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1903 Maxa L52, larger part of parcel card with 60H with perfin "L.L./W.", CDS WIEN 14/3/ 31.1.03, same perfin also through parcel bill, good condition U:A5
1902 Maxa M47, larger part of parcel card with perfin "MFRCo." through parcel bill, CDS WIEN 1/1/ 27.1.02, good condition U:A5
1902 Maxa P37, larger part of parcel card with perfin "P.K." through parcel bill, CDS WIEN 1/1/ 5.12.02, good condition U:A5
1902 sloučeno s 101362+101359 U:A5
1903 comp. 3 pcs of larger parts parcel cards with 60H, with perfins "ETTI", "K.&M." and "DM/ C.", CDS WIEN 1/1/ 6.2.03, resp. 14.2.03 and 11.3.03, good condition U:A5
1903-4 comp. 3 pcs of larger parts parcel cards with 60H, with perfins "V.B.", "EB" and "L.Z./ & B.", CDS WIEN 1/1/ 15.4.03, resp. WIEN 10/1/ 28.12.03 and WIEN 6/2/ 29.1.04, good condition U:A5
1918 S.M.S. GÄA, comp. of 3 Ppc sent to Bohemia, censor frame postmark in red or violet color, CDS Etappenpostamt 267, postmark partially overlapped, good condition, cat. Pithart 3x 1.000CZK U:A5
1918 S.M. STEAMER IV. (torpédo depot), frame censorship mark in violet color on/for letter envelope (!), c.v.. Pithart this color doesn't report, censorship on letter from torpedo boat S.M.Tb 86F, CDS Field Post POLA/ 22.II.18, envelope on reverse unstuck, else preserved, incl. content, c.v.. ca. 3.500CZK U:A5
1918 S.M.Tb 86F, torpedo boat, line red postmark + CDS Etappenpostamt 267/ 19.III.18, postmark with overlap on/for letter envelope (!), signs of age, on reverse unstuck lapel, after all good condition, incl. content, cat. Pithart 1.400CZK U:A5
1784 folded letter with red straight line postmark "Von PRAG" (catalogue Votoček. č.1863/1.=200bd), oldest cancel. Prague state post (!), superb print, note. chalk, on reverse whole paper bulk postage charge, archive fold, from exhibit, rare offer, nice quality U:A5
1785 folded cover of money letter on/for 11.000Fl, CDS PRAG/ 18.NOV., supplemented with straight line postmark LAUT ANGABE, addressed to to Rokycany, on reverse good condition commercial also post. seal, poštmistrem marked porto 4Fl 55Kr; rare!! U:A5
1787-1810 comp. 4 pcs of prephilatelic letters with straight line postmarks V:BRÜNN, V:PILSEN, vNEUGEDEIN, VON TARNÓW, high data U:A5
1804 folded cover of letter ex offo, unknown 2-lines cancel. K:K:O:Kr COMRIAT/ in BRÜNN, notice chalk, on reverse whole paper seal, interesting, good condition U:A5
1822-29 comp. 3 pcs of entires with interesting Prague postmarks, contains folded letter from y 1822 with straight line postmark "and PRAG." (Vot.1863/12.), folded letter with frame cancel. "PRAG." (Vot.1863/10-II.stav), note. chalk and folded letter with segmentovým cancel. "v.PRAG/ FRANCO"(Nr. 2959), all cancel. nice readable, very nice quality U:A4
1823-61 comp. 6 pcs of cover letters and folded letters with cancel. BUDWEIS, contains cancel. catalogue of Votoček č.274/1., č.274/2. (2 pcs), č.274/3. + red BUDWEIS/ FRANCO, č.274/4. - blue and č.274/8., nice imprints, nice stav
1827 folded cover of letter, straight line postmark STEINDORF (Kámen by/on/at Habrů, Vot.2328/1.), rare usage, addressed to to Boskovice, note. hrudku "12", lower torn and color stain, after all interesting U:A5
1828-48 comp. 5 pcs of letters with postmarks from East Bohemia, contains NACHOD 2x, POLITSCHKA, CŽASLAU, TRÜBAU, standard quality U:A5
1829-37 comp. 4 pcs of folded letters with cancel. TYRNAU (Trnava), contains red oval pmk 29x10mm (from y 1829) and ditto 22x10mm (from y 1830), rich note. chalk + 2 letters with black oval cancel. 45x20mm from y. 1834 and 1837, nice imprints, sound condition U:A4
1830-49 comp. 4 pcs of folded covers of letters, all with cancel. PILSEN, contains cancel. V:PILSEN (catalogue of Votoček č.1778/1.