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1919 Mi.33-50, inverted overprint, c.v.. 140€ U:A5
1937-45 comp. 4 pcs of miniature sheets, Mi.Bl.1 + 2 + 3/I. + 3/II.; Bl.2 rare exile issue, two small spots in margin, otherwise nice, c.v.. ca. 140€, catalogue Bl.2 misvalues U:A4
1972 Mi.1451-1456, Summer Olympic Games München (Munich) 72, PLATE PROOF on chalky paper without gum and without perf, exp. + photo-certificate Zrinjščak U:A5
1980 Mi.1824-1827, Summer Olympic Games Moscow 80, vertical imperforate pairs with margin, rare! U:X
2006 Mi.3312-3313, Winter Olympic Games Torino 06, imperforate pieces with margin U:A5
1932 international reply coupon, CDS SARAJEVO/ 16.V.32, good condition U:A5
1924 postcard Sarajevo (letter-card) to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.163 3x, CDS SARAJEVO/ 4.VI.24, filling holes U:A5
1931-37 comp. 2 pcs of airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, 1x as Registered, with Mi.193-194 air mail postmark ZAGREB/ 17.V.31, arrival PRAGUE 82-Airport; Mi.340, 344, CDS ZAGREB/ 16.X.37, transit pmk train post LJUBLJANA–BEOGRAD, ZEMUN, PRAGUE 82-Airport, arrival MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA, interesting U:A5
1940 letter to Bohemia-Moravia, with Mi.394 6x, CDS ZAGREB/ 16.V.40, German censorship, decorative U:A5
1940 Reg letter to Slovakia franked by multicolor franking., CDS PIVNICE ODŽAČKE/ 3.VII.40, arrival SKALICA, censorship, very decorative U:A5
1948 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia two-sided franked by multicolor franking., on reverse Service stmp., CDS VARAŽDIN 5.VI.48, off. document, very interesting U:A4
1943 EXILE ISSUE letter to London franked with. 4 stamp., CDS 27.MAY.1943, interesting U:A5