Mail Auction 25 / Philately / Other Philatelic Domains / Perfins

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96126 - 1903 Maxa A136, larger part of parcel card with mounted str-
1903 Maxa A136, larger part of parcel card with mounted str-of-3 stamp. 60h with perfin "ARL", f. A.R. Löwenstein, CDS WIEN 1.4.03; good condition
Starting price: CZK
88388 - 1901-09 Maxa B67, B87, D9, comp. 3 pcs of commercial PC with
1901-09 Maxa B67, B87, D9, comp. 3 pcs of commercial PC with perfins from Czech region, "B.P." bros. Perutz, Prague, "B.&W." Breda & Weinstein, Opava, "D.F.C." David Fanto & Co., Pardubice; good condition
Starting price: CZK
88390 - 1902-15 Maxa B67, E50, comp. 2 pcs of entires with perfins f
1902-15 Maxa B67, E50, comp. 2 pcs of entires with perfins from Czech region, "B.P." bros. Perutz, Prague, "E.U." The first general insurance company, Brno, warped paper
Starting price: CZK
88392 - 1901-08 Maxa B67, F61, comp. 2 pcs of entires with perfins f
1901-08 Maxa B67, F61, comp. 2 pcs of entires with perfins from Czech region, "B.P." bros. Perutz, Prague, "F.S." Henry Francek's Sons, Pardubice, light stain in corner
Starting price: CZK
91694 - 1906 Maxa E8, printed matter Response, stmp 25h with perfin
1906 Maxa E8, printed matter Response, stmp 25h with perfin E.C.J. f. Edward Cerhak Jägerndorf, CDS JÄGERNDORF + VELKÉ KARLOVICE, format larger than A4, cross fold to envelope/-s, well preserved, unusual - post. blank form as identification entire !
Starting price: CZK
88398 - 1902 Maxa F44, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 5h with perfi
1902 Maxa F44, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "F.M." f. Francis Mettal, Liberec, stains
Starting price: CZK
96247 - 1903 Maxa F83, D38, comp. 2 pcs of larger parts dispatch not
1903 Maxa F83, D38, comp. 2 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes with imprinted stamp 10h issue 1899, with perfins on stmp 30h Franz Joseph, "FRITZ / WIEN" and "DMC", CDS WIEN; good condition
Starting price: CZK
88409 - 1901-02 Maxa J103, J112, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with p
1901-02 Maxa J103, J112, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfins from Czech region, "J.&T." Jordan & Timaeus, Podmokly, "J.W." J. Wertheimer, Pardubice; very fine
Starting price: CZK
88413 - 1900-15 Maxa J105, J112, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with p
1900-15 Maxa J105, J112, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfins from Czech region, "JV" Henry Vaněk, Prague; "J.W." J. Wertheimer, Pardubice; light stain in margin
Starting price: CZK
88411 - 1901-02 Maxa J18, J112, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with pe
1901-02 Maxa J18, J112, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfins from Czech region, "J.B./&S." Joseph Brukner and sons, Prague; "J.W." J. Wertheimer, Pardubice; light stains
Starting price: CZK
89690 - 1912 Maxa J38, commercial letter, franked stamps 2x 10h, one
1912 Maxa J38, commercial letter, franked stamps 2x 10h, one stmp with perfin J.G. , f.. J.Ginzkey Vratislavice, 2x various CDS MAFFERSDORF/ 25.IV.12, identification entire, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
96502 - 1910 Maxa J80, commercial letter with Mi.157, Newspaper stam
1910 Maxa J80, commercial letter with Mi.157, Newspaper stamp 2h, with perfin "JO" f. J. Otto, s.r.o., Prague, CDS PITÍN 8.XI.10, nice advertising added print, very light stains
Starting price: CZK
96122 - 1898 Maxa J97, larger part of parcel card with mounted stamp
1898 Maxa J97, larger part of parcel card with mounted stamp. 30Kr with perfin "J.S.", f. Ignác Schulz, CDS BRNO 1/ 6/1 98; good condition
Starting price: CZK
88419 - 1900 Maxa K57, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 5h with perfi
1900 Maxa K57, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "Kunz" f. Anthony Kunz, Hranice, light oblique fold
Starting price: CZK
88450 - 1915 Maxa L23, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 5h with perfi
1915 Maxa L23, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "L&K" f. Langer & Kollar, Prague; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
88464 - 1910-13 Maxa M22, P29, R7, comp. 3 pcs of commercial PC, M.G
1910-13 Maxa M22, P29, R7, comp. 3 pcs of commercial PC, "M.G.S." M. Grab and sons, Prague, "P-S" Meva, Prague, "RAKO" - ceramics factory, Rakovník, very light stains
Starting price: CZK
88472 - 1903-13 Maxa S52, V21, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with per
