1910-1918 selection of 75 pcs of unused Austrian stamps, teoreticky as Czechosl. forerunner, it contains e.g. mint never hinged Flugposty (Mi.225-27), express 5h triangle (Mi.218) with 4 blank coupons, express 2h rectangle (Mi.219D) with line perforation 12½; : 11½; (c.v.. 150€), line stamp. in 2 color shades, on sheet A4
1920 front side banking valuable letter, franked with. total 13 pcs stamp. Pofis. 26, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 7.VI.20, on reverse underglued other envelope, after all interesting, decorative
1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / PROVISORY collection of stamps with overprints PORTO, "T" and FRANKO on Austrian stmp and stmp Hradčany, rare overprints 10h/10h on stmp Charles 20h for bisected franking, also with forerunner Austrian and Hungarian stamps, placed on free album sheets Stibůrek, interesting
1918-20CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue collection of ca. 250 pcs mainly mint never hinged stamp., better values expertized, it contains e.g. Pof.4D, 6B,11D, 11F II.p, 22Aa, 22Ab, 26a, 26D, stamps with pin hole, PLATE PROOF, 4 pcs of from overprint VZOREC, color shades and plate variety, in 6-sheet stockbook A4, also with in addition 5 pcs of PC, 1 postcard, 48 pcs of cuts more interesting dispatch-notes, maculature and used stamps, cat. min. 16500CZK
1918-20CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / MACULATURE collection of ca. 100 pcs of printers waste, also with several PLATE PROOF, incl. rare pieces, placed on free album sheets
1918-30 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps and part/-s blocks, contains letterprint, plate number and oths., placed in/at flat little-box, suitable for next elaboration
1918-37CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 40 pcs of sheets and parts of sheets, contains Hradčany 1h, 3h, 5h, Portraits, Coat of arms, Landscape, Express, Airmail, O.T., Delivery stmp, Postage due stmp, folded in perforation, some partially torn in perforation
1918-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of stamps, contains Hradčany, Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science, placed on album sheets in 6 spring folder and 4 stockbooks, all in big cardboard box, total 20kg of material, from estate of collector
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection of stamps, contains i.a. Hradčany, Legionaire, Airmail, SO1920 (overprint) and oths., placed on album sheets Stiburek in screw album and on 3 on stock-sheets, c.v.. just of mint stmp through/over 9000CZK, other excluded from sum
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, business supply of stamps, contains letterprint, Hradčany etc.., partially balíčkováno, placed in case, total 5kg of material, from estate of collector, unsorted (!)
1919 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / POSTAGE-DUE - Ornament, selection of more than 570 pcs of, incl. high values, contains also multiblocks, color shades, various cancel., perf, on/for plate A4 and in 2 envelopes, interesting research material
1920-21 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue selection of 38 pcs of commercial PC franked with. Hradcany-issue stamp. various values; various quality, interesting added-print
1918-39CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / MUCHA Alfons motive collection with specialization for production A. Mucha, contains i.a. designs, PLATE PROOF, block of four 20h red on brown paper with machine offset, 14 pcs of entires, stamps Hradčany with overprint T, Postage due stmp, Newspaper stamps with plate number, Express incl. PLATE PROOF and oths., placed on album sheets in spring folder, very nice
1918-45 CZECHOSLOVAKIA big comp. of stamps, contains i.a. blocks of four and multiblocks, bands, perf, plate number, plate variety, placed in 6 stockbooks, all in cardboard box, from estate, suitable for next elaboration, total 8kg of material, it is worth seeing (!)
1918-50CZECHOSLOVAKIA disparate comp. of mainly clear stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 in 3 older stockbooks A4, contains incomplete set Hradčany, Pigeon-issue, issue Chainbreaker, Airmail, SO1920 (overprint), London MS etc.., from stamp. II. republic for example. Košice-issue in blocks of four, Kosice MS, Partisan MS, miniature sheet PRAGUE 50, Airmail incl. cut coupons etc..; part rusty stains, viewing of quality recommended, indeed it is worth seeing!, real value min. 3000CZK
1918-50CZECHOSLOVAKIA big comp. of stamps, contains i.a. Hradčany, perf, plate number, plate variety, whole sheets, placed in stockbooks and on free sheets, all in big box, from estate, suitable for next elaboration, total 17kg of material
1918-70 CZECHOSLOVAKIA comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, contains i.a. Kosice MS 5x, part FDC and oths., partially described and sorted, placed in 5 stockbooks (3x A4, A5 A6), in/at envelopes, all in cardboard box
1939-45 CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA remaining comp. of stamps, placed on album sheets in spring folder, 5 stockbooks, all in medium big cardboard box, total 5kg of material, from estate, suitable for next elaboration
1938-46BOHEMIA-MORAVIA business supply of stamps., blocks and sheets in/at 1 stockbook A4, 3 stockbooks A5 and notebook with archovinou, considerable lot of blocks with plate number Landscape, coupons etc..; worse quality - rusty stains, suitable also for parcels!
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA business supply of stamps., contains gutter, blocks, plate number, plate mark, coupons, newspaper and Postage due stamp., i.a. 1. overprint issue, part stains, in 12-sheet stockbook
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, SLOVAKIA remaining comp. of stamps, placed on album sheets in spring folder and stockbooks (total 18 pieces), also with box with waste, all in big cardboard box, total 29kg of material, from estate of collector
1930-45BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 box with 6 small stockbooks and scattered stamps mainly Protectorate, worse quality, part rusty or stuck together, contains i.a. overprint issue BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, it is worth seeing!
1939-45 SLOVAKIA incomplete collection on hingeless sheets, without overprint issue, mild specialisation - perf, wmk, complete later set, contains miniature sheet For Children-issue with wide L margin, 4-stamp gutter Tiso 10K, newspaper stamp. with overprint, c.v.. ca. 2000SKK
1939-45 SLOVAKIA comp. of stamps, stamps in margin, miniature sheet For Children-issue, stmp with overprint 10CZK without certification, in 8-sheet stockbook
1945CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92./ REVOLUTIONARY small collection of stmp with various overprints, contains ca. 200 pcs of stamp. on 5 unbound pages, small stockbook and 2 pages A5, supplemented with 2 letters, contains i.a. overprints Cheb, Slavkov, Sušice, Svitavy, Nusle, Smíchov - Stibůrek and Poslt, Horažďovice, etc..; mainly good quality
1945-53 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of stamps., blocks and sheets old currency in 4 stockbooks and 1 photoalbum, mainly damaged - rusty stains, after all interesting for examination expert - dates of print etc..
1945-65CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 specialized collection 1945-1965, contains only catalogue plate variety, plate variety, plate marks, retouch, production flaw and color shades, for example. 3x block of four Agricultural Work (Pof.648-650) with registry dagger, Moscow-issue 50h (Pof.384) production flaw perf, all in a luxury state (!), including complete listing all items, c.v.. ca. 26.000CZK
1945-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 wide selection mainly postmarked stamps, miniature sheets and cuts, placed on album sheets in 7 pouzdrech POFIS, 4 pcs of spring folders, 2 stockbooks and little-box, all in big cardboard box, total 33kg of material, from estate of collector
1945-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, i.a. 3x Partisan MS, Pof.853-7a 3x, 930I, 1217II etc.., on 6 on stock-sheets, high catalogue value
1945-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of stamps, miniature sheets and blocks, placed in 6 stockbooks, all in medium big cardboard box, total 6kg of material, from estate
1945-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 remaining comp. of stamps, placed on album sheets in spring folder and stockbooks (total 14 pieces), also with FDC, all in big cardboard box, total 25kg of material, from estate of collector