Mail Auction 25 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Dove 1920

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91295 -  Pof.143N, 5h blue imperforated, very thin/light print, full
Pof.143N, 5h blue imperforated, very thin/light print, full machine offset on gum, expert Benes., c.v.. 1000CZK
Starting price: CZK
95695 -  Pof.145A, 10h green, block of 8 with shift and double strok
Pof.145A, 10h green, block of 8 with shift and double stroke perforation comb, light hinged in/at picture side + owner's mark
Starting price: CZK
92406 -  Pof.146, 10h olive, L vertical bnd-of-20 sheet divided into
Pof.146, 10h olive, L vertical bnd-of-20 sheet divided into 2 parts with missing perforation hole in/at every line, Pl 1
Starting price: CZK
96628 -  Pof.146A, 10h olive, block of four with prohnutou peforačn
Pof.146A, 10h olive, block of four with prohnutou peforační ledge
Starting price: CZK
96630 -  Pof.146A, 10h olive, corner Pr with double stroke perf fram
Pof.146A, 10h olive, corner Pr with double stroke perf frame
Starting price: CZK
96625 -  Pof.146N, 148N type II., 10h olive and 25h green with R mar
Pof.146N, 148N type II., 10h olive and 25h green with R margin and ledge, imperforated, 10h exp. by Gilbert., 25h hinged
Starting price: CZK
91291 -  Pof.147A, 15h brown, double impression, mint never hinged,
Pof.147A, 15h brown, double impression, mint never hinged, c.v.. 1000CZK
Starting price: CZK
91294 -  Pof.147N, 15h brown imperforated, double impression, mint n
Pof.147N, 15h brown imperforated, double impression, mint never hinged, exp. Pofis-Beneš, c.v.. 1000CZK
Starting price: CZK
96635 -  Pof.148A, 20h orange, pairs with lower margin with control-
Pof.148A, 20h orange, pairs with lower margin with control-numbers, 2x same pos., 1x with protective ledge and 1x plate without protective ledge
Starting price: CZK
96144 -  Pof.148A, 20h orange, type II., comb perforation 14, comple
Pof.148A, 20h orange, type II., comb perforation 14, complete 100-stamps sheet with margin and plate number 19-28, in the middle partially detached in perforation, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
90858 -  Pof.148B K, 20h orange with L coupon and sheet margin, type
Pof.148B K, 20h orange with L coupon and sheet margin, type II., line perforation 13¾;, marked by Pofis., Šrámek
Starting price: CZK
96623 -  Pof.148B, 20h orange, R margin, line perforation
Pof.148B, 20h orange, R margin, line perforation
Starting price: CZK
93122 -  Pof.148TBa, 20h orange, close opposite facing pair, superb,
Pof.148TBa, 20h orange, close opposite facing pair, superb, c.v.. 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
91769 -  Pof.143N-149N, imperforated, common margins, 3 pcs of margi
Pof.143N-149N, imperforated, common margins, 3 pcs of marginal, value 25h in both types, c.v.. 1180CZK
Starting price: CZK
95931 -  Pof.150, 30h violet, block of four, R VII/2R on pos. 92, mi
Pof.150, 30h violet, block of four, R VII/2R on pos. 92, minor gum fault
Starting price: CZK
91290 -  Pof.150, 30h violet, the bottom corner piece with plate num
Pof.150, 30h violet, the bottom corner piece with plate number "25" (plate 1-25), mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
91293 -  Pof.150A, 30h violet, the bottom corner piece with plate nu
Pof.150A, 30h violet, the bottom corner piece with plate number "6" (plate 6-26), lightly hinged, c.v.. 500CZK
Starting price: CZK
89740 -  Pof.150A, 30h violet, comb perforation 14, lower corner blo
Pof.150A, 30h violet, comb perforation 14, lower corner blok of 4 with plate number "25", hints after sticking in collection on/for right margin block, stamps mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
88974 -  trial print 5h, definitive printing background, 2 pcs of, b
trial print 5h, definitive printing background, 2 pcs of, both imperforated, white paper, from that 1 pcs of in dark green color, marked by Tribuna and 1 pcs of in/at original blue color, thin/light hinged, c.v.. 1000CZK
Starting price: CZK
88989 -  trial print 5h, definitive printing background, imperforate
trial print 5h, definitive printing background, imperforated in colour grey-brown, white paper with gum, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
88975 -  trial print 10h, definitive printing background, 2 pcs of,
trial print 10h, definitive printing background, 2 pcs of, both imperforated, white paper, from that 1 pcs of in/at orange color, mint never hinged and 1 pcs of in/at original green color, marked by Tribuna.., thin/light hinged, c.v.. 1000CZK
Starting price: CZK
88990 -  trial print 10h, definitive printing background, imperforat
trial print 10h, definitive printing background, imperforated in colour orange red, white paper with gum, on gum full offset same PLATE PROOF in colour green
Starting price: CZK
88992 -  trial print 10h, definitive printing background, imperforat
trial print 10h, definitive printing background, imperforated PLATE PROOF in colour light red, white paper with gum
Starting price: CZK
88976 -  trial print 15h, definitive printing background, 2 pcs of,
trial print 15h, definitive printing background, 2 pcs of, both imperforated, white paper, from that 1 pcs of in dark green color, mint never hinged, marked by Tribuna and 1 pcs of in/at olive color, thin/light hinged, c.v.. 1000CZK
Starting price: CZK
87951 - 1921 Express letter to Vienna with mixed franking 3 various
1921 Express letter to Vienna with mixed franking 3 various issues, with Pof.8, 143 and 158 2x, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 30.1.21, arrival WIEN 60/ 12.1.21 on reverse, non-philatelic correspondence, good condition
Starting price: CZK
94505 - 1921 Reg letter to Finland, franked with. 9 pieces stamps T.
1921 Reg letter to Finland, franked with. 9 pieces stamps T. G. Masaryk, Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreaker, Pof.140 + 3x 144 + 2x 146 + 148 + 149 + 155, one stmp on reverse, CDS KRNOV 2/ 1.IX.21, transit. HELSINKI, arrival postmark. KOTKA/ 7.IX.21, good condition
Starting price: CZK
89713 - 1921-29 comp. of 6 pieces entires franked stamps Pigeon-issu
1921-29 comp. of 6 pieces entires franked stamps Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreaker, 3x as Express, 2x as Registered, for specialist interesting, various CDS, good condition
Starting price: CZK
95936 - 1922 commercial envelope with wide opposite facing pair stam
1922 commercial envelope with wide opposite facing pair stamp. 5h violet, Pof.144TBb, red special postmark I. congress businessmen with stamps/ PRAGUE 1/ 31.IX.22, philatelically motivated entire
Starting price: CZK
95792 - 1926-30 comp. 4 pcs of letters, multicolor franking, blocks
1926-30 comp. 4 pcs of letters, multicolor franking, blocks with margin and control-numbers, Postage due stmp, CDS VIMPERK, PETROVICE U RAKOVNÍKA, PRAGUE, 1x advertising label Esperanto, 3x crosswise fold
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 25 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Dove 1920 - Information

