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1958 CDV137A, Novotný 30h, sent as Reg to Soviet Union, uprated with stamp Pof.775, 1014 2x, 1015, special postmark Exhibition of Stamps Brno 16.IX.1958, on reverse arrival BAKU 21.9.58, very decorativeU:A5
1959-63 comp. 6 pcs of PC, CDV139, 140, 143, 146/1-2, 151, c.v.. 560CZKU:A5
1960 CDV142/1-16, Spartakiad, complete set, good quality, placed in covers, c.v.. 1100CZKU:A5
1961 CDV145/1-6, Towns, c.v.. 700CZKU:A5
1961 CDV145/1-6, Towns, complete set, in addition No.6 (other type), well preserved, c.v.. 700CZKU:A5
1963 CDV149, Novotný, double, good quality, c.v.. 300CZKU:A5
1964 CDV150, Novotný, maculature, 3 pieces, 2x soft paper, 1x standard, cut on/for right format, clear U:A5
1965 CDV153/1-22, Beauty of Czechoslovakia I., complete set, good quality, placed in covers, c.v.. 1000CZKU:A5
1965 CDV154/1-10, Beauty of Czechoslovakia II., complete set, in addition No.5 with flaw print "telegraph wires", nice, c.v.. 450CZKU:A5
1974 CDV167, Bratislava 30h, double inverted print U:A5
1980 CDV193, Bratislava, normal margins, on both sides print, comp. 2 pcs of, from that by/on/at 1 pcs of same shade and sytost color and by/on/at 1 pcs of distinctive shades colors, good conditionU:A5
1980 CDV193, Bratislava, comp. 3 pcs of, on all exceedingly large shifted cut, from that 1 pcs of on both sides print, good conditionU:A5
1982 CSO1, World Year of Communication, without content, thin/light CDS PRAGUE 022/ 2.12.82, fair open, nice, c.v.. 2.600CZK U:A5
1982 CSO1, World Year of Communication, nice, c.v.. 2500CZK U:A5
1982 CSO2, 60 y. of Air Transport in Czechoslovakia, nice quality, c.v.. 2500CZK U:A5
1982 CSO2, 60 y. of Air Transport in Czechoslovakia, incl. PF 1984, Us, c.v.. 2600CZK, wrinkled cornerU:A4
1982-83 CSO2, 60 y. of Air Transport in Czechoslovakia, inserted PF 1984, signed Fischer, CDS illegible, fair rozříznuto , well preserved, c.v.. 2600CZK U:A5
1985 CSO3, 40. anniv of foundation U.N., c.v.. 2800CZKU:A4
1985 CSO3, 40. anniv of foundation U.N., c.v.. 2800CZKU:A4
1985 CSO3, 40. anniv of foundation U.N., with wmk, incl. PF 1986 with signature Fischer, nice, c.v.. 2800CZK U:A5
1985 CSO3, 40. anniv of foundation U.N., with wmk, incl. PF 1986, Us, c.v.. 2900CZKU:A4
1985 CSP3Pa , 40. anniv of foundation U.N., 2 pieces, both without watermark with additional-printing on reverse (Minister communications Czechoslovakia), 1x L in/at printings significant blue stains, still unpublished, nice, c.v.. 5000CZKU:A5
1986 CSO4, Conference of Permanent Commission, 2 pieces, 1x normal making, 1x print front sides otočen about/by 180° against uzavírací lapel, evidently unique rarity, for specialist interesting, nice U:A5
1986 CSO4, Conference of Permanent Commission, nice, c.v.. 2.500CZK U:A5
1986 CSO4, Conference of Permanent Commission, with VT12, PRAGA 1988, c.v.. 4000CZK, rare U:A4
1986 CSO4, Conference of Permanent Commission, incl. content VT12 with signature, nice, c.v.. 4.000CZK U:A5
1987 CSO5, Exhibition PRAGA ´88, incl. PF 1988 with signature Fischer, postally Un, nice, c.v.. 2500CZKU:A5
1987 CSO5, Exhibition PRAGA ´88, incl. PF 1988 with additional-printing and signature assistant engineer. Ondrejky , nice, c.v.. 2.500CZK U:A5
1988 CSO6, 20. anniv of federation, used, worse CDS PRAGUE/ 30.12.88, well preserved, without content, c.v.. 3.300CZK U:A5
1989 CSO7, Prague castle, with PF 1990, c.v.. 2200CZKU:A4
1989 CSO7, Prague castle, incl. PF 1990, on envelope small flaw, otherwise nice, c.v.. 2.200CZK U:A5
1951 CPH10/1-28, Towns, Landscape, c.v.. 1250CZK, No.6 light foldU:A5
1952 CPH11/1-28, Towns, Landscape, c.v.. 1250CZK, No.20 on reverse light stainU:A5
1952 CPH12/1-24, Towns, Landscape, c.v.. 1050CZK, No.14 minor faults, some on reverse light stainsU:A5
1952 CPH21/1-24, 26-30, Towns, Landscape, missing 25 - Adršpach RocksU:A5
1952 CPH22/1-23, 25-30, Towns, Landscape, missing 24 and 24A, No.21 on reverse stainU:A5
1945 CPL4, Košice-issue, CDS KOŠICE 1/ 12.X.45, without fold, rare usage, nice piece! U:A5
1945 CPL5, Overprint "ČESKOSLOVENSKO", uprated with stamp Pof.363, CDS BRATISLAVA 13.II.45, adversely foldedU:A5
1946 CPV13.2 , Overprint "ČESKOSLOVENSKO", second part, uprated with stamp Pof.420, CDS TURČIANSKÝ SVÄTÝ MARTIN/ 3.VIII.46, arrival Lučenec, 6.VIII.45, confirmation mounted, good condition, rare usageU:A5
1958 stationery CPV27, Wreath of Flowers, complete, Us, special postmark KARLOVY VARY 27.IX.1958, addressee unknown, sent back, very good conditionU:A5
1973 stationery CPV32f IV-1967, complete, Us, c.v.. 600CZKU:A5
1983-91 CONGRATULATORY TELEGRAMS selection of 30 pcs of various telegrams mainly from 80. years, Un, in addition various postal labels and blank form/-s, well preservedU:A4
1965 PROHIBITED letter from Germany to Czechoslovakia with Mi.471, 479, 20th Anniv of Expulsion., slogan pmk NUREMBERG BPA/ 2.8.65, as prohibited sent back (postal label + postmark), on reverse arrival PRAGUE 120/ 5.VIII.65, good conditionU:A5
1972-80 comp. of 12 pieces ministerial signed New Year cards, signatures Chalupa, Fischer, Maňák, some New Year card/-s same with various signatures, niceU:O5
1983-89 selection of 20 pcs of ministerial New Year cards, signatures Chalupa, Fischer, Ondrejka , 3x without signature, some same with various signatures, also with various added-print, niceU:O5
1945-74 selection 24 pcs of entires, burdened with postage-due, mostly to year 1948, various mailing and reasons for postage due, good conditionU:O5
1950-1965 PRISON selection of 43 pcs of entires from one political prisoner, Valdice, Příbram, Leopoldov and other, without content, various qualityU:O5
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