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1934 AUTOGRAPHS, POLITICAL PROPAGANDA Mussolini: Le Fascisme, Denoël et Steele, Paris, 240 sides, French text, autograph of author with date, good condition, very rare U:O5
1910? BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Anthony Sova, Francis Kupka: Balada about/by one člověku and his radostech, Hejda & Tuček, Prague, 84 sides, 8 celostránkových illustration Francis Kupky (1871–1957), light stains, else preserved U:Z
1940 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Charles Kinský: Memory Czech engraver Bohumil Heinz, copy No. 52, signature of author, good condition U:O4
1946 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION Píseň songs, translated Hirsch, illustration Procházka, issued F. J. Müller, Prague, abraded edge/-s U:Z
1909-44 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 13 pcs of books, Azorín: Zavřený house; Balzac: Neznámé arcidílo; Bernard: Vzpomínky on/for Paula Cézanna; Bor: Mary Laudová; Čep: Děravý plášť; Drnák: Spanish rapsodie; Hamsun: Pan; Langer: Andělé between us; Němeček: Life W. A. Mozart; de Saint-Pierre: Paul and Virginie; Samat: Hlídač býků, Tyl: Nebezpečný proslov; Zeyer: Listy Růženě Jesenské; some book/-s with signature of author; superb prints, good condition, very profitable U:K
1942-48 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 3 pcs of books, Jean Lebrau: Kraj, where with stýská after/around stínu, issue Atlantis, Brno 1948, author xylographs Simon, copy No. 389, Compilation ELK, private print on hand-made paper, author woodcut Svolinský, Veselý: V záři also stínu, issued by Co-operation Moravian bicycles/wheel writers, author woodcut Vik, very fine U:Z
1928-41 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 5 pcs of books, issue Symposion, Alain-Fournier: Le Grand Meaulnes, author woodcut Svolinský, No. 339, Coolen: Dobrák vrah, author xylographs Svolinský, No. 108, Bradley: Earth vypravuje, pack I-III, frontispiece Konůpek, very fine U:Z
1892-1932 BIBLIOPHILE EDITION comp. 6 pcs of books, Vrba: Sebrané spisy II, issued Otto, signature, No. 34, incl. protective box, Vrchlický: Trial and portrait, author's signature with dedication, Durych, Žebrácké song, author's signature, No. 38, Šrámek: Sláva life, author xylographs Tondl (signature), No. 287, Hewlett: Klíč to srdci, author lithography Milén, No. 170, Rašín: Kleopatra, illustration Kobliha, private print f. Burda U:O4
1919 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS journal Houpačky (swings) 3, 4, 5, 6, Irkutsk, lithography Jaroslav Váchala - return our legions (satira) U:Z
1919-20 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS comp. 3 pcs of journals, War reporter/bulletin No.5, Irkutsk 1.6.1919, 2x Return, No. 1–4, 10. Rifle Rgt., November 1919, January 1920 U:O4
1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS selection of frontových journals 10. shooting regiment J. Sladkého-Koziny, samizdat, interesting U:O4
1919 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Václac Švec: Our kluci from Sibiře, Irkutsk, collection satirických drawings U:O4
1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS / SIBERIA comp. 13 pcs of copies/imprints local newspapers with příspěvky from Czechosl. legionaries, description contemporary events, worse condition, interesting U:O4
1896 JUDAICA Bohemian-Jewish Newspaper, 2 copies/imprints, 15.10.1896, Prague U:A3s|
1970 MILITARIA team of authors: Nauč with ničit nízkoletící cíle, issued VÚ 1043, Tábor, 12 sides, pocket format, very good condition U:A5
1937 MILITARIA team of authors: Instruction about/by air nebezpečí and about/by ochraně against němu, issued by Interior Ministry, Prague, 64 sides, good condition U:O5
1914 MILITARIA Světozor No. 7, year/volume XV, issued Otto, Prague, war zpravodajství, text photo, lot of advertisings, good condition U:O4
??? NÁBOŽENSTVÍ Pollatcheks Homillien, thick book - manuscript, collection nedělních kázání, supplemented with biblickými verse, bound, damaged backbone, interesting U:Z
1918 newspaper Východ from 28. October 1918, other special issue, notification of kapitulaci Austria-Hungary, regulation republic, Pardubice issue, one sheet, two-sided, format 27x43cm, price 20h, folded, good condition, extraordinary printing product U:A3s|
1943-45 POLITICAL PROPAGANDA / NAZISM comp. 5 pcs of women's magazines Frauen-Warte with nazism propaganda, advertising, articles, photo, frayed margins U:A3s|
1920 SOKOL team of authors: I. festival youth Sokol 1920, Sokol village/community, Prague, 32 sides text, 48 sides pictures, dedication from y 1922 - Němčice n./H., good condition U:O4
1947 SOKOL team of authors: Vám, killed our, čest and dík, issued Sports club Sokol Přerov, name/-s, photo, date zatčení and execution, interesting, stain in envelope U:O4
1939 SPORT Novotný: Ročenka SK Slavia Prague 1938, within self-publishing, Prague, 104 sides, paper bound, lot of photos, tables and advertisings, light damaged backbone U:O5
1950 ŠVABINSKÝ Max (1873–1962): Satyr, collection 20 graphic sheets to veršům Victora Huga, translated S. Kadlec, issued TVAR, Prague, good condition, very nice U:O4
1956 Andersen H. Ch.: Fairy tales and povídky, pack I and II, illustration Cyril Bouda, KLHU Prague, light damaged paper cover U:Z
1937 Filla, Fučík: Joseph Čapek, Prameny, collection dobrého art, pack 16, Melantrich, Prague, 38 sides, beauty reproduction U:O4
1893 Korb, Max: Die Schmetterlinge Mittel-Europas, Nürnberg, Theo. Stroefer´s Kunstverlag, (Butterflies Central Europe), 232 sides text, 30 color lithographic blackboard, copy No. 543, very good condition U:Z
1969 Voříšková: Zpívající housle, gipsy fairy tale, ilustrovala Míla Doleželová, issued Work, Prague, 160 sides, good condition U:Z
1940 Wirsing: Der Krieg 1939/40 in Karten, Verlag Knorr & Hirth, München (Munich), 80 sides, German text, map/-s, good condition U:O4