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1903 Maxa A136, larger part of parcel card with mounted str-of-3 stamp. 60h with perfin "ARL", f. A.R. Löwenstein, CDS WIEN 1.4.03; good condition U:A5
1901-09 Maxa B67, B87, D9, comp. 3 pcs of commercial PC with perfins from Czech region, "B.P." bros. Perutz, Prague, "B.&W." Breda & Weinstein, Opava, "D.F.C." David Fanto & Co., Pardubice; good condition U:A5
1902-15 Maxa B67, E50, comp. 2 pcs of entires with perfins from Czech region, "B.P." bros. Perutz, Prague, "E.U." The first general insurance company, Brno, warped paper U:A5
1901-08 Maxa B67, F61, comp. 2 pcs of entires with perfins from Czech region, "B.P." bros. Perutz, Prague, "F.S." Henry Francek's Sons, Pardubice, light stain in corner U:A5
1906 Maxa E8, printed matter Response, stmp 25h with perfin E.C.J. f. Edward Cerhak Jägerndorf, CDS JÄGERNDORF + VELKÉ KARLOVICE, format larger than A4, cross fold to envelope/-s, well preserved, unusual - post. blank form as identification entire ! U:A3v–
1902 Maxa F44, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "F.M." f. Francis Mettal, Liberec, stains U:A5
1903 Maxa F83, D38, comp. 2 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes with imprinted stamp 10h issue 1899, with perfins on stmp 30h Franz Joseph, "FRITZ / WIEN" and "DMC", CDS WIEN; good condition U:A5
1901-02 Maxa J103, J112, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfins from Czech region, "J.&T." Jordan & Timaeus, Podmokly, "J.W." J. Wertheimer, Pardubice; very fine U:A5
1900-15 Maxa J105, J112, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfins from Czech region, "JV" Henry Vaněk, Prague; "J.W." J. Wertheimer, Pardubice; light stain in margin U:A5
1901-02 Maxa J18, J112, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfins from Czech region, "J.B./&S." Joseph Brukner and sons, Prague; "J.W." J. Wertheimer, Pardubice; light stains U:A5
1912 Maxa J38, commercial letter, franked stamps 2x 10h, one stmp with perfin J.G. , f.. J.Ginzkey Vratislavice, 2x various CDS MAFFERSDORF/ 25.IV.12, identification entire, well preserved U:A5
1910 Maxa J80, commercial letter with Mi.157, Newspaper stamp 2h, with perfin "JO" f. J. Otto, s.r.o., Prague, CDS PITÍN 8.XI.10, nice advertising added print, very light stains U:A5
1898 Maxa J97, larger part of parcel card with mounted stamp. 30Kr with perfin "J.S.", f. Ignác Schulz, CDS BRNO 1/ 6/1 98; good condition U:A5
1900 Maxa K57, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "Kunz" f. Anthony Kunz, Hranice, light oblique fold U:A5
1915 Maxa L23, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "L&K" f. Langer & Kollar, Prague; very good condition U:A5
1910-13 Maxa M22, P29, R7, comp. 3 pcs of commercial PC, "M.G.S." M. Grab and sons, Prague, "P-S" Meva, Prague, "RAKO" - ceramics factory, Rakovník, very light stains U:A5
1903-13 Maxa S52, V21, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfins, "S.S." Salomon Schulhof, Prague, "V.v.J." DANUBIUS Prague, light stains in margin U:A5
1898-1913 Maxa S52, W11, comp. 2 pcs of entires with perfins, "S.S." Salomon Schulhof, Prague, "W.B.V." Wiener Bank-Verein, Prague, light stains U:A5
1898 Maxa S9, commercial PC with Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer with perfin "S.A." f. Sigmund Ascher, Prague, light stains U:A5
1921-31 Maxa B26, B67, B81, comp. 3 pcs of entires with perfins, "BDB" Directory bath in/at Bílina, "B.P." bros. Perutz, Prague, "B.T." bros. Tauber, Prague, short tear in margin U:A5
1920-26 Maxa B26, B81, D9, comp. 3 pcs of entires with perfins, "BDB" Directory bath in/at Bílina, "B.T." bros. Tauber, Prague, "D.F.C." David Fanto & Co., Pardubice, light stains, filling holes U:A5
1930 Maxa B9, commercial Reg letter franked with. 4 stamp. with perfin "Basch" f. J.H. Basch, Prague, viewing of quality recommended U:A5
1918-33 Maxa E23, F16, F21, comp. 3 pcs of commercial letters with perfins, "EJW" E. J. Weinmann, Ústí n. L.., "F.D." F. Deutsch (German), Olomouc, "F.G." Franz. Gattermann, Prague; tearing in margin, repaired U:A5
1922-31 Maxa H16, J80, K51, comp. 3 pcs of commercial entires with perfins, "HFS" Henry Francek's Sons, Chomutov, "JO" J. Otto, Prague, "K.&S." Knotek & Co., Jičín; filling holes U:A5
1928-32 Maxa L26, L30, L31, comp. 3 pcs of commercial letters with perfins, "LN" People's newspaper, Brno, "L.P.Č." Čechoslavia, Prague, "L&P" Lederer & Porges (Královopolská machine-works), Brno; damaged margin, filling holes U:A5
1924 Maxa M24, comp. 2 pcs of commercial PC with perfin "MHS" f. M. Herbst sons, Cheb, filling holes, additionally mounted stmp U:A5
1922-47 Maxa S52, W23, W32, Ž2, comp. 4 pcs of entires with perfins, "S.S." Salomon Schulhof, Prague, "W.OTT" W. Ott, Prague, "W.S." Wolf and Schleim, Prague, "ŽOS." Železářská commercial community Inc., Prague; 1x filling holes U:A5
1919-20 comp. 4 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments, various franking with perfins Maxa A36, A. Kalla, F12, Fritsch & Co., F40, F. L. Popper, and VÍTKOVICE ŽELEZÁRNY, standard quality U:A5
1960 Maxa P3, block of 8 stamps Pof.1106 + blk-of-10 stamps Pof.1566, all with perfin P (Orbis), various location perfins, nice, sought, year 1966 Maxa doesn't report (only 1965) U:A5
1960-66 Maxa P3, Pof.1106 Karlštejn (castle) 60h, blk-of-10 with perfin "P", rare shade red color; Pof.1566 Olomouc, blk-of-10 with R margin, all perfin "P", rare printing from October 1967, various location perfins, nice U:A5
1928 AUSTRIA identification entire, Estermann, Linz-Donau, envelope with stamp. 15g and invoice with revenue, both with perfin J. E., also with certificate of mailing, all luxury quality U:A5
1952 AUSTRIA identification entire, commercial Reg letter with with perfin, Verlagsanstalt Tyrolia, CDS INNSBRUCK, good condition U:A5
GERMANY advertising postcard CALMON with with perfin "AC", CDS HAMBURG 7.8.15, light stains U:A5