Mail Auction 25 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Postal Stationery 1918-39 / Forerunners

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96288 - 1919 Mi.P229, invalidated Austrian PC 8h F.J., CDS RUMBURG 5
1919 Mi.P229, invalidated Austrian PC 8h F.J., CDS RUMBURG 5.II.19, burdened with postage-due 20h, with CDS PRAGUE 6.II.19; hint of sticking in/at address part/-s, quite rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
96287 - 1919 CPŘ1, international 10h Crown, nationalized CDS KRÁLO
1919 CPŘ1, international 10h Crown, nationalized CDS KRÁLOVO POLE 11.II.19, incomplete arrival postmark Postal Agency PADOCHOV; slightly faded
Starting price: CZK
95502 - 1920 CPŘ1, 10h Crown, used as blank form after validity, wi
1920 CPŘ1, 10h Crown, used as blank form after validity, with Pof.8, CDS DĚČÍN/ Czechoslovak Post./ 7.VII.20, addressed to to Vienna; recipient with odstěhoval, overwritten address to Mühling bei Wieselburg, uprated with Austrian stamp Mi.259, CDS WIEN/ 12.VII.20, 2x Us Austrian PC!, interesting, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
95904 - 1918-19 CPŘ3, 8h Charles, 2 pcs of, insufficient franking,
1918-19 CPŘ3, 8h Charles, 2 pcs of, insufficient franking, burdened with postage-due, 1x Austrian stamp. 5h, Mi.P47, CDS MIROTICE 29.XI.18, 1x provisional Postage due stamp Hradčany 5h with overprint "T", CDS MARIENBAD 29.I.19; good condition
Starting price: CZK
94417 - 1919 CPŘ3 2x PC Charles 8h with uprating stamps Hradčany,
1919 CPŘ3 2x PC Charles 8h with uprating stamps Hradčany, 1x to Germany, overfranked in/at postal rate I, CDS SVĚTLÁ N. S./ 12.III.19, 1x right franking in postal rate II, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 17.VII.19, both PC with private added print in front or on reverse, good condition
Starting price: CZK
95914 - 1919 CPŘ3 Pa, PC 8h Charles, 2 pcs of  with private added p
1919 CPŘ3 Pa, PC 8h Charles, 2 pcs of with private added print Joseph Buchbinder Olmütz with perf for typewriter (1x at top also lower), uprated with stamp Hradčany 3h and 5h, dirty MC OLOMOUC 2/ 24.IV. and 31.V.19; good condition
Starting price: CZK
94510 - 1919 CPŘ3 with uprating express stmp 2h, CDS PLZEŇ + CPŘ3
1919 CPŘ3 with uprating express stmp 2h, CDS PLZEŇ + CPŘ35 with uprating express stmp 2h, CDS KASSA + definitive with overprint CDV1, CDS BUDĚJOVICE, 1x short tear, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
96154 - 1919 CPŘ3, 3Pa, Charles 8h, comp. 6 pcs of Austrian uprated
1919 CPŘ3, 3Pa, Charles 8h, comp. 6 pcs of Austrian uprated (Hradčany, Express) PC, from that 2x with perf for typewriter and additional-printing f. A.Glaser, J. Petschek, then 3 pcs of with additional-printing Wichr & Co., Oe. B. by/on/at. H.G. Habsburgschacht Petersswald in Silesia; nice pieces, profitable offer!
