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1900 K.u.K.. FELDPOSTEXPOSITUR/ No.16, franked postcard (Nagy Szalánczról) with single-circle cancel. from 9/9 900, arrival postmark POZSONY 900 Sep.11.; good condition, nice print U:A5
1904 K.u.K.. APOTHEKE DES GARNISONS-SPITALS No.6 IN OLMÜTZ, violet military unit postmarks on/for official post. guide, with 30h, Mi.113, CDS KLÁŠTER HRADISKO U OLOMOUCE 16/8 04, on reverse military unit postmarks K.u.K.. Maroden - Abtheilung with CDS HRANICE; good condition U:A5
1905 K.u.K.. FELDPOST-EXPOSITUR/ No.21 and No.26, 2 pcs of franked Ppc with postmarks from probíhajících manoeuvres on/for Czech territory Blatná and Vimperk, incomplete print, after all exceptional! U:A5
1917 whole dispatch note FP, franked with. stamps FP Mi.25 + 30 + 39 + revenue 10h (overprint for Serbia), CDS Etappenpostamt KRAGUJEVAC/ 20.X.17, mounted poplatkový card, on reverse Postage due stamp 5h, to Galicie, 2x vert. fold, holes from stapler, still preserved U:A5
1917 FIELD-POST Reg postcard with I and II issues.., cat. Ferchenbauer min. 350€, interesting view on/for port U:A5
1917 FIELD-POST PC 5h uprated with stamp Mi.22 2x, 23, CDS Etappenpostamt DZIALOSZYN 11.III.17, censorship mark, nice U:A5
1915 PC 5h, Mi.P216 sent as FP with cancel. K.u.K HAUPTFELDPOSTAMT 630/ 6.VIII.15, sent to Moravia, superb print U:A5
1916 BIRCH BARK CARD, incomplete CDS FP 56/ 24.III.16, good condition U:A5
1917-18 2x dispatch-note for parcel, 1x sent sent by FP č.240 (from captain at the port Odessa), 1x sent to Etappenpostamt JANÓW in POLAND, both vert. fold, signs of age and transport, still preserved U:A5
1915 FP card with overprint Mi.FP1, CDS Etappenpostamt MIECHÓW/ 12.VII.15, military unit postmark with eagle K.u.K Etappenpostamt TELEGRAPHENAMT, to Prague, nice postmark, good condition, c.v.. Hirš 25€ U:A5
1916 letter to Prague, CDS Etappenpostamt TIRANA/ 8.XI.16, on reverse arrival postmark. PRAGUE 8/ 15.XI.16, vertical folds in the middle, after all good condition U:A5
1916-17 comp. 4 pcs of entires (3x postcard, 1x FP card), 1x franked, all with postmarks Etappenpostamt (267, 343, Belgrad, Tarnov), various uniquely designed postmarks, good condition U:A5
1916-18 K.u.K.. ETAPPENPOSTAMT (base post off.) SCHKODRA, TIRANA, NIKŠIC and CHELM on/for FP cards, c.v.. Reiner 900 pt, good print U:A5
1917 parcel dispatch card segment with FP 80h + fiscal stamp 10h with overprint Military administration, CDS Etappenpostamt CHELM/ 6.VI.17, on the back side Prague postmark about/by bezcelnosti, good condition U:A5
? K.u.K.. LUFTSCHIFFERABTEILUNG (Aeronautical Division) / FLUGZEUGWERKSTÄTTE, violet round cancel. with eagle - nice imprint, on Ppc with 5h Franz Joseph, CDS FISCHAMEND, part stamp. stripped, beginning brown stains, still preserved U:A5
19?? K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN/ BALLONKOMPAGNIE No.20, 2-lines postmark - light imprint, postcard ,ěsta PRZEMYŚL, to Bohemia, incomplete CDS FP 20?/ 7.VIII.??, overall still preserved, examination recommended U:A5
1915 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN/ AIRCRAFT COMPANY No. 16, blue 2-lines cancel. - nice imprint of daily postmark, FP No.606, war postcard (fight in/at Dolomitech) addressed to to Bohemia, abraded UR corner, otherwise nice U:A5
1917 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN/ BALLONKOMPAGNIE No. 26, blue postmark on Ppc, CDS Field Post POLA/ 31.X.17, good print, good condition U:A5
1917 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTRUPPEN/ AIRCRAFT COMPANY No.5, 2-lines military unit postmark, postcard to Prague, CDS Etappenpostamt 243/ 31.VIII.17, good print, good condition U:A5
1917 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTTRUPPEN/ FLIEGERETAPPENPARK (Aircraft Base Park) 6, red straight line postmark on Ppc, CDS Etappenpostamt LUBLIN/ 12.III.17, nice imprints, well preserved U:A5