1. 6. 1920  Holubice

Na výzvu Ministerstva pošt a telegrafů předložil vítězný návrh na poštovní známky emise Holubice Jaroslav Benda. Celkem bylo vydáno 8 známek v 6 různých hodnotách, od 5 do 30 haléřů, z toho hodnoty 5h a 10h ve dvou různých barvách. Všechny známky emise Holubice byly vytištěny knihtiskem (KT), pro tisk jednotlivých hodnot byl použit různý počet tiskových desek (TD), od 2 do 69 kusů, sestavených do 2 nebo 4 tiskových forem (TF) ze známek stejných nebo různých hodnot, dokonce i v sestavě se známkami jiného vydání (Hradčany, Osvobozená republika). Všechny hodnoty byly vytištěny na bílém papíru s hladkým lepem a opatřeny hřebenovým zoubkováním HZ 14. Celé 100 kusové archy poštovních známek 5h fialová a 10h olivová byly opatřeny i řádkovým zoubkováním ŘZ 13¾ a stejným ŘZ 13¾ byly ozoubkovány i známky 5h fialová, 10h olivová a 20h oranžová pocházející z archů vytištěnými pro známkové sešitky. Ze stejných archů pocházejí i mezi sběrateli oblíbené úzké nebo široké dvojice těchto 3 hodnot.

Poštovní známky emise Holubice byly do poštovního provozu zaváděny postupně, hodnoty 5h modrá, 10h zelená a 15h hnědá v červnu 1920, 5h fialová, 10h olivová, 20h oranžová a 25h zelená v srpnu 1920.  Vydání hodnoty 30h fialová bylo v úředním Věstníku oznámeno 22. 4. 1925. Platnost jednotlivých hodnot emise Holubice nebyla ukončena ve stejný den, ale opět postupně, podle potřeb poštovního provozu. Poštovní známky 5h modrá (1. náklad) a 10h zelená pozbyly platnosti 30. 4. 1921, hodnoty 5h fialová a 30h fialová dne 31. 7. 1928, zbývající hodnoty 5h modrá (2. náklad), 10h olivová, 15h hnědá, 20h oranžová a 25h zelená platily do 29. 2. 1932.