1910-1918 selection of 75 pcs of unused Austrian stamps, teoreticky as Czechosl. forerunner, it contains e.g. mint never hinged Flugposty (Mi.225-27), express 5h triangle (Mi.218) with 4 blank coupons, express 2h rectangle (Mi.219D) with line perforation 12½; : 11½; (c.v.. 150€), line stamp. in 2 color shades, on sheet A4
1919court letter in the place without franking CDS PŘEROV/ 7.III.19, in the place with Mi.P58 10x (after validity, but allowed) and Pof.DL2, CDS PŘEROV/ 8.III.19, damaged corner, after all exceedingly interesting
Pof.26, 1000h violet with lower margin and control-numbers 200,- + Pof.7, 15h bricky red with wide margin and part/-s control-numbers, pos. 100, lightly hinged
Pof.61, Newspaper stamp 4h, group of 4 items composes simple., pair, str-of-3 and block of four, with various plate mark (teeth and cut notches) in protective frame, for specialist interesting, mint never hinged, cat. min. 800CZK
Pof.105ST, Reaper 10f red, marginal block-of-6 with joined overprint types, slightly shifted overprint in the direction of downward, mint never hinged, cat. min. 720CZK
1928R service letter with Pof.238 3x, VESELÍ above L./ 30.XI.28, addressed to to Třeboně, extraordinary franking, rate for 2x heavier letter, good condition
1920Pof.L3BPp, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h violet, inverted overprint, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, exp. by Gilbert., Stupka, c.v.. 8.000CZK, ribbed paper, after all rare stamp
1929postcard with Pof.188 T. G. Masaryk 50h with cachet "Air-mail day German Benešov 18.III.29", cat. Horka doesn't report; light faded margin postcard, nice postal imprint
1929Reg and airmail letter to Australia with Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 204, 204A, 229, 239, CDS UZHHOROD - AIRPORT/ 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport, on reverse arrival SYDNEY, short tear in upper margin, overall very nice
1929Reg and airmail letter to Los Angeles with Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 148, 187, 189, 204A, 218, 234, 240, CDS UZHHOROD - AIRPORT 6.V.29, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport, on reverse CHICAGO and arrival SYDNEY, short tear in L margin, envelope open from 3 sides
1937PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of bloks of four, from that 1x with margin, plate proof values 10h, 12h and 50h in black color on common paper, all exp. by Karasek., PROFIL, cat. min. 12.000CZK, rare!
1922commercial PC addressed to to Austria with Pof.156, CDS CHRUDIM 1/ 24.11.22, burdened by postage-due 900K, stamp. Mi.119 6x, CDS WIEN 55/ 27.XI.22, for postage due refused, mounted Czechosl. Postage due stamp Pof.DL19, DL24, CDS CHRUDIM/ 30.XI.22, decorative, for specialist interesting, well preserved
1924-25 two insufficiently paid/franked commercial letters from abroad burdened by postage-due, 1 pcs of from Lithuania with Postage due stamps Pof.DL15, DL25 2x, CDS NUSLE 1/ 25.IX.24 and 1x from Malta, with stamp. Pof.DL36 3x, CDS NUSLE 1/ 12.VI.25, wide margins, from ojedinělých destinations, well preserved
1925insufficiently franked commercial letter from Yugoslavia with Mi.169, CDS VELKAKIKINDA/ 4.XII.25, nejprve burdened by postage-due 5CZK, mounted stamp. Pof.DL37 5x in front + Pof.DL34 2x and 37 2x on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 14/ 7.XII.25, redirected, original postage due vyproštěno, now burdened by postage-due 3,40CZK, mounted stamp. Pof.DL28, DL34 and DL39, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 8.XII.25, signs of usage., for specialist interesting, good condition
Pof.SO3A, 5h blue-green, lower corner blok of 4 with plate number and control-numbers, crossways very shifted overprint, 1 stamp. without overprint, for specialist interesting, exp. Darmietzel BPP
1918letter with 20h light red, Pof.SK2a, postmark Scout Mail 14/1 1918, supplemented with postmark Signature from scout/ took over, sent to National Committee to Vršovic; vertical fold and small tearing in margin envelope/-s
1934 HEINZ Bohumil (1894–1940), graphic artist and engraver, printing design/sketch and engraver předloha - line drawing stamps Frederic Smetana (reproduction), format 9,5x7,3cm, hand-made paper with wmk; this design with engraver B.H. ucházel about/by zakázku on/for Ministerstvu post, realizováno to posmrtně, in 1949 (Pof.514 and 515), sound condition
1939Exile issue, Pof.A335, For Children-issue, exhibition in New York, blue text, golden emblem, original covers, worse quality of gum after wrong storage, after all interesting
1940Exile issue, Pof.A335, For Children-issue, exhibition in New York, red text, green emblem, original covers, worse quality of gum after wrong storage, at top miniature sheet 5mm torn and 8mm fold due to nešetrného removing of hinge, after all interesting combination colors
1937LATE MAILING commercial PC sent as printed matter in the place, right franking, posted after/around official hodinách, burdened by surtax 20h as tarifem after/behind late mailing ( shows only some literature ), dokladem are clock data in/at posting razítkách, very little occurring document/attribut postal transport!!
