1930-45 comp. 4 pcs of telegrams with national emblem, 1x A1930 (Czech variety), 1x B1931 (Czech German variety), 2x Slovak with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, 2 editions (1x "stanica", 1x "krajina"), Un, good condition
1919 FRANCE / COURIER MAIL comp. 2 pcs of Ppc sent sent by courier mail, 1x franking Czechosl. stamps, 1x marked FM, CDS PRAGUE - HRAD, 1x odpadlá stmp and nepřesně mounted, overall good condition
1936TURNOV comp. of 3 Ppc issued to XXIV. exhibition Turnovského product : Bývalý Turnov, all signed akademickýmmalířem Charles Kinským (1901 - 1969), nobleman originate from zchudlé branch Kinských, turnovskýpatriot, franking stamps 50h, CDS TURNOV, franking supplemented with private stamps POST TURNOVSKÁ, various color, imperforate, nice good condition, interesting also as autographs or postcard, various usage