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1890? money letter (off. envelope for money mailing), to Wien (Vienna) on/for Schwarzenbergskou pokladnu, CDS HARMANNSDORF/ 5.7., postmark FRANCO, on reverse two complete of coat of arms seal, well preserved U:A5
1815 Receipt For Mente Journal Post, preprinted and filled out blank form big format for objednávku newspapers to station LEIPNIK; good condition U:A3v–
1820-60 comp. 4 pcs of přepravních blank forms, 1x Abgabs - Receipt (Rentsch), 1x AVVISO (Wienn), 1x bilingual Abgabs - Receipt - Izručnica, 1x certificate of mailing by/on/at Královské Bavarian povozné post (torn off corner), good condition, all without postmarks U:A5
1834 certificate of mailing and reply receipt, preprinted blanks Postamt (Post-office) NIKOLSBURG; good condition U:A5
1849 reply receipt, with straight line postmark CZECHTITZ, Vot.300/1, 240b U:A5
1854 hand-made receipt on/for money letter 13.000frc, to Wien (Vienna), red straight line postmark LAUT ANGABE (according to declaration), oval pmk PRAG KLEINS/ 26.11, well preserved U:A5
1855 handwritten private dispatch-note on/for mailing from Wien (Vienna) to Hohenau, CDS WIEN and label with ordinal number mailing, as return address seal veterinárního institution, postmaster notice and postmark U:A4
1860 wrapping of parcel, price 10Zl, sent from Graz to Brno, incl. parcel card, revenue issue 1858, value 5 Kreuzer, CDS GRATZ 2/10, postal labels with number 819, 3 unbroken seals, off. remarks, very nice U:A4
1861-78 2x reply receipt (Retour - Receipt, Retour - Receipt - Povratnica), 1x Briefpost, 1x Fahrpost - Vozna post, light folded, good condition U:A5
1866 2x official envelope for telegram, used, filled, both envelope/-s on reverse blue service pmk with eagle K.u.K.. TELEGRAPHEN STATION BUDWEIS, opened on/for L side, upper lapel odlepeny, good condition U:A5
1867 larger part postal blank form/-s Post-Behändigungs-Schein (post. delivery sheet), delivered přísežným postal poslem, negative service postmark ODERBERG, more times folded, tearing underglued, overall good condition U:A4
1869 handwritten private dispatch-note on/for mailing from Wien (Vienna) to Prague, CDS WIEN and additional R. LAUT ANGABE (from part/-s through/over revenue), mounted revenue 5 Kreuzer The 3rd issue (tearing), nobiliary address incl. seal and signature sender, as content declared gold in value 297 fl. Ö.W., supplemented with notices post U:A4
1874 FREIGHT LETTER FOR RAILROAD Sch.15, CDS HASBURGGASSE WIEN, to Lednice, pečet´ Liechtenstein U:A4
1874-00 4x release on/for posted telegram, 1x printed matter with straight line postmark POSTELBERG (Postoloprty), 1x other printed matter with straight line postmark MARIENBAD, 1x p.stat with oval postm. KRUMAU, 1x provisional printed matter with oval postm. KARLSBAD, good condition, profitable U:A5
1875 FREIGHT LETTERS FOR RAILROAD with C.O.D. Schn. 50, 51, 2 pcs, postal labels, CDS WIEN ALSERGRUND, BRÜNN STADT, seal U:A4
1876 C.O.D. FREIGHT LETTER FOR RAILROAD CDS MARGARETEN WIEN, arrival postmark BRÜNN, good condition U:A4
1876 comp. 2 pcs of receipts with CDS BRÜNN STADT, 1x revenue 15 Kreuzer issue 1875 and 1877, postmark Regional Court in Brno, torn off corner U:A5
1876 1878 FREIGHT LETTERS FOR RAILROAD comp. 2 pcs of freight letters for railroad, Schn. No.29, 43, CDS VALTICE, BRÜNN STADT, hinge / label, cancelled ustřižením corner U:A4
1877 FREIGHT LETTER FOR RAILROAD Schn. 44, CDS Teschen, nice print, folded U:A4
1877 larger part blank form/-s Post-Behändigungs-Schein, doručena přísežným postal poslem, postmark KRANOWITZ, on reverse CDS KRANOWITZ/ 27.7.77 + HULTSCHIN/ 27.7.77, 3x vert. fold, else preserved U:A4
1879 FREIGHT LETTER FOR RAILROAD text German, Czech, Sch.51, CDS BRÜNN STADT, returned U:A4
1879 C.O.D. FREIGHT LETTER FOR RAILROAD Sch.57, CDS WIEN, blue postal label U:A4
1883 Sch.47, C.O.D. dispatch note, imprinted stamp 5 Kreuzer year 1883, German variety; good condition, cat. Schneiderbauer 250Sch U:A5
1885 post. parcel dispatch-note with imprinted stamp 5 Kreuzer, comp. 7 pcs of language varieties, outside Romanian complete, total 7 pcs of, clear, good condition, c.v.. Schneiderbauer 1070Sch U:A5
1902 whole parcel card with imprinted stamp 10h, franked with. pair stamp. 30h, Mi.113, CDS BRNO 29/1 02; vertical fold otherwise well preserved U:A5
1913 whole international dispatch note with imprinted stamp 10h addressed to to Switzerland, with 1 Koruna, Mi.153, CDS PŘESTICE 3/8 13, on reverse arrival postmark, very light vertical fold U:A5
1916 whole international parcel průvodla with imprinted stamp 10h issue 1905, with 2 Koruna + 60h, Mi.154, 151, CDS WIEN 24.I.16, addressed to to Turkey U:A5
1916-17 whole international dispatch note with revenue 10h (Sch.241c), sent from Trieste to Mosulu (at that time Turkey - Osmanská empire, now Iraq), franking in front also on reverse, CDS TRIESTE 2/ 22.V.16, on reverse mounted Turkish stamps with CDS MOUSSOUL/ 15.4.17, transport during war trvala almost year, good condition U:A5