=50bd.) and line PILSEN (č.1778/2. - blue, catalogue of Votoček doesn't report, No.1778/4. - blue and No.1778/4. - black), nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1830-71 comp. 3 pcs of folded cover + 1 letter, all with cancel. PILSEN, from that 2 pcs as Registered, contains cancel. catalogue of Votoček No.1778/4. - black, No.1778/4. - blue, č.1778/9. + framed pmk REGISTERED./ No. and č.1778/10 + round cancel. RECOMMANDIRT, nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1831-45 comp. 4 pcs of entires (2x folded letter, 1x folded letter) with cancel. HORAŽDIOWITZ, catalogue Votoček. č.818/3., č.815/4. - blue (80 pt) and č.815/4. - black + folded letter with cancel. HORŽOWITZ/ 28.JAN/ FRANCO (catalogue Votoček. č.826/1.), nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1832-40 folded letter from y 1832 with straight line postmark NEUHAUS (catalogue Votoček. č.1550/4. = 80 pt) used about/by 2 years earlier (!), in front also on reverse red cancel. FRANCO/ 13.MAJ, note. chalk incl. postage "6" on reverse, whole paper bulk postage charge + folded letter with blue cancel. NEUHAUS/ 5.Aug. (catalogue Votoček. č.1550/5.=50bd), postal-charge "6" marked in front, both addressed to to Vienna, interesting, nice print, nice condition U:A5
1833-42 comp. 9 pcs of letters with postmarks from South Bohemia, contains BUDWEIS 2x, KAPLITZ, TABOR 2x, WITTINGAU 3x, GRATZEN, good quality U:A5
1833-69 comp. 2 pcs of folded covers of letters from y. 1833 and 1834 with frame cancel. STAAB, catalogue of Votoček č.2300/2.=á 50 pt (Stod), both addressed to to Rokycany, note. chalk + 2 pcs of folded covers of letters with thimple postmarks NISCHBURG from y 1869, catalogue of Votoček č.1612/1. Nižbor), from that 1 pcs of with date 20.6.69 (!), i. e. about/by 1 day former usage then shows catalogue of Votoček, for specialist interesting, nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1833? folded cover of letter with postmaster cancel. KÖNIGSAAL, sample/specimen C.38 (see Monograph No.13, page. 49), author catalogue of Votoček but this cancel. at all doesn't report, as oldest is declared cancel. sample/specimen C.46 from y 1834 (180bd), addressed to to Prague, cover on/for upper also the bottom side light pomačkán and slightly torn, after all exceedingly interesting, postmark very well readable, good condition U:A5
1834-44 comp. 4 pcs of entires with various cancel. Bratislava, contains folded letter with cancel. PRESSBURG (year 1834), folded letter with decorative cancel. PRESSBURG (1836), cover with straight line postmark PRESSBURG (1844) and letter with cancel. PRESZBURG/ 23.OCT. (1845), all small format, cancel. well readable, sound condition U:A5
1836 Reg letter to Bohemia, oval pmk WIEN RECOMANDIRT, light stain, nice imprint U:A5
1837 folded cover of letter with atypical postmaster cancel. OLMÜTZ (Vot.1700/4.=200b.), addressed to to Janovice, on reverse larger part paper seal, good condition U:A5
1838-49 comp. 4 pcs of folded letters with various cancel. OLLMÜTZ, contains segmental cancel. OLMÜTZ (catalogue Votoček. č.1700/4.=200bd), red OLLMÜTZ/ 10.MAI. (č.1700/7.) on letter to France, black OLLMÜTZ/ 31.JAN. (č.1700/6.) and green OLLMÜTZ/ 12.MAR. (č.1700/6.), total catalogue Votoček. 290bd, nice imprints, sound condition U:A4
1838-74 comp. 8 pcs of letters with postmarks from Moravia, contains BRÜNN 3x, IGLAU 2x, GEWITSCH, OLMÜTZ, ZWITTAU, good quality U:A5
1839-48 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters with oval cancel. BÖHM. KRUMAU (Vot.1162/5a) from y. 1839 and 1842 + cover and folded letter with straight line pmk DEUTSCHBROD (Vot.415/3.) from y. 1847 and 1848, well readable print, nice quality U:A5
1840-50 comp. 10 pcs of official folded letters from Slovak territory, interesting postmarks, i.a. DOBSINA, GALANTHA, GÁLSZECS, NEUTRA, SIROKA and oths., standard quality U:A5
1842-47 comp. 5 pcs of entires (1x folded letter, 4x folded letter) with cancel. BRÜNN, from that 2x red BRÜNN/ FRANCO (from y 1842 and 1843), catalogue Votoček. č.247/10. - green, č.247/11. - blue + red REGISTERED. and FRANCO, č.247/11. - blue + red FRANCO, cancel. well readable, sound condition U:A5
1845-51 comp. 4 pcs of entires, contains two folded letters from y. 1845 and 1850 with cancel. NIKOLSBURG (catalogue Votoček. č.1609/4.) and two covers folded letters from y. 1850 and 1851 with cancel. U:HRADISCH (catalogue Votoček. No. 2503/7.), from that 1x blue (Vot.=100bd) and 1x black, nice imprints, sound condition U:A4
1845-68 comp. 3 pcs of folded cover + 1 letter, all with cancel. PILSEN, contains cancel. catalogue of Votoček č.1778/2a - green, č.1778/32a - black, No.1778/4. - black and č.1778/9.), nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1846 folded letter addressed to magistrátu to Leština, blue 2-lines cancel. BUDWEIS/ 28.OCTO: (Vot.274/3.) + additional red cancel. BUDWEIS./ FRANCO. confirming that letter was/were quite paid, cancel. nice readable, on reverse torn paper seal, good condition U:A5