Starting price: CZK
95902 - 1919 CPŘ3, 8h Charles uprated by. express stamp. 2h triangl
1919 CPŘ3, 8h Charles uprated by. express stamp. 2h triangle with krajovým coupon, Mi.217, CDS DEUTSCH (GERMAN) BROD 23.I.19; slightly blurred cancel. color, cat. Merkur-Revue 1000CZK
Starting price: CZK
96289 - 1919 CPŘ3, 8h Charles, 2 pcs of with private added-print, 1
1919 CPŘ3, 8h Charles, 2 pcs of with private added-print, 1x with perf to machine J. Petschek with CDS BILIN 15.III.19, 1x additional printing Siegmund Deutsch, uprated by. express stamp. 2h triangle, CDS OLBERSDORF 21.XI.19; good condition
Starting price: CZK
95787 - 1919 CPŘ3, Charles 8h, 2 pcs of 1x with perf for typewriter
1919 CPŘ3, Charles 8h, 2 pcs of 1x with perf for typewriter and additional-printing Wilhelm Herrmann, CPŘ3 Pa with CDS EGER 2/ 15.X.19, uprated with stamp Hradčany 3h + 5h, 1x PC with private added print Portlandzementfabrik in Brünn, uprated with stamp Hradčany 10h, MC BRNO 2/ 6.IX,19; several small dots
Starting price: CZK
95789 - 1919 CPŘ3, Charles 8h, 2 pcs of uprated by. provisional new
1919 CPŘ3, Charles 8h, 2 pcs of uprated by. provisional newspaper stmp., 1x Austrian forerunner 2h Mercure with CDS UHERSKÉ HRADIŠTĚ 16.IV.19, 1x uprated with stamp Sokol 2h with CDS ZWITTAU 31.III.19; good condition
Starting price: CZK
94070 - 1919 CPŘ3Pa, Charles 8h, with private added print branch of
1919 CPŘ3Pa, Charles 8h, with private added print branch office Anglo - Austrian Bank in Teplitz, uprated with stamp Mi.219, 2h Express stamp - rectangle, CDS TEPLITZ-SCHÖNAU/ 18.I.19, fold in corner
Starting price: CZK
96173 - 1920 CPŘ30, 8f Hungarian PC with the bottom perf for typewr
1920 CPŘ30, 8f Hungarian PC with the bottom perf for typewriter with black private additional-printing Nyugatmagyarországi Kosznbánya, over splice stamp. Hradčany 20h blue-green with CDS NYITRABÁNYA 920.Jum.12.; fold in corner, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
96294 - 1918-19 CPŘ32, Hungarian 8f, 2 pcs of uprated by. Hungarian
1918-19 CPŘ32, Hungarian 8f, 2 pcs of uprated by. Hungarian stamp. Reaper, 2f and 3f, Mi.190, 191, CDS TRENCZEN 918.Dez.29. and TARNÓCZ 919.Mar.21.; good condition
Starting price: CZK
94933 - 1919 CPŘ33 Crown 10f, issue 1918, uprated with stamp Hradč
1919 CPŘ33 Crown 10f, issue 1918, uprated with stamp Hradčany 10h, postal rate II, CDS NAGYTAPOLCSÁNY/ 919.OKT.16, (Topolčany), PC orazítkována two days after validity (14.10.1919), practically incomplete rate (15h), undebited postage-due, good condition
Starting price: CZK
96292 - 1919 CPŘ33, 3 pcs of + CPŘ32 (Un) 1 pcs of, all with vario
1919 CPŘ33, 3 pcs of + CPŘ32 (Un) 1 pcs of, all with various flaw print stamps or inscription
Starting price: CZK
96293 - 1919 CPŘ33, Hungarian 10f, 11 pcs of with various chosen fo
1919 CPŘ33, Hungarian 10f, 11 pcs of with various chosen forerunner postmarks as: NAGYBICSCSE, RÓZSAHEEY, ÁRVAVARALJA, VERBO, RUTTKA, PUHÓ etc..; nice pieces good condition, interesting offer!