1917 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTTRUPPEN/ FLIEGERETAPPENPARK (Aircraft Base Park) 6, violet straight line postmark on Ppc, CDS Etappenpostamt LUBLIN/ 12.III.17, nice imprints, well preserved U:A5
1916 postcard sent Czech letcem from German training unit in Hamburg, CDS HAMBURG/ 20.11.16, interesting text, still preserved U:A5
1916 S. M. S. ALPHA, red postmark, CDS Navy Field Post POLA 14.2.16, view of ship S. M. S. Saint István, bumped corners U:A5
1917 S.M.S. ADMIRAL SPAUN, CDS Navy Field Post POLA 3.3.17, photo from training/exercise sailors on/for bradlech on deck ship Erzh. Franz Ferdinand U:A5
1916 S.M.S. ADRIA, FP card with additional-printing return address, round double circle pmk with eagle + CDS Field Post POLA/ 1.III.16, good condition U:A5
1916 S.M.S. ARPÁD, 2x postcard with various postmarks from this ship, dirty (can be to clean), cheaply offered U:A5
1915 S.M.S. ARPÁD, black round cancel. with date 4.2.15, on letter addressed to Vienna, on reverse same round cancel. S.M.S. ARPÁD + violet straight line postmark S.M. SCHIFF "ARPÁD" - this cancel. catalogue doesn't report (!), envelope R lower torn, good condition, cat. min. 1400CZK U:A5
1901 S.M.S. ASPERN, Japanese color pictorial PC with 3Sn, CDS badly readable, out of stmp incomplete CDS YOKOHAMA/ ?.DEC.01, written on/for ship Aspern 30.XI.01, arrival CZERNOWITZ/ STATION/ 5.1.02, viewing of quality recommended U:A5
1916 S. M. S. BABENBERG, Field Post POLA 15.7.16, view of submarine S.M. submarine III, bumped margins and corners U:A5
1915 S.M.S. BABENBERG, red round cancel. with eagle, supplemented with CDS Field Post POLA/ 3.XI.15, on Ppc B/W picture ship "71F", good condition U:A5
1917 S.M.S. BELLONA, round red censorship mark with eagle + CDS Field Post POLA/ 15.II.17, postmark partially overlapped, good condition, cat. Pithart 800CZK U:A5
1917 S.M.S. BREMEN 1/ 30.1.17, black round postmark German submarine, which/what přepravovala post, letter addressed to to Argentina, with Feldpost (Field-Post) Mi.33, CDS FP 291/ 22.I.17 + line military unit postmarks Headquarters - Treinzug, on reverse CDS BREMEN 26.1.1; stains i.a. from stamping ink, c.v.. Pithart 30.000CZK U:A5
1917 S.M.S CYKLOP, violet straight line postmark - nice imprint, catalogue doesn't report (!), supplemented with private cancel. sender, postcard (Tivat) addressed to to Bohemia, good condition U:A5
1914 S.M.S. CSEPEL, postcard (S.M.S. TATRA) to Bohemia sent by FP, CDS K.u.K.. KRIEGSMARINE (navy) 22.X.14, light stains in margins U:A5
1915,1918 S.M.S. CUSTOZA, correspondence card sent from ship, CDS POLA 9.X.15, name addressee blackened, S.M.S. ADRIA, blue frame censorship mark, CDS POLA 5.V.18, B/W postcard, nice print U:A5
1915-17 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc + 1 letter, sent from ship S.M.S. CUSTOZA, TEGETTHOFF, SZÉNT ISTVÁN and HUSZÁR, thin/light postal imprints, as multiple good condition U:A5
1915 STEAMER XIV., violet round cancel. with eagle, CDS Field Post POLA/ 22.VI.15, postcard addressed to to Hungary, good condition, cat. Pithart 2700CZK U:A5
1916 S.M.S. DROMEDAR, violet round cancel. with eagle, supplemented with cancel. S.M.S. MONARCH with date 5.VI.16, postcard (Cetinje), addressed to to Bohemia, well preserved U:A5
1916 S. M. S. ERZHERZOG FERDINAND MAX, Field Post POLA 29.1.16, postcard same ship, bumped corners U:A5
1916 S.M.S. ERZHERZOG FRANZ FERDINAND, supplemented with CDS Field Post POLA/ 13.IV.16, sent to FP č.337, labour detachment/section war prisoners No. 217, good condition U:A5
1917 S.M.S. ERZHERZOG FRANZ FERDINAND, blue straight line postmark., supplemented with red censorship cancel. with No. "8" - incomplete print + CDS Field Post POLA/ 17.V.17, sent to Etappenpostamt Njeguš bei Cetinje to work detachment/section war prisoners, good condition U:A5
