1921 ESPERANTO MigrantaKarto, comp. 2 pcs of correspondence cards Us from Czechoslovakia to Finland, Sweden and Belgium, from Czechoslovakia to Sweden, to Malta, to Bulgaria and Hungary, interesting
1920-22 ESPERANTO MigrantaKarto, comp. 2 pcs of correspondence cards Us from Czechoslovakia to France, Germany, Finland and Bulgaria, from Czechoslovakia to Finland, Italy, Germany, Netherlands and Australia, nice postmarks, interesting
1937-47 JUDAICA / CZECHOSLOVAKIA comp. 2 pcs of letters with promotional added print and special postmark MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ and KARLOVY VARY, good condition, sought
1990 POLAR RESEARCH two letters on/for geologickouexpedici "SPITSBERGEN '90", 1x sent from GDR and 1x from Czechoslovakia, transit through/over MURMANSK, cachets, nice quality
1968-70 SCOUTING Pof.A1721 miniature sheet with private added print to 50. Anniv service Czech of scouts, special postmark ditto, in addition scout camp label with value 20h, mounted on/for green basis
1957 SCOUTING postcard with special postmark WIEN 101/ 23.Juni 1957/ 45. years Österr.. Pfadfinderbund, mounted stamp. and advertising label, supplemented with two cachets, Un; good condition
1952 SPORT / OLYMPIC GAMES Winter Olympic Games in Norway, envelope hotel Viking with Mi.372-74, CDS OSLO/ VI. OlympiskeWinterleker/ 23.2.52, addressed to to Austria; good condition