1903-13 Maxa S52, V21, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfins, "S.S." Salomon Schulhof, Prague, "V.v.J." DANUBIUS Prague, light stains in margin
Starting price: CZK
88471 - 1898-1913 Maxa S52, W11, comp. 2 pcs of entires with perfins
1898-1913 Maxa S52, W11, comp. 2 pcs of entires with perfins, "S.S." Salomon Schulhof, Prague, "W.B.V." Wiener Bank-Verein, Prague, light stains
Starting price: CZK
88484 - 1898 Maxa S9, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer with
1898 Maxa S9, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer with perfin "S.A." f. Sigmund Ascher, Prague, light stains
Starting price: CZK
88382 - 1921-31 Maxa B26, B67, B81, comp. 3 pcs of entires with perf
1921-31 Maxa B26, B67, B81, comp. 3 pcs of entires with perfins, "BDB" Directory bath in/at Bílina, "B.P." bros. Perutz, Prague, "B.T." bros. Tauber, Prague, short tear in margin
Starting price: CZK
88383 - 1920-26 Maxa B26, B81, D9, comp. 3 pcs of entires with perfi
1920-26 Maxa B26, B81, D9, comp. 3 pcs of entires with perfins, "BDB" Directory bath in/at Bílina, "B.T." bros. Tauber, Prague, "D.F.C." David Fanto & Co., Pardubice, light stains, filling holes
Starting price: CZK
95718 - 1930 Maxa B9, commercial Reg letter franked with. 4 stamp. w
1930 Maxa B9, commercial Reg letter franked with. 4 stamp. with perfin "Basch" f. J.H. Basch, Prague, viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
88400 - 1918-33 Maxa E23, F16, F21, comp. 3 pcs of commercial letter
1918-33 Maxa E23, F16, F21, comp. 3 pcs of commercial letters with perfins, "EJW" E. J. Weinmann, Ústí n. L.., "F.D." F. Deutsch (German), Olomouc, "F.G." Franz. Gattermann, Prague; tearing in margin, repaired
Starting price: CZK
88418 - 1922-31 Maxa H16, J80, K51, comp. 3 pcs of commercial entire
1922-31 Maxa H16, J80, K51, comp. 3 pcs of commercial entires with perfins, "HFS" Henry Francek's Sons, Chomutov, "JO" J. Otto, Prague, "K.&S." Knotek & Co., Jičín; filling holes
Starting price: CZK
88460 - 1928-32 Maxa L26, L30, L31, comp. 3 pcs of commercial letter
1928-32 Maxa L26, L30, L31, comp. 3 pcs of commercial letters with perfins, "LN" People's newspaper, Brno, "L.P.Č." Čechoslavia, Prague, "L&P" Lederer & Porges (Královopolská machine-works), Brno; damaged margin, filling holes
Starting price: CZK
88445 - 1924 Maxa M24, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfin MHS
1924 Maxa M24, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfin "MHS" f. M. Herbst sons, Cheb, filling holes, additionally mounted stmp
Starting price: CZK
88476 - 1922-47 Maxa S52, W23, W32, Ž2, comp. 4 pcs of entires with
1922-47 Maxa S52, W23, W32, Ž2, comp. 4 pcs of entires with perfins, "S.S." Salomon Schulhof, Prague, "W.OTT" W. Ott, Prague, "W.S." Wolf and Schleim, Prague, "ŽOS." Železářská commercial community Inc., Prague; 1x filling holes
Starting price: CZK
93870 - 1919-20 comp. 4 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments, variou
1919-20 comp. 4 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments, various franking with perfins Maxa A36, A. Kalla, F12, Fritsch & Co., F40, F. L. Popper, and VÍTKOVICE ŽELEZÁRNY, standard quality
Starting price: CZK
93112 - 1960 Maxa P3, block of 8 stamps Pof.1106 + blk-of-10 stamps
1960 Maxa P3, block of 8 stamps Pof.1106 + blk-of-10 stamps Pof.1566, all with perfin P (Orbis), various location perfins, nice, sought, year 1966 Maxa doesn't report (only 1965)
Starting price: CZK
92616 - 1960-66 Maxa P3, Pof.1106 Karlštejn (castle) 60h, blk-of-10
1960-66 Maxa P3, Pof.1106 Karlštejn (castle) 60h, blk-of-10 with perfin "P", rare shade red color; Pof.1566 Olomouc, blk-of-10 with R margin, all perfin "P", rare printing from October 1967, various location perfins, nice
Starting price: CZK
91614 - 1928 AUSTRIA  identification entire, Estermann, Linz-Donau,
1928 AUSTRIA identification entire, Estermann, Linz-Donau, envelope with stamp. 15g and invoice with revenue, both with perfin J. E., also with certificate of mailing, all luxury quality
Starting price: CZK
94007 - 1952 AUSTRIA  identification entire, commercial Reg letter w
1952 AUSTRIA identification entire, commercial Reg letter with with perfin, Verlagsanstalt Tyrolia, CDS INNSBRUCK, good condition
Starting price: CZK
95728 -  GERMANY  advertising postcard CALMON with with perfin AC, C
GERMANY advertising postcard CALMON with with perfin "AC", CDS HAMBURG 7.8.15, light stains
Starting price: CZK