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1868-72 comp. 7 pcs of stamps, better values U:A5
1889-1907 comp. 9 pcs of p.stat abroad, various condition U:A5
1912 telegraph card 10Pa uprated with stamp Mi.98, CDS BELGRADE 10.XI.12, nice U:A5
1912-15 comp. 2 pcs of dispatch notes, 1x p.stat 10Pa, 1x with Mi.101 (without cut), off. data, postmark, censorship, interesting U:A5
1851-60 PRE-PHILATELY comp. 3 pcs of folded letters, CDS BATOČINA, JAGODINA and receipt with CDS ČUPRIJSKA, viewing of quality recommended U:A5
1884 letter with additional-printing Royal Cabinet with Mi.22-23, CDS BELGRADE 10/X/84, on reverse arrival HOŘICE, light stains, interesting U:A5