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1921-39 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 23 pcs of p.stat, upratings, Ex, postmark, Carpathian Ruthenia, train post, postal-agency, special postmark, interesting selection of U:O5
1920 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 23 pcs of uprated by. Hradcany-issue PC CDV14+22, uprated with stamp mainly Hradčany 5h, contains i.a. Hradčany 20h long bar, PC both spiral types, standard quality U:O5
1925-34 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 25 pcs of p.stat, some better, some more times, standard quality U:O5
1932-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 25 pcs of pictorial post cards, some uprated, standard quality U:O5
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 29 pcs of PC, mainly Us, contains i.a. CDV36, 39/5, 39/13, 40/11, 54/1, 58/1; various quality, c.v.. ca. 1800CZK U:O5
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 32 pcs of p.stat, mainly Us, contains i.a. CDV31b with memorial cancel., 40/9+10+19, 41/7, 46/2 (Us) +5 (clear) +8 (clear), 54/1, 57/5 clear, c.v.. ca. 2500CZK U:O5
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 33 pcs of PC, mainly picture, contains i.a. CDV39/14, 40/3-5, 54/6, c.v.. ca. 1500CZK U:O5
1918-38 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 47 pcs of PC, standard quality U:O5
1932 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / CDV46 selection of 106 pcs, is possible sestavit min. 4 komplety, all Us post abroad, c.v.. ca. 40.000CZK, suitable for specialist, good quality U:O5
1929 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 PC CDV40/1-36 Travel Promotion, complete set 36 pieces, No.10 with special postmark from favor - Un, well preserved to nice, placed in covers, c.v.. 5500CZK U:O5
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA incomplete collection of stationeries, contains 67 pcs of PC, from that 28x with odpovědkou, 23 pcs of letter cards, 4x recording address card, 3x certificate of mailing, 2x CUP, 2x CSZ, C.O.D. postal order, also with 20 pcs of Us p.stat (various), high catalogue value U:K
1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of 63 pcs of various p.stat, contains PC, picture PC, letter-card/-s, address zaznamní card, certificate of mailing, i.a. CDV14, CZL4y, CAZ1, CPL1, part PC and letter-card/-s Us, c.v.. ca. 2000CZK U:O5
1939-45 SLOVAKIA selection of 30 pcs of various p.stat, standard quality U:O5
1945-61 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 CDV90/1-16, CDV91/1-8, CDV97/1-16 (complete), CPH1/1-32 (2x complete), CPH2/33-64 (complete), also with other 39 pcs of p.stat, small part Us, interesting U:K
1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 100 pcs of p.stat, small part Us, standard quality U:O5
1950-70 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. 14 pcs of postal stationery covers, c.v.. 1800CZK, good quality U:O5
1945 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 31 pcs of originally Slovak p.stat with additional-printing ČESKOSLOVENSKO, suitable for study purposes U:O5
1918-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of p.stat, part Us, contains i.a. CDV32 2x, 40 6x, 45/3, postal stationery covers, pigeongrams and oths., special postmark, placed in spiral stockbook Leuchtturm, system Vario, high catalogue value U:Z
1948-90 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of PC with added-print mainly from 80. years and postal stationery covers from y. 1965-90, smaller part air-mail postal stationery cover with memorial cancel., contains also several better items as Písek, postal stationery cover 19-23, cat. according to owner 5800CZK U:O5
1948-55 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of pictorial post cards, contains Peace Race 1955, CDV125/1-4 (2x with light stain), Czechosl. Spartakiad 1955, CDV 124/ 1-3, 5, 7, 8-11, incomplete group of CDV87, CDV88, CDV89, c.v.. more than 2000CZK U:O5
1945-80 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of postal blank forms, partially used, also with učební pomůcky and addition CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 U:O4
1948-90 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / Czech Republic selection of CDV Linden Leaves, Beneš 1948 as CDV87, 88 - 91, CDV Prague - Bratislava with added-print (ca. 40 pcs of), postal stationery cover Svoboda, Husák, Havel with added-print (ca. 50 pcs of), Czech Republic CDV with added-print Us (ca. 20 pcs of), supplemented with ca. 230 pcs of FDC from y. 1958-68, all in/at one box U:K
1960-75 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / POSTAL BLANK FORMS selection of 33 pcs of postal blank forms, good condition U:O4
1945-47 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / PROVISORY selection of 59 pcs of entires with various postmarks from Bohemia and Moravia, part rubber postmark 1945, cash franked/paid, Reg letters; various quality, mainly good condition U:O5
