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1886 K.u.K. FELDPOST-EXPOSITUR No.1/ 8.8.86 + black straight line postmark FRANCO, unpaid letter from manoeuvres, hand-made "Portofrei", transit pmk MARBURG STATION/ 12.8.86 and arrival postmark VELDEN/ 13.8.86 on reverse, address sender: Plevlje, small format, good condition U:A5
1899 K.u.K.. FELDPOST-LEITUNG No.14/ 9/9/99, postcard from town LIENZ to Bohemia, with Mi.51, arrival MNÍŠEK, otherwise nice U:A5
1905 K.u.K.. FELDPOST-LEITUNG No.9/ 30.VIII.05, postcard from manoeuvres in village MILIČÍN, with Franz Joseph 5h blue, very good condition U:A5
1918 PC Bosnia Mi.P8 changed as FP card, with overprints Feldpostkarte (Fieldpost Card) and Portofrei, uprated. stamp. Mi.127, CDS K.u.K.. MITITÄRPOST/ SARAJEVO/ 17.?, on reverse hand-made 17/6.1918, addressed to to Prague, good condition U:A5
1916 FP card with FP Mi. 2x 22 + 24, CDS FP 186/ 13.I.16, military unit postmark K.u.K.. Festungsspital No. 2 in Krakau, to Mostar, good condition U:A5
1905 K.u.K.. FIELD-POST - EXPOSITUR No.26/ 30.VIII.05, imprint of daily postmark on Ppc with 5h, arrival postmark incomplete, in picture side color collage town TÁBOR, nice U:A5
1915 K.u.K.. FELDPOSTAMT (field post off.) 321/ 28.9.15 (!), letter to Switzerland with Mi.147, sent as FP, parallel franking (similar letter see c.v.. Ferchenbauer IV., page. 92), military unit postmarks + line Zensuriert, sent to International red cross to Geneva, interesting, nice quality, cat. min. 400€ U:A5
1915 K.u.K.. FELDPOSTAMT (field post off.) 112/ 6.3.15 (!), postcard to Switzerland with Mi.144, sent as FP, parallel franking, military unit postmarks., well preserved, cat. min. 200€ U:A5
1916 K.u.K.. FELDPOSTAMT (field post off.) 316/ 30.XI.16R-dopis to Prague, framed Reg pmk with hand-made additional writing, round military unit postmark with emblem, well preserved U:A5
1917 K.u.K.. FELDPOSTAMT (field post off.) 26a/ 5.I.17 (light otisk),služební military envelope with pre-printing, sáčkový sample/specimen, sent as FP from Stanislavi to Märisch-Ostrau, subdivision straight line postmark with eagle (incomplete), straight line postmark Portofreie (postage free) Dienstßache, well preserved U:A5
1918 TÁBORI POSTAHIVATAL 354/ 918.JAN.21, Reg letter to Prague, framed Reg pmk with hand-made additional writing, 2-lines postmark sender Kriegsanleihe-Z.stelle/ FP 340, well preserved U:A5
1915 K.u.K.. ETAPPENPOSTAMT (base post off.) 190/ 8.V.15, supplemented with straight line postmark "K.u.K. Etappenpostamt 190", Express card Mi.FP2, uprated with stamp Mi.34A, arrival postmark BADEN b. WIEN 1/ 12.V.15 in front, decorative, sound condition U:A5
1917 K.u.K.. ETAPPENPOSTAMT (base post off.) TIRANA/ 7.IV.17, worse print, postcard to Bohemia, 2-lines violet postmark K.u.K.. Etappenpost (base post) and Telegraph office/ TIRANA, overall good condition U:A5
1917-18 K.u.K.. ETAPPENPOSTAMT (base post off.) CHELM/ 16.VI.17?, birch bark card, four-line military unit postmarks worse readable + color postcard (Skutari), CDS Etappenpostamt SCUTARI (SCHKODRA)/ 4.IX.18, 2-lines military unit postmarks., both entires addressed to to Bohemia, well preserved U:A5
1918 K.u.K.. ETAPPENPOSTAMT (base post off.) BELGRADE/ 30.VI.18,R-dopis to Prague, Reg label + three-line postmark sender, well preserved U:A5
1914 K.u.K.. LUFTSCHIFFERABTEILUNG (Aeronautical Division) / Flugpark No.8, violet 2-lines postmark, FP card to Bohemia, CDS FP 186/ 26.XI.14, good condition U:A5
1915 K.u.K.. FLIEGERPOST PRZEMYŚL / JÄNNER 1915, violet straight line postmark on/for yellow card FP, supplemented with blue round IX./54 + red line ZENSURIERT + black line To Beförderung (transport) geeignet, addressed to to Bohemia, dobná tearing in margin, nice print cancel., rare! U:A5