1919CPŘ33, Crown 10f, forerunner Hungarian PC sent as Reg to Austria, uprated with stamp Hradčany 25h Pof.10, CDS POZSONY/ 919 MAR.31, sender V. Weinert, from exhibit, well preserved
1919CRV8, Hungarian PC with overprint Czechoslovak post - Šrobár's overprint, postally Un, CDS TÁTRALOMNITZ/ 919 Jan.24., on reverse light hints of photo corners, rare usage
1920CDV10, Hradčany 10h, Viennese print, sent in postal rate II as Express to Germany, uprated with stamp Pof.4 and 17, CDS CHEB 2/ 9.II.20, arrival NÜRENBERG 2 B.Z/ 10.FEB.20 in front, signs of usage., good condition
1937CDV49, Coat of arms 50h, 2 pieces with additional-printing J. E. Purkyně, both types added-print (various pitch řádků), published in bulletin P.stat, 1x used PC, 1x Un with special postmark; in addition Un PC with commercial additional-printing, good condition, sought
1921bilingual post. blank form "warrant" to transfer money on/for Postal saving bank, with mounted Postage due stamps Pof.DL9 2x, CDS DĚČÍN/ 14.XI.21, originally "Kolku free", on reverse notarial writing/note with mounted revenues 50h and 1CZK/ 1919, rare entires, browny spots, after all interesting
1938ASCH propaganda Ppc sent in the place, with Mi.1 II, Coat of arms, thin overprint 50h (!), CDS AŠ 1/ CP/ 30.IX.38, propaganda overprint, exp. by Mahr., Brunel, very fine, extraordinary usage thin overprint and distinctive characters CP
1938German PC Mi.P226, provisory straight line postmark NEU-ULLERSDORF (Nové Losiny ), on reverse hand-made 17.Nov.1938, burdened by postage-due, mounted Czechosl. Postage due stamp Pof.DL57 and DL61, CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 19.XI.38, non-philatelic correspondence, interesting, from exhibit, good condition
1938Express letter with 10+30+30Pf Hindenburg, provisory straight line postmark DEUTSCH-KRALUP (green), supplemented with censored cancel., on reverse 4 various transit and arrival postmark., for example. nationalized CDS ZOLLAMT KOMOTAU/ 3.XI.38, non-philatelic correspondence, signs of usage., on stmp 10Pf brown spot R, else preserved
1939commercial Reg and airmail letter to Brazil (!), mixed franking Czechosl. stamp. Pof.312, 313 2x + stamp. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA Pof.31, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 21.XI.39, framed pmk "Mit Luftpost nach North America/ and ab New York", round cancel. "D.K./ Prague 7", on reverse transit pmk PRAGUE 7/ AIRMAIL/ 21.XI.39 and NEW YORK/ 5.12.39, envelope in the middle 1x vertical folded and at top unprofessionally open, after all interesting
1939Reg and airmail letter to Vienna, with Pof.L11, L15, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 5.6.39, on reverse air-mail and arrival postmark, open customs control and uzavřeno stick-on labels, good condition, very sporadicky occurring in/at podstatě mixed franking!!