1944KHUST selection of on 2 cards, 20 pcs of various stamps, Pofis. RV174-5, 177-8, 180-4, 187, 190-1, 194, 196, 198, all exp. by Blaha.., 2 pcs of in 2 shades, 3 pcs of nepravý coupon, nice, c.v.. Majer min 4090CZK (Pofis 3360CZK), in addition selection of 21 pcs of stamp. with forged overprint to/at research purposes
1944MUKACHEVO Hungarian stamps with black overprint Czechoslovakia, 19 pieces, M1-19, mostly with lower margin, stmp 30f Crown lengthwise fold of paper, otherwise nice, all exp. by Blaha.., c.v.. Majer 70520CZK
1945 BOROVANY selection of 32 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian stamps (Pof.78-99, 113-122) with overprint "We thank the Allies/ for Liberation/ 5.V.1945", mint never hinged, mark Straka
1945FRENŠTÁT P. R. Liberated Czechoslovakia// 7.V.1945, complete 50-stamps sheet Hitler 5k, overprint also in lower margin, partly detached in perforation, interesting
1945 FRENŠTÁT P. R. Liberated Czechoslovakia// 7.V.1945, ocelotiskový black Opt on stmp BOHEMIA-MORAVIA Pof.87 block of 6, on reverse on/for 3 pcs of partial overprint offset, Pof.93 corner blk-of-8 with overprint also in lower margins counter sheet and Pof.NV17 marginal block-of-4 - turned overprint, for specialist interesting
1945FRENŠTÁT P. R. II Liberated CZECHOSLOVAKIA// 7.V.1945, overprint on part of sheet Hitler 10K, 10 coupons, 90- block, folded in perforation, extraordinary offer
1945FRENŠTÁT P. R. Liberated Czechoslovakia// 7.V.1945, inverted overprint on part of sheet Newspaper stamps II. 50h brown, 72- block with plate number, rare
1945RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA selection of Hungarian stamps with red overprint C.S.P., more/larger complexes with margin or corners, 1x blk-of-10, 1x blk-of-9, 2x block of 6, 1x str-of-6, 2x block of four, 1x str-of-4, 2x single piece, values stamps, 1f, 4f, 8f, 10f, 18f, 2x 24f, 30f, 70f, value 4f - 3x blank field, value 10f with date of print in margin, some stamps minor gum fault, otherwise good quality, exp. by Sablatura..,
1945 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ comp. 3 pcs of letters with with revolutionary overprints, CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 11.V.45, provisional postmark TEPLICE/1945/Č.S.P. and broken-out CDS KRÁSNO n. B./ 11.V.45, good condition
1945CHEB postcard with 4Pf A. Hitler with overprint "1CZK/ Č.S.R./ Pravda/ wins", CDS EGER/ 18.V.45, sender prisoner which/what with vrátil after/around 6 year from penitentiary in/at Bayrethu, exceedingly interesting text (!), well preserved
1945 OLOMOUC Reg letter in the place with 60h and 380h, revolutionary issue Eagle, CDS OLOMOUC 5/ 28.V.45, incl. certificate of mailing, sound condition
1945 PROSTĚJOV emergency newspaper label HLAS LIDU, framed pmk Prostějov/ Zbaven Germanic felons/ 9th of May 1945 in violet color, on small cut-square from newspapers with incomplete address label, good condition
1945 commercial Reg letter with Pof.391 5x, 397 3x, provisional frame cancel. Post Off./ ČESKÝ JIŘETÍN dist. Most/ 12.XII.45 + rubber hand stamp ČESKÝ JIŘETÍN / 1945, B/W bianco Reg label, arrival pmk Ústí n.L./ 17.XII.45 on reverse, good condition, decorative!
1945 provisional newspaper wrapper with Pof.374 4x and 387 8x, provisory straight line postmark POST OFFICE/ NOVÁ VES in/at H., broken-out German CDS with date 17.9.45, sender Management (of) forest revíru Mikulovice, good condition
1945 comp. 5 pcs of entires with provisory cancel. TEPLICE-ŠANOV, KRÁSNÁ LÍPA U RUMBURKA, BEČOV N. TEPLOU, CHOMUTOV 1 and MALÁ ČERMNÁ N. O., well preserved
1945Pof.354-356Mv(4), Košice-issue, selection of shades, plate number, 354Mv(4) with plate number, 354Ms(2) with signature of author Leo Gajdzicy, interesting
1945 Pof.353, Košice-issue - hands 1,50 Koruna, 1x block of four, mixed pin hole in terms of stamp., 1x pair with margin, fine and rough pin hole, c.v.. 900CZK
Pof.353, value 1,50 Koruna, 2 pcs of bloks of four with partially omitted pin hole, 1x in vertical line, 1x in horiz. line + interesting shade light carmine color
1945Pof.355, Košice-issue 5 Koruna, production flaw obrovská stain in the bottom part/-s stamp., through/over complete "LOVE", in/at this size exceptional!
1945Pof.357, Košice-issue - hands 9K, 2 pcs of stamp. with shift vertical perf, 1x to picture of stmp + 1x in addition crossways through/over centre stamps, sought, rare!