1917 K.u.K.. LUFTFAHRTTRUPPEN/ FLIEGERETAPPENPARK (Aircraft Base Park) 6, 2-lines cancel. in violet color, supplemented with CDS Etappenpostamt LUBLIN/ 18.VII.17, postcard to Bohemia, bumped corners, good condition U:A5
1918 K.u.K.. KUSTENFLUGSTATION SEBENICO, red straight line postmark on Ppc, supplemented with CDS ŠIBENIK 19.IX.18, light print CDS U:A5
1918 K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppen/ Fliegerkompagnie Nr.42, 2-lines violet postmark, postcard to Bohemia, CDS FP č.536/ 9.X.18, partial overlap postmarks, good condition U:A5
1918 K.u.K.. Luftfahtruppen/ Fliegerkompagnie Nr.24, 2-lines red postmark, postcard sent to Moravia, CDS FP č.511/ 20.VI.18, postmark with overlap, still preserved, in picture side lithography girl's očí U:A5
1914 S.M.S. ADRIA, bicircular cancel. with eagle, supplemented with MC POLA 1/ 1.XI.14, straight line postmark Zensuriert + atypical single circle cancel ZENSURIERT/ S.M.S. ADRIA/ 14.XII.14/ MARINE-FELDPOST, two postcard to Bohemia, readable cancel., well preserved U:A5
1914-17 S.M.S. ADRIA, 1x postal imprint in/at compilation of 5 pcs of Ppc, various censorship marks,, various condition U:A5
1915 S.M.S. ADRIA, green round cancel. with eagle, supplemented with CDS POLA 9.X.15, in picture side sestřelená Italian Zeppelin Citta de Jesi on/for přístavním molu, stain in picture, nice U:A5
1914 S.M.S. ARPÁD, FP card, black round cancel. with date 20.10.14, addressed to to Bohemia, good condition, superb print U:A5
1915 S.M. STEAMER "BALATON", red circular pmk on Ppc ship Sedlitz to Bratislava, heavy straight line postmark, according to text 7.XI.15, interesting U:A5
1917 S.M.S. BLITZ, red straight line postmark., supplemented with red round cancel. same ship and CDS POLA 16.X.17, nice print U:A5
1915 S.M.S. CSEPEL, red cancel. with eagle supplemented with CDS S.M.S. CSEPEL / 15.III.15 + line censorship mark., postcard jachty, decorative! U:A5
1917 S.M.S. CSEPEL, red straight line postmark on Ppc, lightly hinged moisture U:A5
1915 S.M.S. DONAU, violet round cancel. with eagle, supplemented with straight line postmark Zensuriert and CDS ŠIBENIK/ 16.12.? (hand-made dated 15.12.15), official color postcard S.M.S. ZENTA in fight, addressed to to Salzburg, UL corner 2x fold, good condition, cat. Pithart 1200CZK U:A5
1616-17 S.M.S. ERZHERZOG FRIEDRICH, single circle cancel with můstkem, supplemented with CDS Field Post POLA/ 16.III.16 + framed pmk "Zensuriert/ S.M.S. ERZH. FRIEDRICH" supplemented with CDS Field Post POLA/ 20.VII.17, two postcard (1x S.M.S. TATRA) addressed to to Bohemia, good condition U:A5
1915 S.M.S. KAISER FRANZ JOSEF I./ 14.10.15 black circular pmk with date + black circular pmk with emblem, postcard with lighter stains and folds, cat. Pithart 700 + 1500CZK, examination recommended U:A5
1917 S.M.S. KAISER FRANZ JOSEF I./ 19.5.17, round violet postmark with date, almost whole print, good condition, cat. Pithart 700CZK U:A5
1918 S.M. STEAMER "LIBURNIA", violet straight line postmark on Ppc Dubrovnik to Vienna, CDS Field Post POLA/ 17.IV.18, broken corner, otherwise very nice U:A5
1918 S.M.S. MAGNET, violet straight line postmark on Ppc, addressed to to Bohemia U:A5
1915 S.M.S. METEOR, red round cancel. with date 3.5.15 + black round cancel. Field Post POLA without date, unusual, postcard (Pola - Brioni) addressed to to Bohemia, well preserved U:A5
1915-18 S.M.S. ARPÁD, S.M.S. PELIKAN, comp. 3 pcs of entires, 2x ship postmark, 1x K.u.K.. LEITUNG DES SIGNAL- and TELEGRAPHENWESENS, 1x light stains + cut margin U:A5
1918 K.u.K.. SPITALDAMPFER "SZÉCHENYI", violet straight line postmark on Ppc to Budapest, CDS FP 299/ 18.V.18, broken corner, sought U:A5
1915 S.M.S. SANKT GEORG, fitter's shop on/for ship, CDS SANKT GEORG/ 7/3/15, censorship, sender Neminář, Frenštát p./R., cut, after all exceedingly interesting U:A5