Starting price: CZK
96291 - 1919 CPŘ33, Hungarian PC 10f, 3 pcs of 2x sent as Reg uprat
1919 CPŘ33, Hungarian PC 10f, 3 pcs of 2x sent as Reg uprated by. for I. and II. postal rate stamp. Hradčany, CDS KISZUCZAÚJHELY 919.Maj.12. and CSACZA 919.Jul.21. (hints of gum in/at address) + 1x used as over splice for Ex sent mailing, CDS NAGYSZOMBÁT 919.Okt.20. (hints of gum in/at address)
Starting price: CZK
95860 - 1919 CPŘ33, Hungarian PC 10h, Mi.P70, to Austria, uprated w
1919 CPŘ33, Hungarian PC 10h, Mi.P70, to Austria, uprated with stamp Hradčany 5h, CDS NAGYSZOMBAT 919.Sep.4. (Námestovo), Us Czechosl. censorship, red framed pmk; good condition, nice imprint of daily postmark
Starting price: CZK
96295 - 1919 CPŘ33, Hungarian 10f, 2  pcs, used after change of rat
1919 CPŘ33, Hungarian 10f, 2 pcs, used after change of rate and burdened by postage-due, 1x Postage due stamp 10h and 1x 5h 2 pcs of, CDS NYITRA/ 919.Maj.22. and BREZNÓBÁNYA / 919.Maj.29.; good condition
Starting price: CZK
93815 - 1919 CPŘ35, Hungarian PC Mi.P68, 8f green, addressed to to
1919 CPŘ35, Hungarian PC Mi.P68, 8f green, addressed to to Austria, used after validity, over splice stamp. Pof.S1 (pair), 2, recognized franking 15h for postal rate II, No.2 flaw print - color stain (branch), CDS KOŠICE 6.XI.19
Starting price: CZK
95869 - 1920 CPŘ41, postal stationery cover 15f with printing insid
1920 CPŘ41, postal stationery cover 15f with printing inside sides, uprated with stamp Hradčany 3h 3x, CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 20.I.20, addressed to in the place, usage after valid time; good condition
Starting price: CZK
89986 - 1924 CPŘ50 Hungarian letter-card 10f with additional-printi
1924 CPŘ50 Hungarian letter-card 10f with additional-printing (Mi.K26), used after validity as official (was/were allowed), oval official and CDS BAŇSKÁ BYSTRICA/ 15.IX.24, incl. margins, inside official message, sought usage, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
96290 - 1919 CPŘ56, Hungarian letter-card 20f only with lower margi
1919 CPŘ56, Hungarian letter-card 20f only with lower margin, uprated with stamp Hradčany 5h, CDS LOBONYA/ 919. MAJ.30., good condition
Starting price: CZK
95896 - 1919 CPŘ56, Hungarian letter-card 20f without margins, upra
1919 CPŘ56, Hungarian letter-card 20f without margins, uprated with stamp Hradčany 5h, Hungarian single circle cancel TVRDOSSIN 919 VII/25; part postmark smudge, good condition
Starting price: CZK
95888 - 1919 CPŘ57, 3 pcs of Hungarian money dispatch-notes with pr
1919 CPŘ57, 3 pcs of Hungarian money dispatch-notes with printed stmp 2f, uprated with stamp Hradčany 5, 10 and 30h, CDS ALSÓKUBIN, EPERJES, LÉDECZ, 1x delivering fee paid by due stmp 20h; only several folds, good condition
Starting price: CZK
89971 - 1919 CPŘ57b  3 pieces larger parts  credit notes (Postautal
1919 CPŘ57b 3 pieces larger parts credit notes (Postautalvány ), issue 1917, larger format, 1x uprated stmp Hradčany 40h, 2x free of postage, Hungarian CDS Bratislava, St. cross above Hronem, Banská Bystrica, good condition, c.v.. Hirš 3x 1500CZK
Starting price: CZK
96214 - 1919-20 CPŘ57, Hungarian credit note 2f (Postautalvány ),
1919-20 CPŘ57, Hungarian credit note 2f (Postautalvány ), comp. 12 pcs of various formats without posting cut, all postage free from various offices in Slovakia, all forerunner Hungarian CDS as VAZSECZ, GÁZLÓS, ZBORÓ, MORVASZENTJÁNOS etc..; good condition, interesting!
Starting price: CZK
96218 - 1919-20 CPŘ57, Hungarian credit note 2f (Postautalvány ),
1919-20 CPŘ57, Hungarian credit note 2f (Postautalvány ), comp. 9 pcs of various formats without posting cut, supplemented with 1 pcs of parcel international dispatch-note (larger part) with imprinted stamp 10f, all with Hradčany Pof.3, 5, 8,10,12, 20, Hungarian CDS NYITRA, ALSÓKUBIN, RUTTKA, single-circle KÉMÉNO, VERESKÖ etc..; interesting selection of!
Starting price: CZK
89683 - 1919 CPŘ57 larger part credit notes, issue 1917, liberated
1919 CPŘ57 larger part credit notes, issue 1917, liberated from postage (off.), CDS POZSONY/ 919.APR.2, service pmk Minister Czechoslovakia with warrant for administration Slovakia, good condition, cheap
Starting price: CZK