK and 1,60CZK, CDS SEREĎ 24.IV.39, promotional added print, crosswise fold
Starting price: CZK
95642 - 1939 ESPERANTO  Reg letter with Overprint issue 50h and 2,50
1939 ESPERANTO Reg letter with Overprint issue 50h and 2,50CZK, CDS BRATISLAVA 11.IV.39, promotional added print, crosswise fold
Starting price: CZK
90631 - 1939 FP card with Alb.27A, 29A 2x, to BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, CDS P
1939 FP card with Alb.27A, 29A 2x, to BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, CDS PP16 17.9.1939, worse print, twice folded, after all interesting document - campaign Slovak army to Poland?
Starting price: CZK
94975 - 1939 Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia, franked with stamp. Alb.
1939 Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia, franked with stamp. Alb.23A + block of four 24A, CDS BRATISLAVA 6/ 19.V.39, open and over-mounted with two postmarks CUSTOMS CONTROL, in lower margin short tear, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
94568 - 1939 Reg letter to Germany franked by multicolor franking (1
1939 Reg letter to Germany franked by multicolor franking (11 stamps), CDS BRATISLAVA 23.IV.39, mixed franking I and II issues.., very decorative
Starting price: CZK
93322 - 1939-41 selection of 31 pcs of entires, 17 Ppc incl. various
1939-41 selection of 31 pcs of entires, 17 Ppc incl. various stamp. Slovakotour, 1x propaganda Ppc Tiso, 14 pcs of letters, all to Bohemia-Moravia from that 3x as Registered, 1x as printed matter, 2x with Overprint issue, good condition, interesting!
Starting price: CZK
93329 - 1940-42 Registered and Express letter, CDS ZVOLEN 18.I.40 +
1940-42 Registered and Express letter, CDS ZVOLEN 18.I.40 + uprated by. CDV Tiso 70h with CDS BRATISLAVA 7.XII.42, all addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, passed through German censorship, non-philatelic mailing
Starting price: CZK
96164 - 1941-42 Reg court letter with paid fee/charge Postage due st
1941-42 Reg court letter with paid fee/charge Postage due stamps 60h and 2x 40h, Alb.D7, D5 2x, from that 1x with 2-jazyčnou R label Bratislava 5 / Pressburg 5, CDS Bratislava 5/ 13.II.42, good condition, rare usage bilingual Reg labels!
Starting price: CZK
94252 - 1942 money deposit order segment for amount of 900Ks, sent o
1942 money deposit order segment for amount of 900Ks, sent on/for adresu: Interior Ministry, work duty of the Jews, Bratislava; odesílatelka: Margarete Bednár, Schmollnitz, CDS SMOLNÍK/ 4.XII.42, red additional cancel. Kontované:, good condition
Starting price: CZK
92971 - 1943 first flight Prešov–Bratislava, CDS PREŠOV 18.V.43,
1943 first flight Prešov–Bratislava, CDS PREŠOV 18.V.43, arrival postmark BRATISLAVA
Starting price: CZK
90707 - 1943 Reg, express and airmail letter with Alb.L1, L3, L7, CD
1943 Reg, express and airmail letter with Alb.L1, L3, L7, CDS Bratislava 1/ 18.V.43, the first flight Bratislava - Prešov, cachet, sent to poste restante, on reverse arrival postmark Prešov 1/ 18.V.43, fee for poste restante paid by due stmp Alb.D16, CDS Prešov 1/ 26.V.43, commercial envelope, at top light wrinkled, good condition, decorative!
Starting price: CZK
94098 - 1943 comp. 4 pcs of Reg letters to Bohemia-Moravia, philatel
1943 comp. 4 pcs of Reg letters to Bohemia-Moravia, philatelically motivated, interesting frankings, censorship, nice
Starting price: CZK
94097 - 1944 Reg letter to Prague, with Alb.81-83 pairs, 51, CDS BAN
1944 Reg letter to Prague, with Alb.81-83 pairs, 51, CDS BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 27.III.44, postal label Duty paid - Duty free with CDS PRAGUE 1.IV.44, censorship, on reverse arrival PRAGUE, very decorative
Starting price: CZK
91204 - 1942 Registered and Express letter to Bohemia-Moravia, inter
1942 Registered and Express letter to Bohemia-Moravia, interesting franking airmail stamps Alb.L4, L5 4x, CDS BRATISLAVA 7/ 2.VII.42, bilingual R label Bratislava 7/ Pressburg 7, passed through censorship, wrinkled margins
Starting price: CZK