1933 Reg postcard to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.17-20, Holy Year of Salvation, complete set of, CDS CITTA DEL VATICANO 6.4.33, arrival PRAGUE, very decorative
1840-41MI.1, 3 16x, 4 3x, selection of 20 pcs of stamp. various quality for study purposes, Mi.1 thin place, much cut, after all various shades, folder, defects and postmark
1902? Mi.37, 38 Official stamps for government mailing, overprint GOVT/ PARCELS, highest value, No.38 with residue background paper + label, good condition, c.v.. 240€
1938 PC Mi.P54a with uprated with stamp ½d, sent poste restante to Switzerland, unclaimed and sent back, MC LONDON W.C./ 22.JNE 1938, on reverse arrival postmark. LUGANO/ 23.VI.38, 2-lines postmark NONRÉCLAMÉ/ RETOUR (Unclaimed, back) + framed pmk UNDELIVEREDFORREASONSTATED/ RETURN postal rate SENDER (Nepředáno from stated reasons, back sender), departure CDS LUGANO 1/ 20.VII.38, arrival postmark. LONDON F.S./ 22.JY.38, slightly wrinkled margin and corners, after all still preserved
1863folded letter to Trieste, with Mi.20, CDS LIVERPOOL/ 13.JY.63 + "466", red round cancel. "P.D.", additional double circle pmk "England per ...", on reverse transit pmk WIEN/ 16.7. and arrival TRIESTE/ 18.7., good condition
1866 folded letter to Trieste, with Mi.20, CDS LIVERPOOL/ 19.NO.66 + "466", red round cancel. "P.D.", additional double circle pmk "England per ...", on reverse transit red cancel. LONDON/ 20.NO.66 and arrival TRIESTE/ date unclear, good condition
1928 airmail letter with Mi.155 and 156, CDS LIVERPOOL/ 24.SP.28, experimental air post on/for trace Liverpool - Belfast - Liverpool, commemorative envelope, stage Liverpool - Belfast, additional cancel. "Liverpool CivicWeek/ September 24-29 1928/ Experimental Airmail/ ToBelefast", arrival BELFAST/ 24.SP.28 on reverse, sound condition
1934 postcard with Mi.177, special postmark LONDON/ AIR POST EXHIBITION/ 12. MAY 34, exhibition label with coupon, blue cachet, addressed to to Czechoslovakia, decorative, sound condition
1934SAMPLE WITHOUT VALUE commercial air-mail letter to Prague, with Mi.176 2x, 179 2x, CDS EDINBURGH9MR/34, red cachet, on reverse transit pmk BERLIN and arrival PRAGUE, filling holes
1947M.E.F. comp. 2 pcs of Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.14, 21, CDS RODI-EGEO 27.2.47 and 12.3.47, 1x advertising label Czechoslovaks in the M.E., arrival PRAGUE, nice
1922TURKEY Reg letter to Prague, with Mi.50, stmp with overprint 15Pia/10P, CDS B.P.O. CONSTANTINOPLE 16.SP/22, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 21.IX.22, dusky margins
1944Hungarian FP card with overprint (Ud21), shift added-print up, some Hungarian inscriptions crossed out by hand, exp. by Blaha.., c.v.. Majer min. 1800CZK
19452x PC Hungarian field post with overprint (Ud21), production flaw damaged emblem (see catalogue Majer page. 128, there but on/for Ud21a), 1x uprated by. stamps No. 5c + 7a, postmark ČOP, distinctive shades overprints PC, postally Un, c.v.. Majer min. 3600CZK (without stamps and plate variety)
1945 PC Hungarian field post with overprint (Ud21), production flaw damaged emblem (see catalogue Majer page. 128, there but on/for Ud21a), on reverse additionally mounted stmp No.3 with L coupon and asterisk, postmark BEREHOVE, only address without text (rozdílný manuscript also color ink), pravděpodobné fake/fabrication, post. transport unwarranted, one yellowy corner else preserved