1918 S.M.S. SATELLIT, red straight line postmark on Ppc U:A5
1917 S.M.S. STREITER, red straight line postmark through/over CDS POLA/ 18.XI.17, envelope incl. content U:A5
1917 S.M.S. SZAMOS, blue double circle pmk with emblem, supplemented with CDS FP No.299/ 9.VII.17, sought Danube Flotilla (!), both cancel. with partially overlap, postcard addressed to to Budapest, good condition, cat. Pithart 4500CZK U:A5
1915 S.M.HULK "VULKAN", red double circle pmk with emblem (diameter 33mm) + CDS ŠIBENIK/ 12.8.15, smaller incomplete-printings postmarks, else preserved, cat. Pithart 2200CZK U:A5
1916 S.M.S. VESTA (tanker), violet round cancel. with eagle and black round cancel. S.M.S. MONARCH/ 8.1.16, postcard (Prijedor), addressed to to Bohemia, good condition U:A5
1915 S.M.S. ZARA, violet round cancel. with eagle, supplemented with black CDS S.M.S. MONARCH, light imprints U:A5
1914 S.M.S. ZRINYI, black round cancel. with date 15.X.14, on Ppc Malta addressed to to Bohemia, nice imprint, good condition U:A5
1914-18 comp. 8 pcs of Ppc sent from ship : S.M. BOOT 52, ZRINYI, RADETZKY, TEGETTHOFF, THERESIA, WIEN, HABSBURG, STEAMER VII., various quality, it is worth seeing U:A5
1917 S.M. BOOT "39", red round cancel. with eagle, supplemented with CDS POLA/ 29.I.17 U:A5
1915 S.M. BOOT "65 F", violet round cancel. with eagle, supplemented with violet line censorship cancel. + violet line S.M. BOOT "65 F" and CDS CASTELUNOVO/ 15.IV.15, postcard port Kotor, nice print cancel. U:A5
1914 S.M. BOOT "16", violet straight line postmark., CDS ŠIBENIK/ 3.10.14, light fold in corner U:A5
1916 S.M. BOOT "76T", comp. 5 pcs of Ppc with print red 2-kruhových cancel. with eagle, supplemented with CDS Navy Field Post POLA, all on one addressee to Bohemia; part incomplete print; good condition U:A5
1917 S.M.Tb "89F", red round cancel. with national emblem, CDS Field Post POLA/ 21.I.17, postcard Dubrovnik, cat. Pithart 79B, nice postal imprint U:A5
1916 K.u.K.. FLOTILLEN-WERFT CRACOW, violet 2-lines cancel., big letters, supplemented with CDS Etappenpostamt No.186 - incomplete print, FP card, sought Vistula Flotilla, rare occurrence, arrival postmark LOMNICE N. P./ 18.8.16 in front, rare offer, nice quality, cat. Pithart 6000CZK U:A5
1916 K.u.K.. FLOTILLEN-WERFT, violet 2-lines cancel., small letters, supplemented with black straight line postmark "VON DER ARMEE IM FELDE" - blurred print, FP card, sought Vistula Flotilla, rare occurrence, quite rare offer, still known only 3 pcs of provided with this 2-lines postmark, good quality, cat. Pithart 6000CZK U:A5
1916? S.M.S. INN, Danube Flotilla, red double circle pmk with eagle, supplemented with straight line postmark "Feldpost (Field-Post)", postcard (Budapest) sent to Moravia, nice imprints, undated, very good condition U:A5
1916 K.u.K.. MARINEDETACHEMENT FIUME, blue straight line postmark., supplemented with red straight line postmark "Hadiszoipa at/ Pomómentes", FP card sent from submarine (!), sender: Š. F., S.M.U. 31, Fiume, nice quality, rare U:A5
1918 S.M. U-BOOT "15" violet straight line postmark on Ppc to Moravia, CDS Field Post POLA/ 27.VI.18, good condition U:A5
1914-16 K.u.K.. MATROSENKORPS/ 15.KOMPAGNIE, K.u.K.. MARINE - MUSIK - COMMANDO, AUSRÜSTUNGSDIREKTION and SEEARSENAL, comp. 3 pcs of Ppc with interesting 2-kruhovými cancel. various marine formations, addressed to to Bohemia, good condition U:A5
1917 PUNTA ACCUZZO, violet straight line postmark., CDS Field Post POLA/ 4.VI.17, it is not ship, probably observation place, lighthouse etc.. in/at surroundings Pula (ital.: Punta = výběžek pevniny, Accuzzo = místopisný name), postcard addressed to to Croatia, bumped corners and small fold at top, interesting, good condition U:A5