1847-1849 folded letter from y 1847 with oval postmaster cancel. KREMSIER (Vot.1132/5., Kroměříž), addressed to to Brno, line blue cancel. BRÜNN/ 9.SEP. on reverse, + folded letter from y 1849 with straight line postmark LITTAU/ 18 DEC (Vot.1286/3., Litovel), on reverse transit blue double circle pmk OLMÜTZ/ 19.12., both with almost whole papírovými seals, nice quality U:A5
1851 folded militar letter, straight line postmark JAROMIERŽ. + date 18./5. (Vot.899/4.), addressed to headquarters fort in/at Mohuči (Mainz), transported less obvyklou trasou through/over Linec (further see Monograph 14. part, page. 604-6), transit pmk PRAG/19.MAI. and LINZ/ 24.MAI. on reverse, 1x horiz. folded, good condition U:A5
1854 SERBIA folded letter Austrian post, line CDS BELGRADE / 21.APR supplemented with straight line postmark FRANCO, on reverse arrival postmark WILDENSCHWERT; archiving fold U:A5
1878 official folded letter with CDS OLBERSDORF 16/10 79 (Albrechtice) and arc cancel. RECOMMANDIRT, postmaster's note "5x", addressed to to Seifersdorfu; good condition, nice postal imprints U:A5
1928-69 comp. 7 pcs of prephilatelic letters and ex offo, interesting postmarks, M.SCHÖNBERG 2x, FELDSBERG, AUSPITZ, MIELEC, BRAUNAU IN BOHEMIA, BISENZ, interesting U:A5
1850 Mi.1-5, complete the first issue., + Mi.3-5 with L sheet margin, wide margins, various papers U:A5
1850 Mi.1X, HP, the first issue., type I., 1 Kr orange, very wide margins, on small cut-square with whole CDS TRIESTE/ 15.8., nice piece, in addition underlaid middle, c.v.. doesn't report U:A5
1850 Mi.1X, HP, the first issue., type I., 1 Kr, ochre yellow, nice deep shade, very wide margins, almost complete CDS TRIESTE/ 14.12., nice piece U:A5
1850 Mi.2X, HP, the first issue., 2 Kreuzer black, deep shade, L close margin, with plate variety No.31 - white stain in the middle, almost complete CDS PESTH/ 5.1., c.v.. 175€ U:A5
1850 Mi.3-5, the first issue., 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer, comp. 3 pcs of stamps with full offsets on reverse, common margins, 2 pcs with cancel. PESTH, for specialist interesting U:A5
1850 Mi.4, the first issue., 6 Kreuzer brown, T I., very wide margins, by hand cancelled by pen, c.v.. 60€ U:A5
1850 Mi.4, the first issue., 6 Kreuzer, type I., very wide margins, so-called. ""Randdruck" (marginal print)" with part of wmk, hand obliteration (!), interesting, c.v.. 60€ U:A5
1850-63 selection of 26 pcs of stamps with Hungarian postmarks, viewing of quality recommended U:A5
1851 Mi.6 2x, blue Mercure, comp. 2 pcs of cut-squares to Vysoké Mýto, postmark 13/6 and 10/6, nice U:A5
1858 Mi.10-15, comp. 11 pcs of stamps, cat. over 550€ U:A5
1858 Mi.17, Newspaper stamp (1,05 Kreuzer), wide margins, deeper shade, more/larger fragment CDS LINZ/ 23.9., good piece, c.v.. 350€ U:A5
1859-65 Mi.17, Newspaper stamp (1,05 Kreuzer), grey-violet, exceedingly wide margins, fragment CDS WIEN, c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1867 Mi.37 I, Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer rough print, block of four on/for smaller cut-square from letter, rarer CDS HORODYSZČZE/ 9.9., vanished village in/at Haliči, good condition U:A5
1867-83 comp. 15 pcs of stamps with hand-made cancellation, by pen or written datumy, contains i.a. stamp 20Kr/ issue 1883 (Mi.48), for specialist interesting, c.v.. ca. 200€ U:A5
1883 Mi.23, grey-violet, by hand cancelled + fragment CDS, cat. Ferchenbauer 340€ U:A5
1890 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.9B, 25 Kreuzer, line perforation 12½;, quite lightly hinged, c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1890-99 comp. 6 pcs of stamps with hand-made cancellation, from that 3 pcs of on cut-squares, all with whole names places, for example. CHROPIN, SEEFELD, CILLI, and j., for specialist interesting, at value 15 Kreuzer rare occurrence, good quality U:A5
1900 Mi.69, postage stmp Franz Joseph 1H, 2 pcs with hand-made transcription "PORTO" + small/rare cut square with same stamp. with transcription "PORTO" and Postage due stamp 1 Kr Mi.1, issue 1894, CDS DORNA WATRA/ 13.1.00(!), c.v.. ca. 150€ U:A5