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1821-31 comp. 2 pcs of letters with cancel. ZWODAU (Zvodava / Svatava), cancel. Vot.č. 2, nice imprints, 1x stain U:A5
1822-43 comp. 3 pcs of folded letters with interesting postmarks, line NICOLSBURG, segmental OLMÜTZ, red line OLLMÜTZ + red FRANCO, nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1827-46 comp. 3 pcs of folded letters with interesting straight line postmarks, TREBITSCH/ 8.JAN. (č.2443/3.=50bd), V:WISCHAU (č.2649/1.=140bd) and ZWITTAU/ 29.9M (č.2795/4.=20bd), nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1828-46 comp. 5 pcs of letters, southwest Moravia, DATSCHITZ, GROSS MESERITSCH, SCHELLETAU, TREBITSCH, UHRŽITZ, nice postal imprints U:A5
1830-1850 comp. 5 pcs of letters, south Moravia LUNDENBURG, NICOLSBURG, POHRLITZ, U.HRADISCH, ZNAYM, nice postal imprints U:A5
1830-49 comp. 6 pcs of letters Bohemia - BUDWEIS, COMOTAU, KLATTAU, KROMAU, SAAZ /Vot.č. 4/, TETSCHEN a.d. ELBE, nice imprints U:A5
1831-41 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters with interesting postmarks, blue cancel. SCHELLETAU (catalogue of Votoček č.2130/4.=200bd) and line POLITSCHKA (č.1833/2.=80bd), in addition telegram from y 1876 with straight line postmark POLIČKA + superb off. oval pmk K.K.Telegraphen-Station/ POLIČKA (catalogue of Votoček neuvádí!), nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1832-49 comp. 3 pcs of folded letters with interesting postmarks, M.BUDWITZ, v.BRÜX (catalogue of Votoček č.262/2.=100bd.) and BOSKOWITZ, nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1833-43 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters with interesting postmarks, decorative CHRUDIM (catalogue of Votoček č.352/3.=100bd), blue KUTTENBEERG + in addition two telegrams from y 1873 with straight line pmk Leitmeritz (1x black and 1x blue), nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1834? folded cover of R letter, straight line postmark ROKITZAN, arrival postmark. line in oval KONIGGRAETZ, by hand NNB + Porto, sent back, paper bulk postage charge, unprofessionally open, hints rubbing out, still preserved U:A5
1835-47 comp. 3 pcs of folded letters with interesting postmarks, v:GITSCHIN (Vot.č.914/1. = 60 pt), GROHS BITTESCH (643/1.= 50 pt), blue HAYDA (728/4.= 60 pt) + red Franco, nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1837-48 comp. 3 pcs of folded letters with interesting postmarks, line TABOR/ am 30 Janer 1837 (č.2393/3.=80bd), black line U:HRADISCH/ 14.MAR: (1845; č.2503/7.=50bd) and ditto blue U:HRADISCH/ 3.JAN: (1947; 100 pt.), in addition on reverse arrival blue cancel. BRÜNN/ 4.JAN., nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1838-45 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters, straight line postmark POHRLITZ (black + blue), nice imprints U:A5
1839 folded letter Ex offo, straight line postmark HOLITZ/ 9.11., (Vot.809/2), on reverse 3x transit, good condition U:A5
1839-42 comp. 5 pcs of letters eastern Bohemia HOHENMAUTH, INGROWITZ, KUTTENBERG, LEUTOMISCH, on reverse print seal railway-station postmark, POLITSCHKA, nice postal imprints U:A5
1839-48 comp. 5 pcs of letters, middle and north Moravia, HOHENSTADT, PROSSNITZ, MAEHR. NEUSTADT, M.SCHÖNBERG, STERNBERG, nice imprints U:A5
1841-45 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters with interesting postmarks, line TELTSCH (č.2409/2.=35bd) and UHRŽITZ (č.2497/1.=50bd), nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1841-50 comp. 5 pcs of letters, eastern Moravia, BAUTSCH, FREYBERG IN MAEHREN, NEUTITSCHEIN, TETSCHEN, WALL. MESERITSCH, nice imprints U:A5
1842-48 comp. 7 pcs of letters, north Moravia, Silesia, JAUERNIG, FREUNDENTHAL, LEIPNIK, MÜGLITZ, M. SCHÖNBERG, STERNBERG, TROPPAU, nice imprints U:A5
1846 folded letter to Olomouc, straight line postmark WEISKIRCHEN, 19 JUN, RECOMMANDIRT, on reverse green arrival postmark OLMÜTZ, nice U:A5
1847 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE folded cover of letter to Levoča, CDS OKOLICSNA 3/10, superb print, on reverse paper seal, very nice U:A4
1848 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters with postmarks POHRLITZ, EISGRUB, framed pmk in/at black and green color POHRLITZ Franco, superb print U:A5
1848 folded letter on/for Prague magistrát, inside vtištěn revenue 15 Kreuzer with reliéfovým emblem, line CDS HOHENBRUCK/ 24.NOV. (Třebechovice), on reverse arrival postmark. PRAG/ 25.NOV. (divided), by hand written "Franco", good condition U:A5
1850 redirected Ex offo letter with much postmarks, posting line TETSCHEN 13 Novb:, MELNIK, PRESSBURG, FÜNFKIRCHEN, KOLIN, WIEN, PRAG, BRÜNN and other, supplemented with skládaným letter with straight line postmark V.BRÜNN, addressed to to Vienna; archiving folds, good condition U:A5