1945 OLOMOUC revolutionary issue Eagle, comp. 5 pcs of numbered miniature sheets, values 60, 80, 120, 380 and 420h, all with No. 001209, supplemented with 2 pcs of imprint znehodnoceného printing block 120h in various colors, total 7 pcs of, nice
1945 selection of 31 pcs of stamps with overprints, i.a. SMÍCHOV, also with PREISSIG - design revolutionary stamps, original print in/at block of 8, good condition, sought
1945 BOROVANY Reg letter franked with. 12 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler with overprint "We thank the Allies/ for Liberation/ 5.V.1945", broken out Bohemian and Moravian CDS Borovany 9.V.45, philatelically motivated mailing, decorative
1945KÚTY postcard franked stamps Bratislava issue 1,50 + 2 Koruna and Bohemian and Moravian stmp 1,20 Koruna Hitler with black overprint Czechoslovakia, CDS KÚTY 2/ 22.VI.45, sent to Moravia, stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA in Slovakia without validity, evidently philatelically motivated
1945 LOMNICE N. P. letter with 30h 3x + 40h A. Hitler, all with black revolutionary overprint "Czech lion" + text "Zůstanemevěrni", broken out cancel LOMNICE N. P./ 11.V.45, envelope in lower part horiz. folded, good condition
1945 OLOMOUC, letter in the place, franked Bohemian and Moravian stamps with overprint Geo.L320 (5kusů blue also red Opt), + 2 stamps without overprint, total 3,60K, CDS OLOMOUC 1/ 22.V.45, cachet Liberation Olomouc Red Army 8.5.1945, envelope A5, sent to Gen. Kryštofa, nice quality
1945 PLZEŇ letter franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. Pof.85 with revolutionary overprint, sender F. A. Tydlitát Inc., Andělská street. 24, Plzeň, commercial correspondence, good condition
1945 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA letter franked with Hungarian stmps Mi.707, 708, 712, 714 and 717, all with red line overprint "Č.S.P.", provisional 2-lines cancel. "12.FEB.1945/ Rimavská Sobota", extraordinary offer, sound condition, exp. Blaha
1945 comp. 2 pcs of letters with with revolutionary overprints, CDS FRIEDECK 1 2.V.45 and broken out cancel MIROŠOV 5.V.45, on reverse signs of storage
1945 comp. 2 pcs of letters with with revolutionary overprints, broken out cancel HORNÍ BŘÍZA 5.V.45 and provisional framed pmk Post Off. Brno 1, on reverse signs of storage
1945 comp. 2 pcs of philatelically influenced Reg letters, franked with. 4 pcs of, resp. 8 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler with overprint "Post/ Czechoslovak/ 1945", broken out cancel Prague 54/ 9.V.45, Reg labels from period of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39, sound condition
1945comp. 2 pcs of envelopes with Hitler 60Pf, cancel. "star" + broken out cancel ŘEPÍN 10.V.45, broken out cancel MIROŠOV -5.V.45 + red postmark I. Czechosl. partyzánská brigade John Žižka, division Brdy, Un, very good condition
1945 comp. 3 pcs of letters with with revolutionary overprints, broken out cancel ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 8.V.45, KRÁSNO 17.V.45 and red CDS PRAGUE 25 14.V.45, 1x warped paper, 1x on reverse signs of storage
1945 comp. 3 pcs of letters with with revolutionary overprints, broken out cancel RAKOVNÍK 9.V.45, RYCHNOV N. K. 6.V.45 and broken out cancel SVATÝ KOPEČEK 18.V.45, on reverse signs of storage
1944KHUST, comp. 3 pcs of Hungarian PC, mounted Hungarian stamps, all with postmarks KHUST Post liberated territory/ Republic Czechoslovak/ 14.XI.1944, postally Un, all exp. by Blaha.., well preserved
1944 KHUST, Post liberated territory, postally Un envelope with Hungarian stamps and special postmark KHUST/ 8.XI.1944 + postmark Zmocněnéhodelegáta Company Czechosl. Red Cross, exp. by Blaha.., cut square with date 14.XI.1944, Un envelope with Hungarian stmp and forgery this postmark, well preserved
1945Bohemian and Moravian letter-card CZL5 without margins, stmp and German name přelepeny paper, sent unpaid, broken out cancel JISTEBNICE/ 1.VI.45, broken out service pmk Postage due, postage due evidently unwithdrawn, good condition
1945Reg letter without franking sent Czechosl. military útvarem from former Sudetenland, provisory straight line postmark "Post Off. Bílina", German Reg label, arrival postmark PRAGUE 47/ 1.IX.45 on reverse, sound condition
1945 comp. 10 pcs of letters without franking, burdened with postage-due, various postmark for marking postage-due, all addressed to to Prague, mostly on/for Czechosl. broadcast, various CDS, good condition
1945 comp. 2 pcs of letters without franking sent from military útvarů:Velitetství 13. division, with nationalized Bohemian and Moravian CDS MLADÁ BOLESLAV/ 17.IX.45, sent to Red Cross and Headquarters 12. division, with provisory straight line postmark LITOMERICE + broken out German CDS with date 16.7.45, sent to War Office, from exhibit (ex Dražan), sound condition
1945 comp. 8 pcs of letters without franking, part paid cash, part liberated from postage, broken out or provisional pmk (OLOMOUC, MOST, PRAGUE, ÚSTÍ N. L., CHOMUTOV, BRUNTÁL, DĚČÍN, MĚLNÍK), 1x as Express, 1x as Registered, good condition
1945 SILESIA comp. 3 pcs of letters with provisory CDS, 1x ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN common mailing, 1x BOHUMÍN as Registered (German Reg label with overprint), 1x HNOJNÍK as Reg and Express, good condition
1945-46Postage due stmp provisory, unpaid letter posted in Prague, at the delivery place burdened by postage-due 1,60Kčs, mounted pairs Pof.413 + 415, overprinted big T, CDS PRAGUE 12/ 7.III.46-15, arrival postmark. REVÚCA 7.III.46-17 (?), in addition 2x cut square from výčetky check výplat, mounted postage stmp Bratislava or Košice issue, CDS SEČOVCE and LEMEŠANY, good condition
1945-46 comp. 13 pcs of interesting entires, 5x as Registered with provisory R label and CDS, 5x common mailing with provisory CDS, Bohemian and Moravian PC used after validity with cachet, PC Linden Leaves with cachet, postcard with postage-due, interesting selection of, good condition
1945 PROSTĚJOV emergency newspaper label HLAS LIDU, framed pmk Prostějov/ Zbaven Germanic felons/ 9th of May 1945 in violet color, on small cut-square from newspapers with incomplete address label, good condition