1916 S.M.S. ERZHERZOG FRANZ FERDINAND, postmark on/for Surtax label "Oesterreichischer Flottenverein" with CDS Field Post POLA/ 15.V.16, sent to FP č.337, labour detachment/section war prisoners No. 217, good condition, rare! U:A5
1918 S.M.S. GÄA, red frame censorship mark + CDS Etappenpostamt 267/ 13.VIII.18, postmark partially overlapped, signs of age, still preserved, cat. Pithart 1000CZK U:A5
1905 S.M.S. HABSBURG, black single circle cancel with date 15.4.05, arrival blue CDS PRAGUE 1/ 21.5.05, on Ppc with vyobrazenou ship on/for sea, well preserved U:A5
1914? S.M.S. HABSBURG, black round cancel. with date 11.X.14?, interesting postcard (S.M.S. KARL VI.), addressed to to Bohemia, good condition U:A5
1915 S.M.S. HABSBURG/ 4.2.15, black circular pmk with date, letter small format incl. content, signs of age, still preserved, cat. Pithart 600CZK U:A5
1915 S.M.S. HELIGOLAND, black round cancel. with date 23.IV.16, postcard (Kotor) addressed to to Bohemia, well preserved, cat. Pithart 1400CZK U:A5
1916 S.M.S. HERKULES, violet round cancel. with date 2.1.16, CDS Field Post POLA/ 2.1.16 and red straight line postmark Zensuriert, nice imprints, postcard (Brioni) addressed to to Bohemia, good condition, cat. Pithart 1500CZK U:A5
1915-17 comp. of 5 pieces Ppc sent through/over Field Post Pola, ship postmark S.M.S.HABSBURG, 2x S.M. Schiff BELLONA, S.M.S. VIRIBUS UNITIS, S.M.S. Eh. FRIEDRICH, one postcard torn, else preserved U:A5
1914 S.M.S. KAISER FRANZ JOSEF I., violet round cancel. with eagle, CDS CASTELNUOVO CATTARO/ 8.X.14, supplemented with red straight line postmark S.M. Schiff "Kaiser Franz Joseph I." and censorship cancel. Passiert, addressed to to Plzen, sound condition U:A5
1916 S.M.S. EMPEROR MAX, violet round coat of arms' postmark., supplemented with CDS ZELENIKA/ 26.XII.16, on Ppc (Budva) addressed to to Bohemia, bumped corners, cat. Pithart 1000CZK U:A5
? S.M.S. LELEK, blue straight line postmark., supplemented with violet straight line postmark "K.u.K.. SCHIFFSTATIONSKOMMANDO", CDS FP č.441 with date 8.X.? - incomplete print, letter sent to ship S.M.S. BOSNIA, on reverse mounted through/over lapel 3 pcs of stamp. 5Pf Germania with overprint "Rumänien (Romania)/ 5 Bani", without postmarks, interesting entire, rare offer, good condition U:A5
1916 S.M.S. LEOPARD, violet round cancel. with date 26.2.16, CDS Field Post POLA/ 26.II.16, postcard addressed to to Litomyšl, light brownish, cat. Pithart 1700CZK U:A5
1915 S.M.S. METEOR, violet round postmark with date + CDS Field Post POLA/ 13.VIII.15, good condition, cat. Pithart 1500CZK U:A5
1918 S.M.S. MIRAMAR, red line censorship mark + CDS Field Post POLA/ 9.III.18, red label Feldpost (Field-Post), postmark partially overlapped, still preserved, rare, cat. Pithart 3000CZK U:A5
1917 S.M.S. MIRAMAR, red straight line postmark., supplemented with red line censorship cancel., CDS Field Post POLA/ 9.VII.17 - light imprint, interesting postcard (marine battle), addressed to to Olomouc, at top more/larger stain, good condition, cat. Pithart 3000CZK U:A5
1915,6 comp. 4 pcs of Ppc, 1x S.M.S. METEOR round violet cancel., 2x S.M.S. EMPEROR FRANZ JOSEPH, 2 various postmark, 1x S.M.S. BABENBERG and 1x Pola without deck cancellation, nice print, bumped corners U:A5
1918 S.M.S. PANDUR, red straight line postmark., CDS Etappenpostamt No.267 - incomplete print, hand-made dated 26.August 1918, postcard (Sarajevo) addressed to to Budapest, good condition, cat. Pithart 2000CZK U:A5
1914 S.M.S. PELIKAN, black round cancel. with date 4.12.14, supplemented with three-line censorship cancel. from Fiume + CDS FIUME/ 916.FEB.1, postcard addressed to to Budapest. partially unstuck postcard U:A5
1919 S.M.S. REKA, violet round cancel. with date 8.VIII.16, CDS Field Post POLA/ 8.VIII.16, supplemented with violet cancel. Feldpost (Field-Post), good print, postcard (Haifa) addressed to to Galicia, cat. Pithart 1600CZK U:A5