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1950-90 AEROPHILATELY / WHOLE WORLD selection of 150 pcs of entires to Czechoslovakia, personal correspondence, added-print, interesting frankings, standard quality U:O4
1946-95 AEROPHILATELY / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., CZECH REPUBLIC selection of 150 pcs of letters, mainly abroad, personal correspondence, added-print, special postmark, interesting frankings, standard quality U:O5
1972-99 BALLOON MAIL / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., CZECH REPUBLIC selection of 29 pcs of entires, 5x postal stationery cover, high catalogue value U:O5
1946-97 MAXIMUM-CARDS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., Czech Republic, SLOVAKIA small collection ca. 120 pcs of in 2 stockbooks for Ppc, contains 100 pcs of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., 3 pcs of Czech Republic, 19 pcs of Slovakia, interesting personality from 40. years (i.a. Neumann, Jirásek, Smetana, Wolker, Štefánik, Palacký, Vančura, Borovský, aj.), Czech Republic 1994 Birds, Slovakia 1993-97, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 Art, Prague jezulátko and oths. U:Z
1960-75 MAXIMUM-CARDS / FRANCE selection of 17 pcs of Ppc, various motives, interesting U:O5
1989-92 MAXIMUM-CARDS / CHINA selection of 29 pcs of Ppc, 8x set, nice U:O5
1931-39 FRANKOTYPES / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection 54 pcs of sheets with meter stmp, only Prague, any other one, anuláty(!), nice print, suitable as sampler U:O5
1928-33 FRANKOTYPES / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection ca. 200 pcs of letters with meter stmp, carefully elaborated, placed in 2 stockbooks, partially mounted to background U:K
1931-38 FRANKOTYPES / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 185 pcs of envelopes with print meter stmp in form of "butterfly", various firm and offices, standard quality U:K
1945-50 FRANKOTYPES / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 68 pcs of envelopes with print meter stmp, mainly in form of "butterfly", various firm and offices, standard quality U:O5
1979-83 SHIP MAIL / EUROPE, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 25 pcs of letters, part Un U:O5
1972-92 SHIP MAIL / USA / SUBMARINES collection 168 pcs of letters with cachets US atomových submarines, mainly by air mail to same addressee, contains cachets all at that time provozovaných submarines incl. submarine NAUTILUS and oths., today already eliminated from transport, much posting postmarks ponorkových zásobovacích ship, for example. FULTON, L.Y. SPEAR, MARION LAKE and oths., placed in spiral stockbook, very nice, detailed index inserted U:Z
1974-78 TOPICAL STAMP COLLECTING / FOOTBALL collection of stmp and miniature sheets issued on the occasion of World Championship in football, in 8-sheet stockbook, high catalogue value U:Z
1900-2000 TOPICAL STAMP COLLECTING / COSMOS, SHIPS larger comp. letters, Ppc, FDC etc.., various countries, placed in box from shoes, suitable for next elaboration U:K
1978-92 TOPICAL STAMP COLLECTING / SHIPS big collection of stmp and miniature sheets, on hingeless pages on album sheets Lindner in/at 10 pcs of superb spiral stockbooks, various countries, descriptions, carefully elaborated, all in banana box, total 27kg of material, it is worth seeing U:K
1978-2002 TOPICAL STAMP COLLECTING / POLAR RESEARCH collection of ca. 120 pcs of letters from various polárních expedic mainly from USSR, but also from Poland, France, GDR, Czech Republic, interesting příležitosná postmark, various p.stat with added-print (USSR) etc.., much pieces also more times; interesting! U:O5
1974-79 TOPICAL STAMP COLLECTING / POLAR RESEARCH / USA, USSR, NORWAY selection of 27 pcs of letters with special postmark, interesting U:O5
1950-2000 TOPICAL STAMP COLLECTING / ART collection of mainly mint stamps and miniature sheets from around the world, part FDC and maximum card, carefully sorted according to painters (for example. Pablo Picasso, Warhol etc..) or according to směrů (for example. Art Nouveau, impresionismus ad.), placed in 4 big ring folders, total 12kg of material, very interesting, it is worth seeing U:Z
1950-80 TOPICAL STAMP COLLECTING / ART collection of stamps mainly with motive of Art and Christmas, in 16-sheet stockbook and on 3 on stock-sheets U:Z
1910-80 PERFINS / WHOLE WORLD collection of ca. 250 pcs of stamp. with perfin from various countries, mainly from Europe U:O5
1919-20 PERFINS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 70 pcs of Hradcany-issue stamps with perfins, on sheet A4, standard quality U:O4
PERFINS / EUROPE selection 430 pcs of stamps Europe with perfins on cut-squares, in envelope, standard quality U:O5
1914-18 FIELD POST / BALKANS selection of 34 pcs of Ppc interesting military unit postmarks and censorship, interesting for collectors postcard, it is worth seeing U:O5
1919-42 FIELD POST / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 34 pcs of entires, mostly FP cards, Us, part as Registered, i.a. Velitelstí group/-s field pekáren 55, censorship, various quality U:O5
1939-45 FIELD POST / GERMANY selection of 120 pcs of letters, suitable for next elaboration, various condition U:O5
1941-42 FIELD POST / GERMANY selection of 17 pcs of letters, personal correspondence U:O5
1914-18 FIELD POST / GERMANY, AUSTRIA selection of 125 pcs of letters and FP cards, placed in 2 stockbooks, various quality U:Z
1914-18 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of 30 pcs of Ppc and correspondence cards, various postmark, 8x printings from army life, interesting U:O5
1914-18 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of 40 pcs of FP cards, various units, censorship etc.., contains i.a. CDS Etappenpostamt CHEŁM, zajateckou post, railway division and oths., standard quality U:O5
1914-18 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of 47 pcs of Ppc with various uniquely designed postmarks and postmarks FP, part interesting as SEEBATALIONSKOMANDO, KORPSBÄCKEREI etc.., also several interesting photo-PC with military theme; only small part worse quality U:O5