1952 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection 180 pieces p.stat photo postcard, contains better pieces from CPH16 - 34, any other one, big major-part B/W and white paper, smaller part brown, all Un, some set only several chybějících pieces, some set only several pieces, good quality, suitable to supplement or sale, high catalogue value through/over 10000CZK U:K
1950-51 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection p.stat photo postcard CPH3 + CPH4 + CPH5, complete set, placed in new zasouvacím photoalbum, in addition several pieces postally used, nice quality, c.v.. 3350CZK U:Z
1951-52 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection p.stat photo postcard CPH9 + CPH10 + CPH11, complete set, placed in new zasouvacím photoalbum, in addition several pieces postally used, nice quality, c.v.. 3550CZK U:Z
1993-99 CZECH REPUBLIC accumulation p.stat, mainly PC, contains i.a. CDV1X 8x, CDV with additional-printing Vosolsobě, 75 years Muzea and oths., placed in 2 boxes from shoes, all in larger cardboard box, c.v.. 65.000CZK, detailed index inserted, interesting U:K
1993-99 CZECH REPUBLIC comp. of ca. 70 pcs of PC, every něčím interesting, 23x Reg labels and Aposty (as Registered or uprating), Ex, postal-agency Sněžka (Schneekoppe) etc..; 34x added-print (also scout, major-part type C); 15x various (traffic postmark, 2x naivní forgeries, damaged, balonové flights, defects etc..; part postally used, liquidation of collection, profitable for specialist U:O5
1993-97 CZECH REPUBLIC selection forgeries to defraud the post (ca. 66 pieces), CDV 8 + 21A+B + 23, smaller part Un, mostly postally used, some also with uprating on/for higher rate, part evidently posted at the post office, mostly marked according to elaboration in bulletin P.stat, high catalogue value (ca. 4000CZK), suitable to other research U:O5
1994-2000 CZECH REPUBLIC comp. 4 pcs of off. envelopes CSO2, 3, 4, 5 + 18 pcs of PC from that 12x with additional-printing Postfila P4, 5 Köln and Sindelfingen 1994 + 5 pcs of envelopes Czech post - public inquiry most beautiful CDS (Skautská post) + first day sheet Czech Post - Transport railway post office, cat. min. 4500CZK U:O4
1993-00 CZECH REPUBLIC partially specialized collection PC CDV1 - CDV59, part Un, part used also with uprating for higher rate (mostly specialisation), suitable for specialist or businessmen for correspondence after/around uprating, Un in perfect quality, picture set complete with cachet also without cachet, high catalogue value or face-value, liquidation of collection, weight/scale PC 2,35kg U:K
2002 SLOVAKIA picture PC OPL10-18, Castles and castles, comp. 12 pcs of partially rozřezaných sheets A4, sheets with 3 printing fields, shifted prints, various combinations, complete U:Z
1993-2002 SLOVAKIA selection of 170 pcs of p.stat, 126x postal stationery cover, 30x aerogram and oths., small part Us U:Z
1891-1900 AUSTRIA comp. 15 pcs of PC, 13x Us, interesting postmarks, i.a. POSTCONDUCTEUR, mixed franking and oths., nice U:O5
1871-74 AUSTRIA selection of 32 pcs of PC "yellow", printing error, private embossed printing, additional printing, nice postmarks and oths. nice U:O5
1880-1919 AUSTRIA selection of 42 pcs of various p.stat, PC, letter-card/-s, newspaper wrapper, standard quality U:O5
1873-1945 GERMANY selection of 100 pcs of PC, profitable U:O5
1920-43 GERMANY selection of 70 pcs of PC, from that 10 Us, standard quality U:O5
1903-18 HUNGARY comp. 10 pcs of PC issue Crown of St. Stephen, all as Registered, uprated, various quality U:O5
1903-18 HUNGARY comp. 14 pcs of PC issue Crown of St. Stephen, upratings, censorship, standard quality U:O5
1876-99 HUNGARY selection of 23 pcs of PC issue Letter with cipher, mostly Us, part postmarks from Slovak territory U:O5
1889-1929 RUSSIA, SOVIET UNION selection of 29 pcs of p.stat, 26 Russian + 3 from USSR, high catalogue value, 1x stains in margin, otherwise good condition U:O5
1966-85 SOVIET UNION selection of 79 pcs of postal stationery covers with added-print, from that 18 pcs of clear, 14 pcs of uprated by. and sent as Registered, 17 pcs of with special postmark, all addressed to to Czechoslovakia, good condition U:O5
1979-84 SOVIET UNION selection of 90 pcs of postal stationery covers to Czechoslovakia, standard quality U:O5
1877-1950 SWEDEN selection 21 pcs of various p.stat, partially uprated, standard quality U:O5
1879-1945 SWEDEN selection 21 pcs of various p.stat, mostly Us, partially uprated, standard quality U:O5
1993-94 UKRAINE selection of 44 pcs of p.stat sent from Ukraine to Germany, mainly postal stationery cover, part as Registered, part with overprint and first stamp. Ukraine; good condition U:O5
1890-1920 EL SALVADOR selection of 22 pcs of p.stat, placed in spiral stockbook Safe U:Z
1994-95 CHINA selection of 110 pcs of postal stationery covers with New Year's wish, placed in flat box U:K
1873-97 SHANGHAI collection 38 pcs of p.stat, some Us, part duplication, 3 stamps, placed on free sheets, carefully described, standadní quality, it is worth seeing U:O4
1880-1949 WHOLE WORLD selection of 31 pcs of entires from around the world, contains countries as USA, Canada, Scandinavia, i.a. FDC Iceland Mi.247-253, various quality U:O5