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1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / FORERUNNER study comp. over 105 pcs of forerunner and parallel Hungarian PC, contains 84 pcs of CPŘ33, Crown 10f, 19 pcs of CPŘ30, Crown 8f, interesting frankings and postmark, part in worse quality, after all rare offer U:K
1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / FORERUNNER study comp. over 130 pcs of Austrian PC, contains 50 pcs of CPŘ1, Crown 10h, 80 pcs of CPŘ3, Charles 8h, interesting frankings and postmark, part in worse quality, after all rare offer U:K
1919 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / FORERUNNER UHERSKÉ PRŮVODKY selection of 52 pcs of mainly money dispatch-notes CPŘ57 with forerunner and Hradcany-issue frankings, Hungarian postmark, interesting research material, various quality, much very nice and valuable item/-s! U:O5
1928-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 24 pcs of international PC addressed mainly to Germany and Austria, contains CDV57/5, 41/1, 35 5 pcs of, 56/1 2 pcs of, 56/2, 56/3, 56/4 4 pcs of, 56/5 3 pcs of, 56/6 4 pcs of, 56/7 2 pcs of, various types and editions, interesting research material, all good condition, c.v.. 10.500CZK U:O5
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of more than 100 pcs of various PC, picture, forerunner, official PC etc.., part forerunner Hungarian postmark, smaller part clear Un; various quality (perf. holes from letter file/-s), after all interesting material U:O5
1940 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection 31 pieces forms decorative telegrams, German - Czech variety, without envelopes, in addition 3 Czech, 1 Slovak, used, good condition, profitable U:O4
1940-41 SLOVAKIA comp. 10 pcs of decorative telegrams incl. envelopes, standard quality U:O4
1979-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection 21 pieces PC 50h Prague, violet/ black, study selection of, various editions, defects, papers, color, nice quality U:O5
1960-85 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection ca. 450 pcs of postal stationery covers and PC, part Us, contains i.a. about 80 pcs of air-mail envelopes PRAGA 78, Children's Villages 3x, WIPA etc.., high catalogue value, profitable price U:K
1948-52 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of pictorial post cards, contains i.a. CPH1, 3, 5, other incomplete, suitable to other elaboration U:O5
1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 big collection of ca. 1300 pcs of PC, aerogram and postal stationery cover, partially Us, high catalogue value, all in medium big cardboard box, total 5kg U:K
1967-73 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / AEROGRAMY selection of 43 pcs of aerogram, from that 3x uprated by., standard quality, high catalogue value, profitable U:O5
1945-93 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection PC from annulled collection, part clear, part used, smaller part also picture, also better pieces, part with commemorative postmarks (special PC), mostly placed in covers, suitable for specialisation, or to sale, high catalogue value, very profitable offer, box gross 1,7kg U:K
1978-2006 CZECH REPUBLIC selection of PC and postal stationery covers, also with ca. 90 pcs of Us PC and 60 pcs of postal stationery covers CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 U:K
2002 SLOVAKIA picture PC OPL10-18, Castles and castles, comp. 12 pcs of partially rozřezaných sheets A4, sheets with 3 printing fields, shifted prints, various combinations, complete U:Z
1993-2007 SLOVAKIA larger comp. Un p.stat, postal stationery covers, PC, promotional added prints, obsakuje i.a. PC CDV3, State Coat of Arms with shifted print, placed in box from shoes, cat. over 3000SKK, suitable for next elaboration U:K
1872-74 AUSTRIA selection of 41 pcs of PC Mi.P1, 2 Kreuzer yellow, postmark, added-print, standard quality U:O5
1880-1930 AUSTRIA collection of ca. 100 pcs of p.stat, contains PC, letter-card/-s, various postmark etc.. U:K
1897 AUSTRIA PC Franz Joseph L, partially specialized collection, placed on pages in letter file, cat. Ferchenbauer over 250€, good quality U:Z
1890 AUSTRIA PC Franz Joseph L, specialized collection according to catalogue Ascher, placed on pages in spiral stockbook, cat. Ferchenbauer over 400€ (only basic variants, specialties excluded from sum), good quality U:Z
1880-1918 AUSTRIA collection 110 pcs of entires, mainly p.stat, various issue, franking, postmark, advertising added prints, placed in 10-sheet stockbook, part filling holes, otherwise standard quality U:Z
1880-1910 AUSTRIA collection of ca. 30 pcs of p.stat, PC, newspaper wrappers, envelope/-s, part uprated, i.a. Levant, 2x envelope for pneumatic-tube post Mi.RU1-2 and oths., high catalogue value, profitable U:O5
1869-82 AUSTRIA PC Franz Joseph R, specialized collection, language variety, papers, franking, postmark, placed on pages in letter file, cat. Ferchenbauer 3500€, good quality, it is worth seeing U:O4
1880-1930 EUROPE selection of 200 pcs of mostly Us p.stat, contains countries Great Britain, Bavaria, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Greece and oths., placed in stockbook for entires, high catalogue value, very interesting U:Z
1870-1950 EUROPE collection of ca. 200 pcs of p.stat, interesting frankings, i.a. Russia, Scandinavia, Great Britain, France, Romania and oths., placed in small box, standard quality U:K
1873-1935 GREAT BRITAIN selection of 39 pcs of p.stat, placed on album sheets in screw album U:Z
1876-14 HUNGARY selection 15 pieces Hungarian PC used on/for chorvatském territory, mostly maďarsko- Croatian variety PC, various issue, good condition, also better pieces, liquidation of collection, placed in covers, profitable U:O5
1876-18 HUNGARY selection 30 pieces p.stat used on/for Slovak territory, several also Carpathian Ruthenia, mostly PC, various issue, common also for abroad, larger part in/at covers, good offer, good condition, it is worth seeing U:O5
1876-16 HUNGARY comp. of ca. 40 pieces PC and letter cards, all used on/for uherském territory, mostly inland, several abroad, only several Un, good condition, liquidation of collection, almost all in/at covers U:O5
1873-1905 CANADA selection of 87 pcs of p.stat, postal stationery covers, newspaper covers, PC, added-print, part Us, standard quality U:O5
1880-1920 WHOLE WORLD selection of 92 pcs of Us also Un p.stat, contains African country, Brazílii, Mexico, Azores and oths., placed in stockbook for entires, very high catalogue value, very interesting U:Z
1880-1930 WHOLE WORLD selection of more than 160 pcs of p.stat, contains PC and newspaper wrappers, mainly from South and Central America, part various quality, interesting U:K