1915-18 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of 50 pcs of FP cards, various postmark FP and Etappenpostamt; various quality postmarks U:O5
1906-16 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY comp. 6 pcs of letters, 1x money letter - significant crosswise fold U:O5
1914-18 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of 88 pcs of entires, postcard and FP cards, various postmark, standard quality U:K
1914-18 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / NAVY (Navy) collection of pmk ship post in 3 stockbooks, contains more than 300 pcs of entires with various postmarks, křižníků, torpédovek, člunů and submarines and various units and marine base, i.a. WARASDINER, LIKA, CSEPEL, REKA, USKOKE, TURUL, PLANET, NAJADE, DOLFIN, AURORA, BASILISK, Parníky ANTE STARČEVIČ, XI, X, EGIDA, PELAGOSA, Torpédovky 1, 3, 13, 24, 29, 35, 36, 59, 96, Submarines Ub.5, 6, 31, Airmail station etc.., supplemented with several photo ship and sailors, various quality postmarks, interesting multiple! U:Z
1915-18 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / NAVY (Navy) selection of 21 pcs of entires with various postmarks, i.a. S.M.S. BELLONA, CUSTOZA, MARIA THERESIA, MARS, ZRINYI, S.M. BOOT 73F and oths., censorship, interesting U:O5
1914-18 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / NEMOCNIČNÍ JEDNOTKY selection of 80 pcs of FP cards and Ppc with postmarks various hospital formations as for example. Nemocniční trains, Epidemispitaly, as Malaria Marschkompagnie, Typhus spital etc..; various quality, very interesting! U:O5
1941 FIELD POST / SLOVAKIA selection of 90 pcs of FP cards, Un, various postmark, very good condition U:O5
POSTAL HISTORY comp. 2 pcs of tools, postmark POST OFFICE and kolébka for vysoušení přebytečného ink, good condition U:K
POSTAL HISTORY collection of ca. 170 pcs of lead postal plomb, Pardubice, Litomyšl and oths., placed in flat box U:K
1870-73 POSTAL HISTORY / KAŠPERSKÉ HORY (Bergreichenstein) handwritten book credit notes, 21 described sides with CDS BERGREICHENSTEIN, with signs of usage, interesting U:O4
1921-39 SLOGAN MACHINE POSTMARKS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection 45 pcs of entires, postally Us, part also Slovakia, suitable for topical collectors also specialist, various quality copy-print, overall good condition U:O5
1921-39 SLOGAN MACHINE POSTMARKS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection 45 pcs of entires, postally Us, part also Slovakia, suitable for topical collectors also specialist, various quality copy-print, overall good condition U:O5
1946-76 SLOGAN MACHINE POSTMARKS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., selection 80 pcs of entires with postmarks, postally Us, part also Slovakia, suitable for topical collectors also specialist, various quality copy-print, overall good condition U:O5
1939-43 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / BOHEMIA-MORAVIA nice collection 158 pcs of postmarks, jednotná arrangement, cards 7x10cm, partially mounted to background, contains i.a. PR5, Vamberk, 6a, b, c, České Budějovice - NSDAP, 7, Blatnice, 73, Zlín - Untergau 490 and oths., carefully elaborated, it is worth seeing U:Z
1939-43 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / BOHEMIA-MORAVIA accumulation special postmark, cards 7x10cm, letters and first day sheet/-s, contains i.a. PR5 13x, Vamberk, 7 5x, Blatnice and oths., interesting U:O4
1935-48 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA selection of envelopes and first day sheet/-s with commemorative postmarks, then slogan pmk and oths., placed in box U:K
1940-44 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / CS.FP ENGLAND - FRANCE selection of 23 pcs of entires, cut-squares and commemorative sheets with commemorative postmarks mainly from England, contains 9 pcs of commemorative sheets, 5 pcs of cut-squares - France; mainly good condition, interesting, unusual commemorative sheets! U:O4
1924-45 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 27 pcs of first day sheets, envelopes and PC with special postmark, i.a. KARLOVY VARY, V. Congress of German Philatelists, mobile post office on a bus and oths., standard quality U:O4
1933-45 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA selection of 130 pcs of entires and first day sheets with special postmark, from that 68 pcs of entires from period of Czechoslovakia I., standard quality U:O4
1945 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 55 pcs of first day sheets, i.a. General Patton in Strakonicích, good condition U:O5
1939-42 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / SLOVAKIA selection of 30 pcs of letters and cards with special postmark, part interesting letters with censorship and oths., various quality U:O5
1910-50 ADVERTISING ADDED PRINTS big collection of entires with advertising added prints, partially sorted according to branches, placed in punched pockets in 4 pcs of spiral stockbooks, very high collector's value, it is worth seeing, total 7kg of material U:Z
1898-1901 TEACHING AIDS big selection of about 250 pcs of training forms, all in original cover, very interesting, good condition U:O4
1921-55 RAILWAY POST OFF. / Czechoslovakia I. + II., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, selection 11 pcs of entires with various railway pmk or railroad forwarding with reduced on board sorting, various quality copy-print, mainly good condition U:O5
1900-38 RAILWAY POST OFF., POSTAL-AGENCIES / Czechoslovakia I., AUSTRIA selection of postmarks train post and postal-agencies from Czech region, mainly on cut-squares, placed in 2 screw stockbooks U:Z
1914-18 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of 19 pcs of PC, 15x sent from Russian imprisonment, 3x addressed to to Russia, 1x informative card about/by imprisonment, censorship marks; various quality U:O5