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1943 CROATIA c.v.. Sassone 11a, 14a, Italian postage stmp 30c and 1,25L with double red overprint "N.D./ HRVATSKA/ U" and nominal value "3,50kuna", prepared but unissued local issue for Split, quite mint never hinged, new photo-certificate Predrag Zrinjščak from y 2009, Sassone 3200€, at our place absolutely rare occurrence! U:X
1941 LJUBLJANA Mi.1-17, complete set jugoslávských stamp. with overprint "Co. Ci.", all values exp. + certificate Velimir Ercegovič from y 1978, on stmp Mi.1 and Mi.2 quite small browny dots, c.v.. Michel 540€, c.v.. Sassone 1250€, on/for our auctions rare offer U:X
1918-19 VENEZIA GIULIA, TRENTINO selection of 88 pcs of Italian and Austrian stamp. with various overprints, contains i.a. Mi.19-26, Porto Mi.7 (exp. Bolaffi), also more times same, only 3 pcs of used, c.v.. ca. 630€ U:A4