Mail Auction 25 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / Air Post

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94572 - 1946 Pof.L19, Air Motifs, block of four, on/for UL stamp. do
1946 Pof.L19, Air Motifs, block of four, on/for UL stamp. double modeláž upper frame, interesting and nepublikované!
Starting price: CZK
91943 - 1949 Pof.L28, overprint provisory 7,50/16Kčs, block of four
1949 Pof.L28, overprint provisory 7,50/16Kčs, block of four with shifted overprint up, very fine
Starting price: CZK
90850 - 1949 Pof.L29K-L32K, overprint provisory, two complete set in
1949 Pof.L29K-L32K, overprint provisory, two complete set incl. L31a, 1x with upper and 1x with lower margins, mint never hinged, cat. over 1000CZK
Starting price: CZK
94664 - 1949 Pof.L32, overprint provisory, ST in/at block of 6, c.v.
1949 Pof.L32, overprint provisory, ST in/at block of 6, c.v.. 1000kč
Starting price: CZK
92012 - 1955 Pof.L38, Towns - Olomouc, plate variety 18/1 (line thro
1955 Pof.L38, Towns - Olomouc, plate variety 18/1 (line through window town-hall), nice, c.v.. 300CZK
Starting price: CZK
92577 - 1955-73 Pof.L38 Towns - Olomouc, block of four with plate va
1955-73 Pof.L38 Towns - Olomouc, block of four with plate variety 18/1 (line through window town-hall), stamps with gum, commercial cancellation; part dispatch-note franked five stamps Pof.L41, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
92575 - 1962 Pof.L50 + L52, PRAGA ´62, comp. of points of interest,
1962 Pof.L50 + L52, PRAGA ´62, comp. of points of interest, LR corner piece without perf and print only dark brown color, č.L52 with white and žlutým gum, nice
Starting price: CZK
92238 - 1967 Pof.L56-61, PRAGA ´68, comp. of 11  corner pieces or p
1967 Pof.L56-61, PRAGA ´68, comp. of 11 corner pieces or pairs, all existující variants perf, unusual selection of, nice
Starting price: CZK
94068 - 1967 Pof.L56-L61 PRAGA 1968, 2x complete counter sheet, L56,
1967 Pof.L56-L61 PRAGA 1968, 2x complete counter sheet, L56, 58, 59, 60 always both perf frame, L57 distinctive shades brown color + other perf rámec in addition (corner blk-of-4 with date and number counter sheet), L61 1PA with horiz. red bands, various plate variety on/for counter sheet, only gutter-pair and coupons c.v.. 3800CZK
Starting price: CZK
92341 - 1967 Pof.L59 PRAGA '68, L upper vertical pair with lower cou
1967 Pof.L59 PRAGA '68, L upper vertical pair with lower coupons, optically cleared paper, in margin with date of print 22.VIII.67, nice quality, cat. min. 600CZK
Starting price: CZK
92574 - 1967 Pof.L63, Czechoslovak aircraft 30h, block of four with
1967 Pof.L63, Czechoslovak aircraft 30h, block of four with upper margin, sought plate variety 8/2 (line from end wing), in addition used piece with hint after/around wiping blade - violet color, nice
Starting price: CZK
95649 - 1969 Pof.L72-L73, The first people on the Moon, complete cou
1969 Pof.L72-L73, The first people on the Moon, complete counter sheet with coupons and gutter-pairs, nice, c.v.. 650CZK
Starting price: CZK
90562 - 1976 Pof.L80-L85 PRAGA '78, complete set counter sheets  A+B
1976 Pof.L80-L85 PRAGA '78, complete set counter sheets A+B with margin, all date of print and number counter sheet, plate variety according to catalogue, very fine
Starting price: CZK
93100 - 1976 Pof.L82, PRAGA ´78, horizontal strip of 5 with L and R
1976 Pof.L82, PRAGA ´78, horizontal strip of 5 with L and R margin, 2x thin/light print helicopter, 2x very thin/light print end helicopter, one stmp light fold corner, otherwise nice
Starting price: CZK
90560 - 1977 Pof.L86-90 History aviation - Praga '78, complete count
1977 Pof.L86-90 History aviation - Praga '78, complete counter sheets A+B with margin, all date of print and number counter sheet, total 10 pcs of counter sheet, stmp L86 with plate variety 21/1 (stain in SK), production flaw on stmp L90 (incomplete-printing yellow color), cheaply offered
Starting price: CZK
93831 - 1945 Reg and airmail letter to Norway, with Pof.402, CDS PRA
1945 Reg and airmail letter to Norway, with Pof.402, CDS PRAGUE 31.X.45, on reverse transit pmk and arrival OSLO 6.11.45, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
93325 - 1945-55 selection of 18 pcs of air-mail letters sent to USA,
1945-55 selection of 18 pcs of air-mail letters sent to USA, multicolor frankings various issues, i.a. 3 pcs of franked with. air stamp., 8 pcs of sent as Registered; good condition
Starting price: CZK
93829 - 1946 Reg and airmail letter to Norway, with Pof.427, CDS PRA
1946 Reg and airmail letter to Norway, with Pof.427, CDS PRAGUE 21.I.46, on reverse arrival OSLO 24.1.46, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
95408 - 1955 comp. 3 pcs of Reg and Express, resp. Reg letters to Au
1955 comp. 3 pcs of Reg and Express, resp. Reg letters to Austria, franked with. together complete sets Pof.L37-L41, CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 1/ 16.V.55, good condition
Starting price: CZK
94363 - 1959 Reg and airmail letter to Algiers, franked with. postag
1959 Reg and airmail letter to Algiers, franked with. postage stmp Pof.1007 + airmail stamp Pof.L38 with plate variety 18/1 (line through window town-hall), CDS PRAGUE 125/ 16.I.59, on reverse arrival postmark. POINTE PESCADE/ 19.I.1959, torn corner envelope/-s
Starting price: CZK